By Brandy Everett
Submitted by girlonthewing
Date: 2006 Jan 08
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There's something special about you. You make me breathe heavier and sometimes make me a little bit dizzy. When you're around, I can't stop staring into your eyes and your smile is perfect. If I could tell you one thing, it would probably be that you have been on my mind since I kissed you at Area, chain-smoking to play off the butterflies I had in my stomach. You have everything that I've wanted for so damn long. It's funny how something can be so amazing in one person's eyes and be completely meaningless in the other's. Wow...I don't know how I let this turn into a clumsy confession of feelings...I'm sorry.

Drugs, heartbreaks, desire, love letters, red roses, phone calls, smiles, touches, hate, promises, synthetic happiness, anger, need, want, first kisses. None of it matters anymore. Erase all of the shit that's been done. Rewrite everything from here.

You want me to help you find happiness? I'll take you to a park and buy you cotton candy. I'll hold your hand and steal kisses in the rain. I'll take your picture and write you poems. I'll scratch your back and watch you sleep. I could be your anti-depressant.