By DrunkenLobotomist
Date: 2006 Jun 17
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She smiles and wears that tight brown shirt.
Coffee still hasn't come but you're both too drunk to notice.
You're talking something about gypsies and road-dust being magic.
She rolls her eyes, but smiles again.
She catches you watching her lips.

Thirty-five minutes later and you're sprinting down the ally behind that big antique store.
That asshole cashier in the 'Wonder Bread' t-shirt gave up two blocks ago.
She laughs and coughs and stops herself against a dumpster.
You pin her roughly against the bricks and kiss her like it was punishment.

Back in her kitchen and she's suddenly shy.
"A hug would be okay," she says.
You hug her.
"We can do what we did the other night," she says.
Your hand slides down to her hips.
You shiver.
She smiles and takes off that tight brown shirt.