By Max-Rom
Date: 2009 Mar 30
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Love On A Wire

Love at times
Is a high wire act
Caught one step between
Falling into you
And falling into an utter oblivion,
Lost in the ruins of hope.

A delicate balance
Living a hair-thin dream
Fighting for love
And fighting off screams
No longer an act
The struggle is real
The strands are wearing oh-so thin
While my heart tries to deal.

I'll make a momentary deal with the angels,
for wings, so I will never fall;
Out of touch or out of sight
From my angel of dreams,
who always shines at night.

Even when my eyes are closed,
And I've fallen fast asleep
In my mind I see her smiling
And because of this I rarely weep.

Copyright© 3/16/09, Joseph A. Hardy