By Mercy Echenique
Date: 2012 Jan 25
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Filling the Void

Filling the Void

My heart swells with joy when im with you.
You help me see my self in a way I never thought possible.
You have a beautiful heart and your spirit glows with happiness as our souls hold hands.

Lifting me up from the ground,
When I feel like I can't go on.
Sometimes my feet forget how to walk,
But your there to put me on your back,
Carrying me till I remember.

Feeling like there was a void in my heart,
A place where only a true friend can be a set apart.
Like having the sun in my eyes, I was blind,
But you came along, like an umbrella, sheltered me.
You not only helped me see, but you covered me.

Your the umbrella that protects me from rainy days.
Inspiring and motivating in many ways.

Reaching to hug me, you hugged my heart too.
You loved me, when I never asked you too.
Putting smiles on my face,
Memorable pictures in my head.

Mornings, afternoons, and nights seem to go by too quickly when we're together.
If only time could slow down forever.

The rain would stop in mid air,
We'd run through the puddle as the drops stared.
The sky smelling of honey dew,
We could go anywhere, start new.
Songs of happiness playing on repeat,
Having each other, feeling complete.
Endless supplies of cookies and milk.
Oh how sweet life would be.

But we can't stop time from moving.
There will still be sorrow and tears,
Along with laughter and cheers.
Shoulder to shoulder, Ear to ear, side by side,
We'll make it through anything,
As long as its you and me,
We, us together,
You and I, forever.