By willtobe1
Date: 2005 Mar 28
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Hidden Curves All Unfolding (leaves of Unrequitable)

...I'm alone now
    In the hot pelting water and billowing steam
    But a vision is rising, a gauzy white dream
    Of you in the bath piled high with soft foam
    Your hair, neck and shoulders
        and one arching knee
    And a candlelit wineglass are all I can see
    Then you rising slowly
    Hidden curves all unfolding
    While I'm pouring water, warm, fresh and clean
    Rinsing away scraps of suds that still cling
    Cascading in sheets down your soft-muscled back
    Rushing downward and outward and inward and then
    Falling off from between as a crystaline curtain
    No no! Don't turn around!
       let the urgency linger-
    Even in dreams some must be saved for later!