By Enchanted
Date: 2011 Nov 21
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A Certain Age

I am of a certain age
and my question is
where do you meet men these day?
I don't go to bars
I'm just not into that scene
and If your my age
Well you know what I mean
My friend said to try online
gave me the 411
gave me a  @ love911
now I saw this in a movie
I'll be the one waiting with a rose
Who I'm going to meet God only knows
So I decided of a way that I see
I'll give you a call when I get there
So you'll know to look for me
Then I snuck in and took a peek before
I decided to make myself known
he'd gave me his number
So I watched as I dialed his phone
now you might not agree
but I think I dodged a bullet
He was the one at the bar
with the mullet.  
Hey, I'm outta here!