By Ali
Date: 2007 Oct 01
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You know that feeling in the air, right before a storm?  The wind is blowing warmly and it feels like, any moment, something might spark.  Your breath begins to catch, as the air rushes and surges past you.  It's almost like you could reach out and touch the wind--it feels that real, even though you can't see it.  There's a certain smell, too; it's dark and rich, but something that you can't really transcribe--only recognize.  It's like a promise, a foreshadowing of the possibility that, sometime, it might rain.  But you don't know what kind of storm you'll get--whether it will be just a few soft raindrops, or a thunderstorm to shake everything into something else.   Maybe there will be fog, or a rainbow.  

But the best thing to do, when it's about to rain, and you can feel everything hurling toward you, the wind unhinging itself in a matter of seconds?  Stay in bed.  Grab a blanket, and curl up.  Of course, not alone, if you catch my meaning.

That's how I feel right now--like a storm is coming, undeniably.  And I have no idea what kind, or if the rain will fall so hard, and the wind will blow so strongly, that the drops will crash sideways--almost impossible, right?  Something that shouldn't be, but is, anyway.  A force of nature.  The air smells of chaos and promise, and I can feel everything changing, the wind blowing secrets this way and that.  It's going to storm.  It's just a matter of time, I guess.

My only question is this--my blanket, or yours?