By kevin urenda
Date: 2007 Apr 10
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it was the second day in Apri

a moment when every single dream
I’d ever had melted away
and the fantastic took on corporeal form
in the orange light of that fading Friday evening
there I was locked, loaded and pointed
at the rabbit hole from which there was no return
once I unlocked the door, pulled the handle and fell in

no longer the image of a woman lithe and inviting on the bed
but the reality of you, startled awake by my entrance
the angst and anticipation about to be burned away
with the remaining fog of your sleep
in the light of two suns – you rising and me setting
two halves suddenly become a critical mass of emotion
as we burned white hot
incinerating every broken promise two lives had endured
ready to forge the first magic that would be all our own
