By Abogada
Submitted by Abogadalbny
Date: 2006 Sep 14
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Letter I wouldn't bother to send and he wouldn't bother to read

You kissed me just long enough to give me your cold, you heartless bastard.  You were a great kisser but it still wasn't worth it.  I could forgive you for everything except the cold, because it has really sucked.  It's only been a few days and already I am forgetting if I was into you at all.  You were right--I wasn't that into you.  I'm shocked at my own ability to recover in my old age.  I still think you have beautiful eyes and a sharp mind.  I can see us as friends, perhaps, but probably not.  I love my new place and it is beautiful and you will never see it but it is gorgeous and you wouldn't have appreciated it or me anyway.  I liked you, but the world has something better planned for me, doesn't it?  Shalom, man who held my heart and my hand for a moment.  Shalom.