By Just L
Date: 2010 Oct 16
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A History Text

I savor your sweet syntaxes.  Tis true
A catalog of texts from you:

We. Such a perfect fit. (October 2010)

You are absolutely My blessing. I have not lost sight of the precious gift you are to me. (September 2010)

You move me. (August 2010)

I'm trying. Be patient please. (July 2010)

Missed "My Wife"! Really missed you sweetheart. (June 2010)

You are the most wonderful person I’ve ever known. I love, adore, cherish, and respect you. Thank you for being Mine. (May 2010)

I love My Girl more than anything. (April 2010)

As long as there is you, I will always be thrilled, the rest is just the rest… (March 2010)

You inspire me. (February 2010)

You fill my life with sweet. (January 2010)

You have me in an incredibly open and loving space. (December 2009)

You have stirred something in me that I didn't believe still existed. (November 2009)

My cell phone documents our history.
To my heart, pure poetry.

Written October 15, 2010