By ~Harem~
Submitted by ~Harem~
Date: 2008 Sep 23
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An addiction called Love

If it hurts - it's addiction
if there's pain - it's not love
If the time you're together
is euphoric sublime
but when you are separate
it's aching you find
then the relationship's a drug
that gives you your highs
but when you're without them
you painfully cry
and you find that you're clinging
like a withering vine
then you know it's dependence
and not the real thing
you know that the balance
is off kilter a lot
when you find your self thinking
of nothing but them
if your life seems so empty
when they're not around
then you spend your life dreaming
of the loss that you found
For the secret is simple
that some never learn
Love is a balance
that both must discern
When both sides enjoy
the bounce and the pitch
of two players that match
where one swings the racket
and the other swings back
and their skills are both equal
so they both share the yoke
not one always giving
while the other's a joke.
So if you jump when the phone rings
and they won't call you back
Then you are Addicted
and that's a true Fact.
Bowling's like love
when you both have same skills
you'll have a lifetime
of incredible thrills
but if one has the feelings
and the other is numb
it's addiction you've found
and it won't be much fun.

