By Abogada
Submitted by abogadalbny
Date: 2006 Mar 31
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Shark Bait

I love this night--
All that it is and all it will ever be--
For this is the night before we met.
When we meet tomorrow,
It is never to be again.
Better, yes,
But never this night--
Never this unknown.

Will he see my dark eyes and pretty smile?
Or will he focus on that tiny scar on my face
And the fact that my hips have widened again?
I am smart in my mid-thirties old age,
I know the secret now:
Whatever I believe, stands out most.
(Pretty smile or scar? Dark eyes or wide hips? It's up to me.)
He'll fall for it,
Because guys tend to fall for most anything if women believe it enough
And lawyers have a way of convincing people
Of ridiculous things.
(Johnny Cochran, rest his soul, could convince even
Hugh Hefner that my hips are thin and the scar is just a sexy mole!)

All I know is this:
I will be in love again.  It will happen for me again.
I know it like I know that old winding road
That ran past my childhood home,
Just where it turns to the rickety bridge and meets the
Strawberry farm--I know it as good as that--better even.

I've never seen this man, but
I can close my eyes and feel his breath on my skin
And his love in my heart.
I know it to be true.
For it is not only sharks alone
Who swim in waters this deep.