By Laurel Ahlfeld
Date: 2010 Jun 24
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Eurydice and Orpheus

I am lifted into the sky by your song
Twelve instruments playing sadly, all made of strands of my hair
Plucked to toss me into the sky as notes are always thrown
And when the music stops, the clouds fill their bellies with tears and grow so heavy they slowly sink to the earth and cradle me on their backs to keep me from falling- hard, flat, sharp against the ground
I may forget things most say are important like names and faces, but I will remember how the shapes of lips were made and how it made me tingle with anticipation to press them soft against your skin
You will create and love and live so as to bring me back from the dead
You will play the saddest note- so sad you will turn into a single tear right there and slide into the earth
Where you will find me waiting for you- though without the names or faces
And I will follow you because I feel the shapes and tingles
Don't turn around
I will be there.