By FalconRia
Date: 2010 Feb 25
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The Spring is coming..

This is not a poem.
This not prose.
This is not deep.
This is not high.

This is Life!

A looong,
loooooong winter
this is.
Much, much snow.
Many, many degrees below.

Now (February the 25th)
there is Light.
Here in Finland
the Sun goes up 7:20 a.m.,
and down 5:20 p.m. (approximately).
Isn't that a cause of Happiness?

I sit here and wonder.
Wonder of how forcefully
the Spring feels
already now.

I remember the winter 1997.
When I met you 19.2.1997.
Next time I saw you in May.
Then I read Your Book.

Äääh! These thoughts and memories
I havd spelled out here and everywhere :-).

NOW. Today.
It seems to be an neverending winter.
More snow came yesterday.
But Today.
The sun was shining.
The birds were saying

But about You my mind says:
"What shall I do?"