By Ali
Date: 2007 Nov 29
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the way it went

The dream-red
fear fell, like an eclipse
over a sun I couldn't see,
and it was a quiet
two parts love
and one part liar,
and then just stir,
and add disaster--
trust me, you don't
want to witness the genesis
of the miraculous monster
that emerged.  

Joan of Arc, she fell again,
a little less Eden than Eve,
on a wayward pilgrimage
to Babylon, stopped
by a nonexistent prayer,
and every space
was laid bare, thrown open
only to be thrown
by the way it went--

No matter
that it was something wicked,
and this way was the way it came.
No matter the rebellion
in heaven, in pursuit
of a hell that burned
with a bright copper promise--
this love,
it was a fool's paradise,
and sufficient to stand,
I did, and I did not,
sufficient to fall,
I could, and I could not--
but when the moment
promised pandemonium,
and the dream-red fear
fell, love emerged
in another skin, the touch apple-red
and full of denial:
he broke, or was already broken
it is impossible to tell.