By wolfscreamer
Date: 2010 Sep 04
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A less serious subject but I hope one that gets some interest.Wasn,t life great as a kid most of the time when you look back,don,t know what kicked it in to my mind today but I just thought I would pen some of my childhood nice memories.

PJ,s and a hot water bottle at the foot of the bed.
The smell of a Sunday roast from the kitchen ccoked by mom.
Real coal fires despite the mess lol.
Six weeks of summer school holidays.
My sister giving me her Dansette record player.
My first cassette tape recorder.
Treacle pudding and custard.
Playing soccer in the street until mom said GET IN HERE.
Listening to Sunday radio with the lights out and the firelight with mom & dad on Sunday evenings.
First time we got color TV.
"Camping" in the garden just in a tent but felt great.
Sitting in the front room looking at the xmas tree lights and wondering what was in the boxes.

OK so tday I,m feelin nostalgic so SHOOT ME lol.