By ~Harem~
Submitted by ~Harem~
Date: 2008 Jun 01
Comment on this Work


I don't think that I will ever think about
vacuuming the carpet - in quite the same way

And who ever said that life ends at 40 -
has never reached that point - or is
already half dead.  LOL

So a few years ago - I had my grandchildren
and their parents staying with me for awhile.
One evening when I was having a particularly
amourous time with my partner - I forgot that
we had kids in the house.  I got a little
carried away, and must have made enough noise
to disturb the grand kids.

The next day, they asked their mother (my daughter),
what was wrong with Grandma ?   Is she alright ?
What was she doing in her bedroom last night ?

Their mother did not know what to say to them.
Obviously she had an idea but did not want to
say.  So she told them that Grandma was vacuuming
the carpet in her bedroom.  The kids accepted
her explanation - all except for the oldest boy,
who said, "I don't like it when Grandma Vacuums."
"I wish she wouldn't do it so late at night."

I was most embarassed when I heard about this
incident and the comments too.

So, no, I won't be vacuuming anymore when the
grand kids are here.  They finally moved into
their new house.  

So now, I can pull out my Hoover at any time,
and yell "EUREKA"! -  whenever I want -
without worrying about a Listening audience
down stairs.

And to the rest of my audience that reads this -
"Yes, there is Life after 40".  The Best Kind.
