By Influence
Date: 2004 Dec 09
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As I look on from afar and look ahead in the distance I think of today and I observe my space, my environment all around me.
Sometimes I'm depressed and distressed...flustered and confused...I look around again at this place I see and I look and watch and stare out of space...
For my mind's not here right may knock and you won't hear an answer nor a reply...
You may wonder for a while, considering where she could be...You may ask me...but unfortunately you won't hear a sound come out from my mouth...though ajar it attempts to utter a word but alas, Silence is heard in the stillness of the air!
Not a sound, not a whisper, not a voice, word or tear...For fear you may run away to return once again to knock, but it's the same, for my mind's not here!
Can one break my trend of thought, or snap me back to reality?
Where am I? Who am I? Where did I go? Have I lost my identity...I'm left in a trance to discover me...
Please hear my thoughts through eyes that stare in the distance...Please listen carefully to what has no sound!
Please!...Please!...Please!...What's left to you is to conclude this state...this being that's all messed up and confused, but yet still lives on in existence to awake to a new day!!!
Please...Talk to thoughts cry out to you!
Please! Take the time to listen...