By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2006 Jan 15
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rainy day

it finally rained last week though i was hoping it would rain for a week but i will be content and not complain.  however today i will pretend it is raining again, i love the rain.  i will cook chili and race to the car quickly with my umbrella so i don't get wet.  the neighbors will think i have gone insane, and maybe i have, but the rain reminds me of you.  i will stay inside and wear my pj's as i dig deep under the bed for the box where i keep you, the love notes.  you come to life when i read them.  though we talk most everyday and share our deepest feelings now, the love notes are still special.  strange how we never shared our inner thoughts when we were together, always fearing rejection.  but now time has lapsed and we have started new lives we seem to be closer than ever.  today as i listen to the pretend rain, i will pretend we are in love then and enjoy our time together and laugh.  i may have a glass of wine mid day before i close this box and save it for another rainy day.