By Abogada
Submitted by Abogadalbny
Date: 2006 Jul 21
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A Shark's Tale

I would tell tawdry tales
That summer
Of my clients' innocence
And my love of living alone.

I would walk miles in the hot sun
And spend long evenings at the gym
Just because it felt so good to feel something real
Even if it was merely the pain in my joints
And the taste of my own sweat.

I'd repeat mantras such as
"Every accused is entitled to a zealous defense," and
"I don't need anyone to love me."
But most nights I couldn't remember
How to believe either one.

All in all they were quiet, humid days
And I spent most of them
Elsewhere in my mind
Envisioning and perfecting
A coupled life of virtues
That had yet to appear
But existed, nevertheless.