By Em Hatemore
Date: 2012 Jul 05
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Not a picnic

It took what, two text messages?
You pulled up next to me
(did you really drive the yellow truck?)
You are so easy to persuade
I am so easy to do the convincing

I could feel your eyes burning into me
Watching me after, what?
(it has been at least 2 years)
My hands gripped the steering wheel
Feeling your eyes trail up and down my profile

Through shaded glasses I could still tell
You were watching me intently

My knuckles were white by the time we arrived
Sitting on a picnic table in the shade
You asked for a hug
(I thought you would never ask!)
You got one
And then some
You smell the same
Taste the same

Interesting is it not?
How easily we all fall prey?

We could have cut the tension
With our double edged knives
The sharp edges of our sharp edged tongues

A good burn at that.