By rennielorca
Date: 2007 Jan 04
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I'm Perfection=Imperfection

I'm Perfection = IMPERFECTION

Hard to say you loved and now don't love anymore, but a good step into loving yourself enough to heal from being wounded. You'll be stronger, better at love and happier, much happier in the future.

We're all flawed, and can love each other inspite of these flaws. Be a gem. Don't worry about being a perfect diamond. The idea of perfection is flawed when it comes to this world. Even the world has a wobble, fault lines, hot furies and cold sides.

The idea of I'm perfection equals IMPERFECTION. If you're determined to be a diamond, be a diamond-in-the-rough. Be flawed, it gives character to a perfect surface. It makes you stand-out where another flawed and loving soul, a real gem can find ya.

© 2007 Rennie Lorca