By Belinda
Date: 2011 Aug 13
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Carvings on Trees

Woke up sick this morning
from the ongoing disease
that will not ease
“does she always call you
with her problems?”
She said last summer
when I showed that vulnerable
side to you
other women can be so cruel
never mind
go take care of them
left you in a bind again
I thought you were someone I knew

Where is this poem coming from?
From my body being drained
poked and prodded this week
blood drawn again
From my spirit aroused
awakened by the dream
that became a nightmare
in it were carvings of hearts
chiseled on trees
initials of love swaying in the breeze
leaving a mark
for time and eternity
From New York’s Oak
New Mexico’s Pine
to carvings on Arizona’s Juniper
and a carving on a rock
where the fishermen’s boats are docked
all lit up like a Las Vegas neon sign

Everything communicates
when you listen
to the waves crashing on shore
erasing the circle in the sand
and everything has meaning
her tree is missing
a thousand words and pictures
have silently spoken
all seen through the eyes of the one
who loved the most

Belinda 8/13/11