By coujeaux
Date: 2004 Oct 20
Comment on this Work

Sub Conscious

Nestled thee unto nascency, prostrated 'fore übernoctrined unwilling, slow to acquiesce, effervesce;
Yon silken hooks of astraline hinterlands drape themselves upon encalmed countenance, encaress.
In dayscape, limitation far as eye can see, finite reasonreach, equations capture distant glitterland;
Yet come resurrection of a highnoired sentinel suborning bluetint solacelight, we assume command.
Possibilities whisper come hither, depart the uncomfort of flesh for enflashened instants, free reign;
There exists nothing in this place without thy fondest whim to will incarnation; master, your domain.

Trepidation in faraway heretofore unknowns, give fleshchildren powers penultimate, gauge success;
In dreams lie noworld laboratories where imagimanic conquerors recreate reality to fail slightly less.
Slice of life, sterile metronome, then off you go into etherhome with a sip, puff or enshrined in a pill;
To worship the imagery and information of some parallel dreamer richened off the profit of your will.
Trudging through realistic murk to let others do your dirty work, be not bothered with staking claim;
Right and proper to be content indoctrined to what others present as the gospel by any other name.

Sanctum night, sanctorum delight, lay me down to let me free, I find peace of here exploring there;
Knowledge chaining me back in the corporeal realm that so much of me is requirement somewhere.
Epilogue to my reanimation encased within instructive, instinctive sensations that guide me, hinting;
That the simplicity of corazonian finitegasp ambitions are not due process for lifetravails unrelenting.
Lest not ye succumb to existing under callous thumb, to state it simply, we live to learn who we are;
Lessons appear and shroud too fleet, evading capture in cycles incomplete 'til we observe from afar.
