By Cryingshame58
Date: 2008 Jan 06
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I Didn't Dream It....

you looked into my eyes and said "I'm sorry" a half dozen times....the second time around i told you that the first "i'm sorry" was enough, announce to me this conversation didn't happen...i didn't say "yeh or ney" --wanted to hear your "yappin" validated me that i did nothing wrong and then a few minutes later you mentioned "our song" spilled your regrets and mentioned the other times you ignored the times me met...
you admitted it was your self centeredness that caused all my pain and i allowed you to talk til you had nothing more to say....i didn't say what i planned to say i'm such a joke...i listened to you when i should of told you to piss up a definitely are my kryptonite and when asked what i thought...i told you i didn't know--that i had to process and go home...insisting on walking me to my car I demanded NO WAY...we compromised and you walked me half stopped at the curb as i crossed the street...again you brought me pain while i was again can i let you off the hook when you nearly destroyed my life plus what all of me you's to late to go over this again in my head--you will haunt me til i am dead...