By Misti
Date: 2005 Feb 14
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It All Comes Down to the Goddamn Laundry

forget how well we fuck each other
forget how well we love each other
in all ways great and small
forget the fun we have smoking pot
drinking MGD with Jeff
talking about "Napoleon Dynamite"
forget my chapbook
forget your "Tales From the Tweakside"
forget our dreams of Molly Marie
and a house in Austin
it all comes down
to the goddamn laundry
mountains of dirty laundry
not enough quarters
you falling alseep to "Elf"
while I brave the laundry room
too late at night
visions in my head
of maniacs and monsters
as I sit alone on the counter
waiting for a madman with a chainsaw
or a werewolf with blazing red eyes
to walk through the door
and tear me to bloody pieces
yes I am neurotic
but I know I need a switchblade
I'll keep it in my right boot
as I sort out the underwear and socks
and Goodwill clothes
you're convinced someone will steal
if I leave them in the dryers