By willtobe1
Date: 2006 Sep 30
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This Kiss (leaves of Unrequitable)

Back out on the porch in the balmy salt air
With a laden wind lifting  
    your still damp edged hair
We stand at the rail looking somewhere out there
Over white-capping seas lit by million-star skies
And the pearl-silver glow of a moon
     soon to rise
All reflecting in brightly anticipant eyes
That I suddenly find are turned upward to mine
And dancing,
As if to the tune of a barely heard chime:
    "Now's the time
         now's the time
             now's the time
                 now's the time..."

But wait! This won't do! it's too plain and simple
I need for this first kiss to be extra special!
So come,
Take my hand, and I'll lead you inside
To the crackling fire and a soft blanket pile
Kneel down on the floor, palms to front,
    facing me
Close your eyes and we'll get
    just as close as can be
Without touching! Held apart by force!

Can we feel without touch?
Close our eyes but still see?
Let the world fall away now
    lift us drifting in space
Let's be nothing but us now
    mind to mind, face to face

We're both ends of a magnet
In suspended attraction; in separate union
Like a moon and a planet
Or like empty bookends at imperfect attention
Weaving and wavering and savoring the tension
Of bodies that almost but then not quite meet
And each near-miss quivers with tingles of heat

And your breath shudders rhythmicly, surf-like on mine
Humidly hinting a warm musky sweetness
Thrilling my senses like fine subtle wine
With its whisper of innermost intimate secrets
That draws me in closer and closer until
I can't stop myself, and our parted mouths meet

Lightly at first, dry from breathing, yet firm
Then softening, turning, to match curve to curve
Then harder and wetter and slicker and faster
As the giving-in gains the more dominant power
And quicker than flickers of flame races outward
Consuming like paper the forces that part us
While attractions we felt all along that remain
Suck us into each other like great curling waves...

Waves that start out as ripples on separate shores
Waves that swell with the need to achieve
     Something More
Waves that crest every dam for just one moment's sake
     arching higher with heightening anticipation
Waves that find and combine headlong forces and break
Into thousands of sky-flung, moon-shimmered sensations
And collapse then in undulant, up-heaving wakes