By Abogada
Submitted by Abogadalbny
Date: 2007 Mar 24
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Those Dreams

We always start Saturday mornings at the coffee house on Union,
No matter how early we get there, there’s still a line.
I kiss you quickly before going in the store
Handing you my little black poodle’s pink leash
Which you so dutifully carry
Looking sexier still, as you watch after a little girl dog
With the same caring that you display
Watching after me.
I’m third in line now and I look back
See you knelt down beside the dog, talking to some
Man and his children, as they pet her, and you smile--
We’ll walk from here up to the Farmer’s Market on King Street
Where we always get vegetables for the grill
And flowers for the table
And admire the art, but never buy any.

Later, I fall asleep outside, in the sun.
And wake up telling you that I had that dream again--
Where I am alone, somewhere South and hot
Driving a silver convertible
And living in a penthouse
And the dog and I are without you--
You kiss my cheek and suggest that I lay off the Pisco in the afternoons.
I pull you close, kiss you on the lips, and laugh—(thinking that it was so real)
Happy real life
Is much better than those dreams.