By girlonthewing
Date: 2006 Jan 08
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Tell Me a Story

There once was a girl, who shall remain nameless...and this girl was so mixed up. She never knew what direction she was facing, but she always felt a constant pull and assumed that was north. Years and years of fighting forwards toward whatever she thought was drawing her, and one day she opened her eyes and asked herself, why? That was the day she decided to close her eyes and just go....go with every whim, every urge, everything she ever felt. Leaving the one steady influence in her life, and realizing that constant pull was the heavy arm of a vindictive love. She let go. She just let go.

Independence opened her eyes to many things, drugs, sex, love, knowledge, and she began realizing that her place in this world was much bigger than she ever imagined. Every step she made had an impact and she knew that. Slowly she began weeding the toxic people out of her life and only kept those with something to devote to her near. Devotion, selfless affection, these people gave of themselves without question. Of this group of people, one in particular found something in this girl, something he thought was worth holding onto.

He loved her with every cell in his body, every way he knew how. Now in turn, this girl, this wild, unruly girl....she loved him back. She loved him back, every way she knew how, with every cell in her body. She loved more than his physical self, for the first time in a long time. She loved his mannerisms, his thoughts, his talents, his sensitivity, but more than all of that she loved the way he looked at her. The way his eyes roamed her face and body so delicately, so tenderly, so lovingly, as if his eyes could break her. This girl, this wild, unruly girl....for the first time in her life found someone to handle her with care. Someone who would not only never allow her to fall alone, but would help her up each and every time. Someone who was willing to help her find the little answers to the big questions. Someone who was not only her equal but her link. For everything she lacked he made up for, for every quirk that she felt left her incomplete....he brought it together. For everything he lacked she made up for, for every quirk that he felt left him incomplete...she brought it together. They were a match, a match made in a jumble of drugs, sex, love, they were learning together. Learning to love, learning to live, learning to be.

These two. More than any philospher could ever put into words, they had figured out the answer to all of the big questions with that first kiss, standing over a toilet with powder on their noses.