By darby
Date: 2005 Sep 09
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Family Guy and Freckles

  Without you I'm ok, I really am, I promise, I'm really alright.  But the wierdest things keep throwing me off.  Like the other day when I was flipping channels I happened to stop on a rerun of Family Guy, one of my favorite shows, which now, I apparently am incapable of watching.  I just kept thinking how you were the one to introduce me to it.  You were so insistent that I love it as much as you did.  And so my once held-together self slipped away.  Of all the things to have an emotional breakdown over- Family Guy.  It's just so fucking ridiculous I could throw up.
   So anyway, I decided to turn off the television, because it was just too dangerous at that moment.  I made it through the rest of the day alright without thinking of you.  Ok, so that's a lie, of course I thought of you, just not in that 'I'm-never-gonna-feel-your-skin-next-to-mine-again-and-I think-it-might-kill-me' kind of way.  Then late that night, while washing the dishes I happened to notice the freckles on my arms.  I mean, I see my freckled arms all the time, but how often do I really notice something like that. You did. Remember the time you told me you loved my freckles, but the ones on my arms were uneven?  When I asked what you meant, without hesitation, you said my left arm had more freckles than my right.  And for some reason, I've always thought that was the greatest, most sincere thing you ever said to me, noticing a little detail about me I'd never even realized myself, and saying it like it was obvious.  For me that's a million times better than a million general compliments. Needless to say, the dishes didn't get washed.  
   I know I've been rambling, but if you're still reading, I guess I'm just trying to say that I miss you and maybe I'm not ok, but I will be soon.  I'll have to be I suppose, because I know you're not coming back.  Plus, the dishes are piling up in the sink and I really miss Family Guy.