By Chablis23
Submitted by Chablis23
Date: 2009 Nov 02
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He warns her he is cursed.
Regardless, he lures her in

What does that mean? 

He did love, they left layers of scars enveloping his heart.
At times, you can barely tell he has a heart beneath.

She is captivated by him, she opens up, exposing her own torn heart, allowing him to make a tiny stitch in it.

She is not complete as she craves more mending.She is just as scared, if not more than he is.

Just as fast as he lured her in, he shuts her out. He leaves with no emotion, she does not understand.

Stinging like a snowball in the face.Its complicated he tells her point blank.

Distraught, she looks for answers he can't give her.Determined to find her own.

She uncovers his past, reading his poems, revealing his unspoken emotions, through his written words.

A skilled surgeon couldn't remove his layers of scars.
How naive of her for wanting to try.

She was warned, he is cursed.