By CryingShame58
Date: 2009 Jan 31
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Missing You is an Understatement

Movie classics are full of grace and style and causes my memories to pause and remember. Missing you is an understatement. Your classy style showed thru your dark brown puppy dog wink and that boyish smile drove every woman in the room totally crazy. Your magnetic charmed everyone that your life touched. You gave me more of yourself than you gave most people and your love for me was deeper than anyone's ever. So how have I survived without you? When I think about it like I am now, my whole heart shrivels up and I can hardly speak, much less take a breath. My entire body aches to hear your voice and to be held in your warm arms. Ah, those arms of yours held me, protected me. You definitely were my Tarzan. When you sang to me, you were my Elvis. You cradled me with sweet lullabys and I knew I was safe. I know you wouldn't want to see me cry; you would feel my pain. i don't cry for you, but for my loss; however I am the most blessed to always know I am loved by you. I bet you'll be the first one I see when I'm walking towards the light.