By lilla
Date: 2007 Dec 01
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hot and chaste

many times
on rowdy Marina evenings
over endless buckets of beers
i get teased by our friends
how i re-virginized myself
by not even trying
to sleep with just anyone

how about some good-lookin stranger
i don't have to get his number
for as long as i have a name
to cry out during climax
with best dude may be
he's crazy over me
how about xander-the -great
after a night in a bar
or that cute Justinville boy
i once rode the bus with
and yeah, that best-kisser ex
who's at my beck and call
better yet, my lil gurl's dad
for sake of old times

i agree that my bed
has gone cold and lonely
my favorite pillow
wrinkled and old
when you’ve got provoking friends
youre thrown in a dungeon of lions
man, ive got offers too tempting
theyre like ice cream and lollipops
So there  really is something missing.

… until I wake up  
and see a face like sweet candy
on lazy Monday mornings
am decided to keep my belt on
and save the key like a locket
i shall take with me all the time
ohhh that bling it bears one name