* The Blender Board
From: B.K.
Date: 1 January 2001

Happy New Year You All! This place has been a godsend to me this year. I thank you all for being here and all the wonderful writing and encouragement to the new writer that I am. I love this place and you all, and wish you only the best for the New Year, 2001. Keep Safe and WRITE ON!


From: Galadrial
Date: 1 January 2001

Happy New Year, Blender all...

You know---it's kind of amazing the way we get object lessons from life. Last night I had planned a quiet evening with friends---and 90 minutes before midnight had a nasty non-elven reaction to shellfish...which made my first hour of 2001 a season in hell.

Some friends had dinner with us...and one of them arrived drunk and abusive, trailing his wife and daughter who were embarassed and miserable. I looked at this man, who manufactures much of his own misery, and is now spiraling out of control, and had to wonder what it is in the human spirit that blinds people to their lives.

There's an old story about a donkey who starved to death---because it could not choose between two bales of hay. Each seemed so appealing, that it could not decide which to consume first, each was equally available---and the donkey just couldn't decide. It's a parable about human beings---and makes me wonder how many lives are screwed up not from bad choices---but our refusal to choose at all. We let ourselves get paralyzed from the fear of making the wrong decision---and like the song says, not choosing is still a choice.

My friend last night is in the middle of a very slow form of suicide, which is painful to watch. He is not happy---and his refusal to make decisions will cost him his life---just like the donkey. Funny---all the stuff written about drugs---when alcohol is the drug I know that has taken and ruined more lives. I've watched two friends drink themselves to death...one when he was not quite 25.
I've had fifteen years to live since Curt from college---funny, cynical, and gifted took his last drink. It was stupid and senseless then---and no less this New Year's dawn.

So I'm thinking of resolutions as the sky turns light pink. And forget about the silly ones---resolve to lose ten pounds? Sheesh...no. I'm thinking about the resolutions that change your life...and oh yes...they cost...at times they cost a helluva lot.

My dears...I hope the new year brings you all much happiness, and love. I hope we all have more laughter and joy than tears. I hope that you find your heart's desire,
and we are all wise enough to see it when we do. And I hope that we all understand that no choice is ever truly bad---because it beats the hell out of starving to death because you couldn't make up your mind.

Happy New Year, one and all.......

Love Gala

From: Madison
Date: 1 January 2001

Galadrial. I've been away and must tell you. Amazed at all the new poems written (shouldn't have been, it's been too long), all of those unvisted links, I started at the bottom of the new entries first, to work my way backwards, finding your two new submissions first (from today I think?) How beautiful. How rich. When the heart decides.

From: scqueen
Date: 1 January 2001

Madison ~ I've missed your poetry! My only sibling lives in Austin and it's a place that's dear to my heart. I love reading your work because it takes me there. Glad you're back :-)

From: Crystal
Date: 1 January 2001

~Chantae,Ali, And It doesn't matter:
Thank you for your compliments on my poetry. I have been gone for awhile so I have alot of catching up to do with my reading....I guess there is no time like the present.... :P

From: slug
Date: 1 January 2001

terry and gala and bk - wonderful poetry to ring in the new year with. It's nice to have something to sigh romantically over while there's actually snow on the ground. (we got an inch in dallas!)

From: Rodney Ronquillo (rodneyr@idirect.ca)
Date: 1 January 2001

Happy New Year eveyrone =)

From: Elaina
Date: 1 January 2001

me aka niki~
OH MY GODDNESS!!!! I'm in complete awe...Your new works brought me to tears 'take him or leave him', 'she', 'a breakdown' wow!!!!! My advice isn't always the easiest to stomach and I rarely fallow it myself so just fallow your heart and whatever happens, happens for a reason.

From: me aka niki
Date: 2 January 2001

2 Elaina~ thank you so very much...
A breakdown is an old poem I posted 20th of december but without a title and Now I gave it one
She is a poem about me being pretty sorry for the pain I have inflicted on someone else
But it explains That I didn't want to hurt and that I was also falling...
And Take him or leave him..well that's an offer I got from my first true love..and i don't know what to do...I'll let you know in some poems..you'll read between the lines i know you will.....
Thankyou and a happy new year~

From: Amanda Burgan, a_burgan@hotmail.com
Date: 2 January 2001

Once upon a time ago,
from afar you came to me,
I wish I knew what I now know,
that you and I are meant to be!

Now that several years have past,
we have finally come to be,
a couple that will forever last,
now it is plain for all to see!

You and I we are a team,
we are the best at what we do,
together we can build our dreams,
all of this I will do with you!

Only time will tell what tomorrow brings,
and every second I spend with you,
makes me want to shout and sing,
and, of course, fall more in love with you!

When finally our wedding day comes,
I will be the happiest woman alive,
let all the air fill my lungs,
and deeper in love I will dive!

When our first baby arrives,
a part of you and a part of me,
I cannot wait to see your eyes,
as they are filled with love and glee!

As we raise our baby well,
you and I together will be,
the proudest parents with stories to tell,
full of joy you just wait and see!

When we grow old and gray,
we will still have each other,
and beside you I will lay,
a very happy wife and mother!

In the end I will have lived,
the most wonderful life with you,
to my family I will give,
my memories of me and you!

From: Galadrial60
Date: 2 January 2001

Hey All,

Today is already tommorow in NZ so don't forget to flood Miz Dee's mailbox with homecoming messages!

Welcome home Dee....we missed you lots!


From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 2 January 2001

Hey all~ I havn't been here since Friday and it fills up pretty quickly. I love taking the time and reading everyones submissions along with all of their comments. Happy New Year to Everyone...

I read a lot of creations today that I really liked and if I tried to comment on all, you'd be reading all day!!

Peter~ 'Now I Know' was very powerful and full of meaning...I loved it.

Me aka Niki~ 'A Breakdown' & 'New Year' were absolutley amazing. I felt the words come alive as I was reading. You have so much talent.

Gala~ 'When the Heart Decides' The truth has never been said more beautifully.

Slug~ 'Della' brought me to tears. The 1 year anniversary of my great grandmothers death is coming up and your words hit so close to my heart. Thank you.

Rodney~ 'Distorted Memories' seems as though it was from first person experience, because it is...Everything that I write and submitt is from first hand... Thank you..

Kevin~ THanks for the advice about the sound card...but I work with a little lap top...not enough memory or room to do all of the things that I would love to do with it!! Thank you though...

Again...Happy New Year to you all and the best wishes possible to all!!


From: scqueen
Date: 2 January 2001

Quakeadelic ~ 'Awake and Rise' was so refreshing. It reminded me of playing in the rain as a child, without a care in the world. Maybe I'll try it again next time I need
to let off some steam (if it will ever rain in CA - we need it!) Thanks for the great imagery.

B.K. ~ I guess you have the right to get 'mad' too, just seems so uncharacteristic of you! Hope all is well :-)

From: Ali
Date: 2 January 2001

Elaina~ 'One More Chance' and 'I Just Know' were wonderfull...'One More Chance' kinda struck a nerve, with me...Very good stuff.

Love and snow cones, Ali

From: Elaina
Date: 2 January 2001

Ali~I really loved 'arms of grace' it really made me think.

From: terry
Date: 2 January 2001

Ali~ 'Arms of Grace' is really wonderful!

scqueen~ All three, 'Partners', 'Just For Looks' and 'Games' were a delight to read in their simple depth. Very good...


From: B.K.
Date: 3 January 2001

SC Queen: Love your poems lately. 'Partners' is wonderful. What me mad? Impossible...LOL LOL I'm the biggest softie in the world, just don't get me mad...LOL

Terry: Darlin, let's mark our calenders and get this over with, before I go crazy..LOL (Kidding, but boy is my house toasty warm tonight...LOL)

Distant Moon: Thanks for your comments. You know just as I finally understand Riggs, you come along and give me more puzzles to figure out..>Keep them coming.

Gala: God, you know the Ridge poems just take me there every time, they are so wonderful. My favorites! You make me drool over that cabin.

Riggs: I want some of what you are taking, eating or drinking lately...LOL Give us a hint of whats driving these
poems of late..just wonderful reads...Thank you.

Slug: Thanks woman. Glad to see you back. I know it's been hard on you lately. New Year will be better for us all lets hope.

Kevin: Your word structures are always incredible. Keep them coming please.

Gup: Where are you Darlin. Missing you lately!

Jack: You know how much I love your writing, don't care what name you use, I could pick you out.

Peter: Your poem was simply beautiful..please write more.

Everyone is wonderful here and I know I always leave something out. Till next time...


From: slug
Date: 3 January 2001

scqueen: "Just for looks" reminded me of an old old dixie chicks song called Pink Toenails. When i find the lyrics (my mom has the tape) I'll post them. much more frivlous than your prose, but dealing with toenails. I enjoyed your prose, and the other two poems posted around it. good job.

also - the terry/bk bumping...enjoyable.

From: slug
Date: 3 January 2001

EVERYONE: in the past week i have managed (under circumstances) to disconnect my brain from the the rest of me. I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone for their condolences and for the chance to share my grandmother (Della) with people who understand the pain of losing her, but who i don't feel i have to be strong for.

i don't think i've taken the time to (ever) say how much this site means to me. I've been writing since i was old enough to tell stories (before i could even spell) but only when i started posting did i start sharing without the influence of a school assignment. I feel like i've grown so much. and the positive comments that flow like water around here are so helpful and bolstering. you are all (gala, dee, jack, terry, BK, scqueen, mira, GUPPY(where are you?), and everyone else i make a point to click on at least once every few days) critical people in my life. sounding boards, touchstones, fairy godmothers, and friends. The new year is already better than last year. and bk - i know it's bad luck, but TRUST ME - this next year can ONLY be better. thank you. and happy new year.

From: terry
Date: 3 January 2001

Riggs~ There is a third explaination in answer to 'The Man Who Thought Too Much' that you never offered. Sam has such a negative cognitive reference paridigm that he never allows himself the option of Jenny simply telling the truth. After all, there is a big clue that she is being honest. The fact Jenny was ready and willing to reschedule another date right then, instead of a vague,"I'll call you later" remark was a big clue to me....


From: scqueen
Date: 3 January 2001

Riggs ~ Terry has a point. On the other hand, if a girl really wants to get out of a date with a guy she sould tell him the truth so that he isn't put in this situation. A little over a year ago, my sister went out with a "nice guy". Just as she was about to give him a chance, another guy moved back to town (coincidently, both guys had the same name).

She called and told me that she didn't know how to dump the nice guy to go out with the other. How could she be mean to someone who just drove over to see her on his vintage motorcycle with a bouquet of flowers, to take her to dinner on her birthday?

I told her to tell him the truth and not over the phone. So she did. He was hurt and when she wanted to "remain friends" he stood his ground and said he didn't think so. After dating the other guy, she realized he was pretentious and shallow.

She went back to the nice guy and told him she'd made a mistake. He didn't make it easy on her but they started dating. They were just married in October and are expecting their first child. I've never seen her happier. She said my advice was the best she'd ever gotten and probably why he gave her a second chance.

Moral of my story? Nice guys can finish first. And honesty is the best policy.

From: scqueen
Date: 3 January 2001

Riggs ~ Terry has a point. On the other hand, if a girl really wants to get out of a date with a guy she should tell him the truth so that he isn't put in this situation. A little over a year ago, my sister went out with a "nice guy". Just as she was about to give him a chance, another guy moved back to town (coincidently, both guys had the same name).

She called and told me that she didn't know how to dump the nice guy to go out with the other. How could she be mean to someone who just drove over to see her on his vintage motorcycle with a bouquet of flowers, to take her to dinner on her birthday?

I told her to tell him the truth and not over the phone. So she did. He was hurt and when she wanted to "remain friends" he stood his ground and said he didn't think so. After dating the other guy, she realized he was pretentious and shallow.

She went back to the nice guy and told him she'd made a mistake. He didn't make it easy on her but they started dating. They were just married in October and are expecting their first child. I've never seen her happier. She said my advice was the best she'd ever gotten and probably why he gave her a second chance.

Moral of my story? Nice guys can finish first. And honesty is the best policy.

From: scqueen
Date: 3 January 2001

thanks guys for all this morning's compliments. sorry the above posted twice. not awake yet but inspired nonetheless...

From: Riggs
Date: 3 January 2001

Squeen and Terry

I see the wisdom in both your comments. Especially the idea of a negative cognitive reference paridigm. However I have seen too many people get strung along, to completely discount the theory that by being analytical to a point, one can often see through what is clearly nothing but a soft rebuke. It is a subject which fascinates me as I see it played out again and again. What fascinates me most is that it seems to be the one area where people refuse to learn from experience, however brutal.

I now refuse to let myself be so overly analytical that I will attempt to see meaning in every spoken word. We are human beings and as such are prone to saying things for no other reason that to fill a silent moment. I agree that both guys and girls should be honest first and foremost. Because in truth, without honesty, whatever you may think you have between yourself and your partner, is only imagined and not real. It is such a tragic shame that the thing that ruins so many relationships before they even get off the ground, is a lack of truth or honesty. I'm sure that everyone has felt the raw pain of being lied to by someone we cared for at one point or another. What is doubly cruel is if lie has been played out and lived for some time. Somewhere there must lie a happy medium someplace midway between naivete and paranoia which I reckon we should all get our teeth into.

From: Angel
Date: 3 January 2001

Nice guys can not only finish first! They are the only ones that can 'finish' in my book:)

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 3 January 2001

I have a question for anyone that can answer it. Is there a search engine and if there is...how do I get to it?? That would be a nice feature if there isn't one..


From: Baby
Date: 3 January 2001


From: Baby
Date: 3 January 2001


In your little story you have captured all of those people that try not to fall in love. I am one of those people. I analize every excuse, reason, and even the lies until I don't care about the whole thing. Sam will never be successful in love because he won't let himself go out on a limb. He is probably the type of person that would push people away right when the get close to them. His excuss, the opposite sex wasn't ready for commitment, when really he never gave them a chance. Maybe he should stop treating them the way he thinks females want to be treated, and just be the person he is. Females may talk like they know want we want. But believe me, we don't have a clue to want we want.

From: Baby
Date: 3 January 2001


In your little story you have captured all of those people that try not to fall in love. I am one of those people. I analize every excuse, reason, and even the lies until I don't care about the whole thing. Sam will never be successful in love because he won't let himself go out on a limb. He is probably the type of person that would push people away right when they get close to him. His excuss, the opposite sex wasn't ready for commitment, when really he never gave them a chance. Maybe he should stop treating them the way he thinks females want to be treated, and just be the person he is. Females may talk like they know want we want. But believe me, we don't have a clue to want we want.

From: Jenna Holland(poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 3 January 2001

Sequeen- "Partners," "Just for looks," and "Games." Loved them all!


From: Ali
Date: 3 January 2001

Elaina~ Thanks...I'm happy that you like it...

Terry~ Glad that you liked 'Arms of Grace'...means a lot to me...so, thanks.
Love and sunflowers, Ali

From: Akash (Holywaterofganga@hotmail.com)
Date: 3 January 2001

2 Angel & Gala ~ Thanks for your time and compliments. I appreciate it very much. Thanks again.

From: me aka niki
Date: 3 January 2001

2 Brandy~ Thank you so much for your comments
I'll keep and eye out for some of your poems

From: Michael (busy bee)
Date: 3 January 2001

Riggs ~ If you don't give her a chance, you'll never know. Everyone is different. Every chance is different. The difference between winning and losing is not giving up until it's over. Just because you lost the last one doesn't mean you'll lose this one. How many times has she blown you off? You got to give it at least 3 benefits of the doubt I think.

And there are many many days where I've wanted to just throw in the towel. Like today.

Because she hasn't returned my call yet.

From: scqueen
Date: 4 January 2001

this only has to do with the love of football.......
Congrats Oklahoma University~!~

From: Galadrial
Date: 4 January 2001

Oh Angel----

You devil!


From: Riggs
Date: 4 January 2001


The Man Who Thought Too Much is not pure biography. I am not Sam and I don't know anyone named Jenny. It's a story i made up having both seen and suffered the strange insecurity that strikes all of us us when we have been blown off.

I make myself a great deal more vulnerable than I would like to. But as people have said. It is the only way.

From: a girl
Date: 4 January 2001

if a girl turns you down once, asking her twice more is NOT going to make her change her mind, I've never turned someone down who I wanted to date... ever, and if I don't think a guy is worth the chance to prove himself on a a first date, then he doesn't every have a chance again.

From: same girl
Date: 4 January 2001

BK, is merlot meant to be had chilled?

From: jack
Date: 4 January 2001

hey Riggs um this is only my opinion for sam k?

Ah statistics, wonderful things, they tell what populaces will do
statistics say women will do this or men will do that or all women are prone to.... or all men are prone to......umm one problem though, statistics are for large number of things never applied to the single
every person is vastly different from the next, and this is the true wonder of it all, trying to find the differences in each. If she begs off from one date let her make the next and don't think wrong of her for doing this she may be legit YOU DO NOT KNOW OTHERWISE... and maybe u are the marrying kind that make a young girl nervous lol don't change...never be anything but yourself lol its far easier to maintain

From: jack
Date: 4 January 2001

damn i shouldn't but i don't want to stop my self ..
*a girl* what is so special about you that would make a guy bother asking twice ?

From: jack
Date: 4 January 2001

(smile) lol

From: Michael (mistaken)
Date: 4 January 2001

Riggs ~ I kinda replied to you as if you were Max, and I know you're not, but it was easier to say what I wanted to say that way. And you know...there's usually some personal something behind everything..

SCQueen~ I'm an OU alum. WOO! It's like a corny football movie. =)

From: Riggs
Date: 4 January 2001

i agree with Jack. It needs to be said.

a girl-

you must be pretty hot stuff to think that guys need to prove themselves to you...

From: Angel
Date: 4 January 2001


From: Angel
Date: 4 January 2001

SCQUEEN~"Partners"...great description in this short piece. I loved it!

From: Angel
Date: 4 January 2001

Leanne~"For James",...alot said in three short lines.

From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 4 January 2001


your poem rocked, i loved it.....i thought it was something else when you said it was "hauntingly fruity" ha, but that poem was completely you.....

and in a weird twisted way (but in a completely good way of course) you are hauntingly fruity :)


now i know why i love you so much :) thank you darling :)

From: B.K.
Date: 4 January 2001

sara: 'she died daily,' is beautiful. I enjoyed that so much.


From: scqueen
Date: 4 January 2001

Angel & Jenna ~ thank you for your positive comments. always appreciated.

Gupster ~ you're alive and kickin'!

Sara ~ i second BK's comment on your newest poem.

Riggs ~ what can i say, it's nice to see your not so serious side :-)

and speaking of smiling, any who haven't checked out Kirk's new site, it's well worth a daily hit...kisreal.com

From: BK again
Date: 4 January 2001

Jack, Riggs, a girl:
Wow, I just caught that flying by here, lol. O.K. while I agree with you guys, a girl, has the right to her opinion as well, without being attacked. As Jack said, people are vastly different. Some are rigid in their thinking, others can be persuaded and some blow with the wind, with every varriance in between. She is merely stating her opinion here and I will tell you at a younger age I would have agreed with her. Women are picking out the genes for their offspring in natures mating dance. Still the survival of the fittest no matter how you slice and dice it, with both sexes picking out things for different reasons. Confusing as all hell agreed, but a mating dance just the same.
But I am only one person and it's just my opinion..OK Debate this nicely gentleman, we don't want to sound like other sites we know about.


From: bk agan and again lol
Date: 4 January 2001

a girl: I changed it from wine to merlot trying to be more descriptive. You can tell how much I drink..lol


From: Michael (some girls have it all)
Date: 4 January 2001

a girl ~ The Riggs prose is not about a clear "No." situation. This is an "I can't because etc.." which sometimes means, "I can't because etc.." and could sometimes possibly mean "I've decided you were the last man on earth I'd rather kill myself than expose myself to the possibility of accidentally getting to know you better, but I'm too 'polite' or more likely too uncomfortable communicating that I can't do it effectively." A "let's just be friends", a "no", and a "I'm not ready for a relationship right now", or a "I just got out of a relationship" or "I've changed my mind" may have a bit of a sting, but they're pretty clear, and if all people used them all the time, things would could be nicer. But of course, "let's just be friends" might mean you actually want to be friends, or it might mean "I don't particuarly want you in my life. "

Body language can help make an unclear response clearer, and so can tone of voice. But this is a problem of unclear communications, and if you think the other person is worth the effort, you might ask a couple times for further clarification.

If you had more context then you could understand the delay or lack of clarity better, but when you don't, you end up making assumptions. Assumptions suck.

I'd rather look like an idiot and know, then lose an opportunity worth pursuing.

Riggs ~ "A dog's life" is funny. =)

From: kevin urenda (one tired puppy)
Date: 4 January 2001

Sooner Football IS where it belongs... Number one...

My OU credentials are (mostly) almost... I was accepted there, and even had a small scholarship (would most likely have majored in English and probably would have even graduated MANY years before I eventually did here at UNM), but could not pool the rest of the money late in the game... Alas. My dad is an OU graduate, and my cousin Mike is a season-ticket holder, and my brother and I were (quite animated and) excited observers of the game last night...

(thinking maybe an ode is in order??? naaaah)


From: Michael (careless words confuse)
Date: 4 January 2001

a girl ~ I realize the misunderstanding is caused by the word "blown off". When I said blown off, I meant either a) lack of response by either phone, or email, or b) cancellation, with an excuse, or c) getting stood up, with an excuse. Everybody's different, and she could be scatterbrained. Or you could be very optomistic. Or a donut.
I am a donut.

From: bk (this is fun)
Date: 4 January 2001

Michael's right, and to be even more annoying there are women who say no with a twist just to see how interested the guy really is. I once told a guy no for about four days only to say yes on the fifth...LOL So there are way too many factors here for a guy to give up. It's not really about a woman having everthing, more like being strongly opinionated or playing chess with the situation before you even get there perhaps.


From: deevaa
Date: 4 January 2001

(back at work... argh!!)

I'm with 'a girl' ... in fact I am a girl.. ( no I'm a WOMAN.... ROOOOOAARR..... ) if I say turn down a date with a guy with a reason I give the opening for another chance.... "I can't Monday because..... how about Wednesday?".

If I say 'No'.... or 'I can't' or (hows this for a change) "I'm not interested" ... it means I don't want to go.... The end. Don't ask again, I'm not going to go. I'm not such hot stuff I expect a guy to chase after me, I just don't see the point in wasting my time if I am not interested.

Kirk once posted a quote from Mr Blue about dating.... something I always stuck with, these aren't the exact words... but it went something like...... 'as for kissing on the first date -- never date anyone who you'd not like to kiss immediately' .... and I don't. EVER.

As for your comment BK.... turning a guy down 4 days in a row, I call that 'playing games' .. not nice, IMHO.... would you like a guy to do that to you?

Thats my rant for the day... off to read....


From: Ali
Date: 4 January 2001

Elaina~ 'I'm terrified' was awesome...that was really, great...Awesome job.

Aaron~ 'Release' was wonderfull....I really loved it a lot. Good to have you back here.
Love and smiles, Ali

From: Aaron... cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 4 January 2001

well I finally wrote another poem. Sorry it's been so long. Hope you all like it.

From: Aaron... cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 4 January 2001

Ali- thank you so much. I wasn't sure at first if it made sense, cause it was kinda late when I wrote it, but now after reading it the next day it does. I guess I somehow just subconsciously make sense. Hmm. That's interesting. Oh well. thanks again.

From: Aaron... cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 4 January 2001

ali- Just read 'not the same'. Your so wonderful. I really feel for you. Wish I could be there to help. Well keep on truckin' my friend.

best wishes

From: Ali
Date: 4 January 2001

Aaron~ Thanks...that means a lot to me. you're sweet. =)
Love and treasures, Ali

From: jack
Date: 4 January 2001

ah my lady B.K. ya know i love ya but...i was all prepared to jump into this one with both feet jus to lol see how high i could make you screech heh till i read..
she died daily
By sarah dragonfleyes
some times its the small things that sets one off and some times a work of love like this can bring one back
we discused unconditional love before and i found this to be a true example . thank you for this sarah i like your work very well
and *a girl* it was your opinon and it is a mistake for me to try to impose my values on yours.

From: B.K.
Date: 4 January 2001

Deevaa: Glad to see your return. We missed you, hope you had a great trip.

Um, funny about that guy. He was a complete stranger, so saying NO, for four days gave me some time to check him out, see what kind of chess moves he would make. He managed to capture the Queen within a year..LOL What's that old saying, "All's fair in love and war."...YES!

Jack Darlin: Whew, would never be on your bad side..LOL.
Saved by sarah...bless you sarah...lol lol.

From: me aka niki
Date: 4 January 2001

2 Ali~ one word...WOW
Your last 2 poems were...WOWWWWWW
that's all I can say
ANd "I cannot name it"
WHile I was reading it I almost fell form my chair
So shocked Was I
It reminded me of myself!!
I felt like that...exactly
With someone just the same like you wrote
So I wrote sometihng
It's Called " my gift-YOU-"
I hope you like it

From: terry
Date: 4 January 2001

sarah~ 'she dies daily' WOW...beautiful and haunting...

angel~ 'I Want Him In Satin' mmmm what a sensual feel...lol

Ali~ 'Not the Same' I know the feeling you have described so well...


From: slug
Date: 5 January 2001

dee - i LOVE that magnetic poetry! (and yours as well, of course)


Terry - I HATE those memories. good poem, though.

I'd like to start a petition that if kirk is going to go about revamping the front page he should add a link to a thesaurus/dictionary for those of us who are word-deprived :-) just a suggestion.

From: terry
Date: 5 January 2001

slug~ 'inside your hug' has a very nice romantic feel to it...a couple things, and you may have done this deliberately, but as a reader it stands out...your line:

"...and i drink the heady aroma of your aura..."

would it be less distracting to say 'breathe the heady aroma'? I kept picturing someone drinking with their nose......lol

Also, and this is more a matter of style I guess, but your opening line "...there's a space of springtime." Rather than name the specific time, ie: springtime, you could expand that a bit and let the reader feel spring through the words you choose. For instance, something like: 'within your arms is a space of warm rain washing the newly bloomed daffodils while the robins sing'....Again this is more a style thing and I really like your phrase to. Just the image of a space of springtime in a hug is wonderful. And your usage is more compact and economical...usually a good thing in writing.

He is very lucky, and good luck....


From: Galadrial
Date: 5 January 2001

Hi folks...

I must ask your indulgence...my latest is not what anyone has become used to seeing from me. I'm not sorry for the last post---I was discussing the notion of writing as catharsis last night, and the topic of "to post, or not to post" came up.

The act of forming a poem from an emotion or a mindset is certainly cathartic...but the net has added a new wrinkle to an old standard. People come to the blender, post, and can get instant feedback---or damned near. In the case of love poetry, that feedback can be a validation of something deeply or keenly felt by the writer...heady stuff.

But I am ever cautioning my students about the "public" poem and the "private" poem. The Blender makes it easy---absurdly so---to overwrite, fixate, even obsess. The question I guess we all need to ask is why we write. Pure expression has it's place...but poetry is more than emoting---or any jail holding tank would be the benchmark locale or literature.

There's a technique in acting classes, where actors are taught to hold back emotion...and to release it in narrow bursts...it can work with poetry as well. Holding back and rather than a shot gun splatter of emotion, trying to build a laser. The result is tighter, cleaner, and packs a hell of a wallop.

But boy, am I one to talk after that last post...sheesh. Take care all....and again, sorry for the outburst.



From: jack
Date: 5 January 2001

slug~ 'inside your hug' i loved this as is i love your work and style my lady been missing your writing of late and i found this to be an excellent read thanks for this i look forward to your next

From: Trish, buckieannie@aol.com
Date: 5 January 2001

Well I just found this site and let me say that I will definitly be back. I love to read the stories as well as write them so I will be including some of my short stories in the near future. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

From: Smiling Kat spiritsparkler@hotmail.com
Date: 5 January 2001


Why does love have to be so confusing? I recently discovered that when you really, truly feel love, it can hurt beyond all knowing. Maybe you should follow your heart. If you live your whole life afraid of being hurt, you'll never take any chances. I don't know how you've been hurt in the past, but maybe your future will be different. Good Luck!

Just wanted to let you know that someone is thinking about you when you're going through all of this crap. Love is hard, but when you find the right person, it can be so beautiful.

From: scqueen
Date: 5 January 2001

Gala ~ you certainly captured something i've felt once or twice in my life with 'Bitch'. it also brings to light an awareness for both sexes to remind ourselves how deeply words can cut to the bone. we say them out of anger, mostly without thinking, with the intention to hurt for only that moment. we don't always realize that they can damage for a lifetime.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 5 January 2001

quickie comments...

thumbs up, hon!

wow, I mean, wow... "Magnetic Poetry..." is wonderful, the idea of it, the layered metaphor, the texture... nicely done.

my heart goes out to you... The palpable sorrow in "Bi---" cut me literally to the quick. Yes, words can be weapons that leave permanent scars. And bring tears to the eyes of others...


From: kevin (sorry, just now read comments above)
Date: 5 January 2001

slug, bookmark the following link: www.m-W.com/dictionary.htm

you'll find a thesaurus (stuck writer's best friend) at the same site.


From: Elaina
Date: 5 January 2001

Smiling Kat~
Thanks for voicing your opinion, I know you have to take chances, but I'm young and history is known to repeat itself, so if I just wait for a (long) while maybe I'll be willing to let myself go and fall in love.

From: ammy78@yahoo.com
Date: 5 January 2001

please send love poem to me.

From: the poet on call
Date: 5 January 2001

one love poem coming up just for you...
umm, are you a girl or a guy?


From: deevaa
Date: 5 January 2001

poet on call.... (giggling) ummm yeah, love it.

From: slug
Date: 5 January 2001

thank you to jack, terry and kevin - my fears of being inadequate are alleviated - replaced by a slowly growing ego... ;-)

and Kirk - trust me - the MW website is bookmarked - i was thinking (or now i think) that something along the lines of what's on word (in the options with the spellcheck) for those of us who compose on the site :-) just a suggestion.
also - i'd like to use this space and just let you know that you are truly a visionary for setting up a site dedicated to love poems. it's been a godsend this past year and continues to be one. thank you.

From: Angel (in disguise)
Date: 5 January 2001

Attention all Blenderites! Heartsong is going to have a little Heartstring any day now ~sigh~
PS: and it's suppose to be a boychild shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:)

From: Ali
Date: 5 January 2001

Niki~ Glad that you liked those two poems...and the one you wrote, I love it.I can relate to it, too. Awesome!

Love and Smiles, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 5 January 2001

Terry~ 'Memories' was great...wonderful...and I loved your other poems, too...'Used to Be' and 'Midnight' were just awesome. I love the way you write.
Love and dew drops, Ali

From: Ali(once again)
Date: 5 January 2001

Elaina~ 'Confrontation' was just spectacular. Great one!
Love and sunsets, Ali

Date: 5 January 2001

Courtney -- he's right.

From: Poet on Call
Date: 5 January 2001


My dearest stranger,
I have posted a love poem for you. I hope you enjoy the words as much as I was delighted to attempt them only for you.

Understudy to the Muse

From: Elaina
Date: 6 January 2001

Ali~ I loved your new poems, you know how to say everything without rambling on. I love it!!!

me aka niki~ I really enjoyed 'because of you I learned'. Well done.


From: scqueen
Date: 6 January 2001

jack ~ 'without you' is perfect for the way i feel today. thank you!

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 6 January 2001

sarah- "she died daily"... inspirational...


From: Misti Velvet Rainwater Lake
Date: 6 January 2001

Thought I'd share the news with ya'll. Chris and I got married on Mount Bonnell Friday the 29th. Our parents and other family members were there, along with about fifty very attentive, smiling, crying strangers. The judge performed a really unique, poetic ceremony, complete with a passage from *The Little Prince* that we gave him. After we were pronounced "man and wife," red and yellow and purple balloons were released into the sky. It was right at sunset so it was really beautiful and magical. When we get the pictures back we'll send some to myfamily.com.
I have never felt more free. I guess that's ironic. Chris called in sick today because the weather is gorgeous and there's a coffee shop on the lake. I love my new name. I love being married to my best friend. Bye!

p.s. Shadygirl, I'll send ya a letter and pics soon!

From: Michael (congrats!)
Date: 6 January 2001

Chris and Misti ~ Congratulations! Best wishes for the Lake Lovers.

From: Angel
Date: 6 January 2001

AWWW Congratulations you two LoveBirds! I am so happy for you. (((((MISTI&CHRIS)))))

From: Angel
Date: 6 January 2001

Guppy~"Top of The World" , WAS AWESOME...WOW!

From: Aaron... cloudy@infowest.com
Date: 7 January 2001

God. Ali. Your poetry never ceases to amaze me. Your truly are a very brilliant person. Even when you are sick. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us. 'only a nightmare', and 'in your viens' were wonderful. thanks again.

From: gary email : hubelbug @yebo.co.za
Date: 7 January 2001

Daer Angel,
Thank you for your comment on "unicorn" much appreciated I only visit very seldom but will try do so more often from now on and will submit more poems

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 7 January 2001

Blender's Here. A little smaller than sometimes frontpage wise...

From: Michael (happy new year!)
Date: 7 January 2001

Congrats to the front page picks!

From: me aka niki
Date: 7 January 2001

first of all
Congrats to the front page picks
You all did a good job!!
And I got and idea, if everyone could vote
for the poems they like best
And then next to the front page picks
You have the winners of the votes
What do you all think about that?

From: the guppy
Date: 7 January 2001

a popular vote system might be ok, but i think it would be a bit biased towards the "friends" groups here...any popular vote would just reflect what is said about an author's work on the board anyway...i personally dislike the idea of a popularity contest...especially because there are a fair amount of people here that are fond of the sense of community...do we really need more competition here?...do we need any?...why?...is it not enough to write for the sake of writing?...for the sake of having something to say?...feedback is offered and given regularly...and there are plenty of other places where writers can compete against each other...


Date: 7 January 2001


Date: 7 January 2001

ah guppy yes i find my self in full agreement, i enjoy this site and lol as a multiple personality my self how many times could i vote lol . I respect kirks choices as i respect his site and congratulations to all the front page pics i jus read them and fond them all worthy lol loved the slip as well kirk ..
.........passing fancy
..........wondering in c flat
........it dosent matter
and lol probably a few more i have forgotten now lol
but ultimattly jus ......jack

From: B.K. (again)
Date: 7 January 2001

First of all Congratulations on the "Front Page Picks!" There are some wonderful writers here. I love you all and I don't say so near enough lately.

I for one agree with Guppy and Jack. I think a popularity contest is not what we need here either. Just the bumps and boards sound off and the pulse to write with. We write for the joy of it and it becomes as necessary as water every day. I think Kirk has a wonderful place to come for writers and changing the flavor is not what we need.



From: Angel
Date: 7 January 2001

My sentiments exactly, Guppy! And Jack would have alot of votes *smile*, But so would many others who feel the need to write under many pens. And to write mainly for the sake of gracing the front page (which i only view once per month to copy and paste on Poetic Friends), seems trite. What I enjoy the most is when someone happens to run across one of my poems during a search and they write to tell me what reading that poem has done personally for them. That kind of gives me a real nice feeling. And this has happened many times over the three years I have been here, but each time puts a smile on my face. I have seen the Blender almost quintuple in it's submissions each month and that definately will put the odds of a front page hit at an all time high. So, please remeber that this is Kirk's page and a very sucessful one at that and just write for the good feeling that you get when one purges his soul. We should all feel appreciative of having this site to share our deepest most intimate feelings with others who relate and share our love of words. Amen.

From: me aka niki
Date: 7 January 2001

Well it was just an idea
And I just wanted to say to guppy
That it was not my intention to make an competitive enviorment whatsoever
And as for the "friends" group
I dont know anyone here so...
I just thought That it maybe could be nice to have that
Just so that everyone could show what they like best
And people that are passing by could also vote
As for writing just to say what you feel
I totally agree and I don't know if you think I don't write for that reason or that I write to compete
Your wrong, I deal with my share of pain thru writing
When I lose my head and I feel the depressed or happy
I start writing
But dunno It was just a suggestion
Didn't try to damage the site or something
Because you sounded pretty mad ...
Love peace and chickengrease

From: kevin urenda
Date: 7 January 2001

Ditto to what Angel said (I have not seen a byline on the frontpage picks for almost a year now)... Every month I read poetry here that I find absolutely gorgeous, and it is solely because it is GOOD... often outstanding... And no matter how many personae you write/post under, the words are still yours... so keep letting your voice(s) have its(their) say...

I have posted the entire quote before (from Dead Poets Society), but these words are worth repeating:

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.

start from that premise... the rest will take care of itself...


From: Elaina
Date: 7 January 2001

~Congrats! To the front page picks.
~I don't think me aka niki has such a bad idea and it might be fun because everyone is so unique it would be interesting to see how people choose their favorites. However, since people are so different it might be best to keep it to yourself what hits closest to home for you...and the blender board is here for a reason,so you can tell the people whom write your favorite works why they are your favorite.

~well I have so much on my mind and I can't seem to find the words, perhaps what I have to say is meant to go unsaid.


From: silent voice
Date: 7 January 2001

Yes Elaina
especially considering you are me aka niki

From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 7 January 2001

me AKA niki -- I'd like to critique 'a splendor'
Generally I very rarely publicly comment on a work, if I think it needs re-working, however -- because I've not noticed an email address for you, here I go. Please don't feel that I am attacking you, that is certainly not my intention, I only want to offer advice --

I've no idea of your age -- but to me 'a splendor' gave me a feeling of child-likeness that I'd not noticed in your other posts, particularly near the end of your work with the line "I became all hot and tingly from the inside" -- now, I'm not suggesting that all erotic work must be sophisticated, but added with the spelling mistakes and clumsy flow in parts, I came away with a totally uneasy feeling.

I don't regard myself as the best erotic poet here, Gala, Terry and Hank C, are very fine erotic poets, so please don't feel that I am trying to say that my work is at all better than your own -- however I did see several things in your piece that didn't 'work' for me, if you'd like to discuss this will me, my email is posted above.


From: Elaina
Date: 7 January 2001

What do you mean 'since you are me aka niki'? are you impling that the work posted under the name 'me aka niki' and the work posted under the name 'Elaina' are by the same person? I'm not sure what you meant but I can asure if that is what you meant that is one of the most incredible compliments I've ever had...I can promise you we are not the same person, I am Elaina and I don't know anything about me aka niki except what I see here on this sight, so next time think (and RESEARCH) before you speak.


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 7 January 2001

hey love tokens.......

i wanted to thank you for my comments on

"she died daily"

some history on it.

i am with a wonderful man in my life and one night while we were together i had an argument with a good friend of mine about some things in my life and the way they were brought up made me cry.

and this wonderful man (peter, who has started posting here) just held me in his arms while i cried and stroked my hair and whispered in my ear that is was going to be alright....

and the line "she died daily" kept going through my head....

little bits of you die every day, and i suppose i turned it into something a bit more metaphorical.

thanks again for your comments, its always the greatest feeling to see your work commented on here :)


From: deevaa
Date: 7 January 2001

(yes yes me again)

Angel........ any word from HeartSong as yet?

(when I was due I had people phoning me each day asking if I'd had him yet.... drove me batting, especially when he was 15 days overdue.)

From: Galadrial
Date: 7 January 2001

On the suggestion of popular voting...sorry, I hate the concept. It's been mentioned before, but bears repeating. The Blender happens to belong to Kirk....Kahuna does all the work, pays for it's upkeep, and therefore maintains the right to choose, without our interference.

The Blender is a magazine---and Kirk is the editor, publisher, etc. It is very professionally done---just like in real life. And the "real" mags do not run poems on a system of votes---not by a long shot. Not picking on the idea---but I have observed that "voting" sites do not produce the best poetry.

So that's my two cents...and as always...write on!



From: Galadrial
Date: 7 January 2001

Best erotic poets? Me? Oh Dee Girl....thank you much...it is quite the compliment to be mentioned with the likes of Mr. Leonard and of course, the Sultan of Sagebrush, Hank.

Okay...a bit more...the Blender regs know I teach poetry writing---mostly to preteens to age 16---I'm planning on branching into adults soon. It is never too early to develop an poetic signature...something you do that makes a poem really yours. I like repetition, alliteration, and the occasional "O. Henry" ending. I prefer prose to verse because I enjoy the conversational quality.

If I had to pick favorites in writers who have developed a style, I would start with Madison---who is unerringly tight, precise, and oh such yummy in her work.
Dee gets my nod for the raw sensuality of her work. Kev I adore because he chooses words with the care of a master craftsman, and assembles them with equal regard. Terry has a way of communicating universal emotion that makes me pea green with envy. Toklas combines heart and art.

It's not that there aren't other fine poets here...but style is important---I am always eager to see Sarah's work, Angel's, and SC's...and of course My dear Megs...Devin has not graced us much...but he is also good.
Guppy---words fail me...I admire his work vastly---and Riggs
just floors me on a regular basis. And slug...and so many others...

Rule one---make me feel it, taste it, know it...don't tell me...show me...if you can do that, I'm yours forever....


From: the guppy
Date: 8 January 2001

me aka niki---i didn't mean to sound pissed off...really...i was just giving an opinion and some reasons for it...it wasn't meant to be an attack, just an argument...i know that lots of people here write about real-life situations...love letters, cathartic rants, etc...while a popular vote might be kinda cool, it would be a shame if someone felt sub-par because they weren't voted for...people might feel judged on an emotional level...which might make them less likely to contribute in the future...

by the way...you're cool with me...really sorry if you felt i was attacking you


From: the guppy
Date: 8 January 2001

gala hit the nail on the multiple heads (hydranail?)...just which nail and which heads you're wondering?...well, that we all have different styles...

i talked to a guy once that was honestly arguing about who was the better author between walt whitman and herman melville...it's comparing apples to orangutans...i didn't get into the argument much besides saying that...

there are so many people here that i could never write like...

i'm going to hire terry and gala to write my proposal speech (if i ever need it)

dee and kevin to coauthor my memoirs of lives i've not lived

riggs and misti to write my eulogy in that softcore cynical/ironic style

sarah and bk to handle the rebirth speech if that ever comes to pass...

i'm not leaving people out...i'm just running out of life's moments...ha...

anyway...you get my point


From: Devin
Date: 8 January 2001

Gala, Hiya, do ya miss me? *hugs* ...and regards to the rest of the community also. I've been a very busy guy with some other writing projects and as soon as things slow down and my editor leaves me alone for two minutes, I will be submitting some poetry works again. I am however, always in the shawdows appreciating each of you.


From: devin
Date: 8 January 2001

shawdows?..*sigh* my fingers are numb.


From: deevaa
Date: 8 January 2001

*throws a pillow at Devin* Only Gala get hugs? you bum.

From: Devin
Date: 8 January 2001

*ducks* oops, sorry Dee, *grabs her tight and *smooooooooooch* Miss me too?

From: deevaa
Date: 8 January 2001

*scowls over the pillow*

From: dee
Date: 8 January 2001

*stomps out slaming the door*

From: Galadrial
Date: 8 January 2001

Good grief------

Poor old Gala is losing it...I meant to mention our beloved Jack---I swore I typed him...(sigh)Yes Jack, auntie Gala loves your work too...

And Dee? I didn't do anything! Honest. I just mentioned the man's name---didn't even wink! Sheesh....


From: me aka niki
Date: 8 January 2001

2 Guppy~ thank you for your comments and opinions
Maybe your right though..
It was just a suggestion you know, al off a sudden it struck me so I just put it down
But it is not an idea well liked soo...
anyway I got a lot on my mind these days and I'm not thinking straight so forgive me for the talking Im doing without thinking first...
Love peace and Chickengrease

From: me aka niki
Date: 8 January 2001

2 Silent Voice~ Yes What did you mean with that last sentence?
Just like Elaina Said We are not the same person
We don't even know each other
And 2 Elaina~ what do you mean with that's one of the most incredible compliments you've ever had?

Oh yeah and I noticed that people are calling the voting contest
A popularity contest, maybe I was missunderstood
But it's NOT a popularity contest
where the most popular, well liked person get's voted
Just somewhere where the whole blender and everyone that's passing by could vote for there favorite poem
In that sense you could call it a popularity contest but I didn't have that word in mind!
But thx everyone for your opinions!!
Love peace and chickengrease!

From: Megs *or someone like her...only a little less so*
Date: 8 January 2001

Ok every time I say I am going to be REALLY attentive to writing/Blender folks/creative pursuits...life kicks my ass to show me not to make plans.
Here is the latest (if anyone cares...Kev? Gala?)
Looked v.much forward to Dec. 29th for ages. Planned on romantic post-Christmas week with long distance love of my life before returning to the Spring Semester grind.
Unfortunately on Dec 27th fate intervened and David was in a pretty terrible car accident. His brother was driving and well...the brother didn't make it. *sigh* David was pretty critical for a couple days and suffered more broken bones than any one human being needs in a life time. Not to mention the loss of his brother...
So I am down here now and it looks like I am not returning to WV anytime soon. David needs a round the clock attendee right now...and I fit the bill *wry grin*
Soooooooooo...what I need from you all is emails and prayers (I think I forgot how...?) and just out of curiousity any Blenderites hail from Florida?
Sorry to take up so much space but I have limited time and scattered thoughts. Lots of life changing moments in one week y'know?

*sorely lonely and frightened*

From: Galadrial
Date: 8 January 2001

Hey troops....

I realize that Meg is my FGK, and I am getting some phone cards and goodies together---Fairy Godmothers give great Care Package...but for those of you who know her, please send her all the moral support you can. This is a toughie...

Meg Baby? Goodies on the way---along with my prayers. Talk to you later girl....

FGM Gala,
Front and center...

From: me aka niki
Date: 8 January 2001

2 megs- I'm so sorry to hear the bad news
I hope that everything will onyl get better from now on
My prayersto you
Good luck

From: kevin urenda
Date: 8 January 2001

My dear Megs,
you know in your heart of hearts that I care -- a great deal...

Calling on a little known (only because I don't like to talk about it) fact of my history, I personally know almost exactly how you feel. I almost lost my wife when my son was barely fifteen months old... It took an entire week in ICU and a major surgery thrown in for good measure to bring her through. Even though she left the hospital early (against doctors' advice) those were nine of the darkest days of my life. I would not wish that kind of experience on anyone...

I am hoping that I'll be able to keep up my correspondence more in the coming months, so look forward to some words of encouragement. That, and anything else I can do for a dear friend, I will...


From: deevaa
Date: 8 January 2001

Gala, (and or Megs if you are about checking the board)

can you please post Megs LATEST email address.... the one I have just bounced back at me ... have a funny feeling its only the 2nd to last one... I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has had trouble keeping up with Megs multiple email identities.


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 8 January 2001

Megs, our hearts go out to you. It's been a long while since I received news as horrendous as that must've been for you.

Deevaa, I dunno, I kind of like "a splendour". It has a neat hurky-jerky kind of rhythm, and while it sounds a little idealized, and some of the euphamisms are a little off, it has some good lines, I like the mood of "And his hands, oh his hands".

I think it worked better than the erotic poems that talk too much about nipples. Not that I don't like nipples.

Not that i have any plans to change the front page pick system anytime soon, but I've brainstormed about alternate ways of picking. For a while I was thinking of an "inner council" type thing, seeded with a few people I think of as Blender stalwarts, and with that group voting in new members, and their votes being tabulated to make the picks. But given some of the conversation here lately, that would probably tend to make things a little too in-groupy.

Heh. One wacky idea would be to have a different person make the front page picks each month, sort of a guest editor selected from the regulars here.

Hmmm. I guess for now we're stuck with big ol' (well less big, I lost 4 1/2 lbs last week) arbitrary me.

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 8 January 2001

And for the record, I wish we had more criticism along the lines of the exchange Deevaa and I had. This board has trouble giving criticism, and Dee did try to couch it in a friendly way.

From: deevaa
Date: 8 January 2001

guess I must have a thing for nipples -- was told by a gallery owner in Rochester she couldn't hang some of my work because of the nipples. We did a tally and out of the 5 paintings I had ready to hang there as a total of 7 nipples. Four of the five works went up though... so guess its not all bad.

I'll consider myself told.


From: deevaa (yes me again)
Date: 8 January 2001

Me AKA Niki mailed me, explaining she didn't really care what anyone else thought of her poem, because she just writes for herself, but that she likes it when people comment on her work and tell her that they like it.

I guess no one likes being told that someone thinks that their work could be better, my personal feeling is, that if post your poetry in a public forum then you have to expect comments, and you have to be able to take the good with the bad, and a bad comment is after all only one persons voice.

My personal opinion is that if you post your poetry in a public forum you are NOT only writing ONLY for yourself.

I also think even if you write directly into the 'New Subs' box, which I am known to do, it isn't a bad thing to run a spell check over your work, it takes two seconds, a spelling mistake every now and again isn't a problem, but poetry riddled with mistakes, there is no excuse.


From: B.K.
Date: 8 January 2001

Megs: My goodness woman, your luck is about as good as mine was this xmas, my heart goes out to you. It's good that you can be there for him. My prayers are with you!


From: B.K. (again)
Date: 8 January 2001

Deevaa: I think one of the most erotic parts of your wonderful paintings are the beautiful round breasts with great nipples. Leaving them off would be like painting a hand without fingers.

I also agree with you about spell check, though I have flubbed myself there at times. But I do try, most of the time. While we are complaining here, I hate it when people use all caps on a poem. Do they realize it's like being screamed at. Making your point is one thing, but screaming the whole poem...Oh my.

Kirk: A lot of sites have guidelines for what is expected of the poets that post to their sites. Maybe a line or two somewere on the page might help. But actually this board works if people use it.


From: bk (not again)
Date: 8 January 2001

Deevaa: Ok, then what if when you give a criticism, you also give them an example of what it might sound like if they used other words. Then maybe, the light bulb might go on in their head, instead of the ego flying out of wack. When someone does that for me I am ever so grateful, unless I completely disagree, perhaps they did not see the point I was making, then I would come back at you...LOL


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 8 January 2001

I dunno, people don't read much in terms of guidelines. I'm not sure what you're suggesting though, is it in terms of requesting people use spellcheck? I figure people will use the amount of care/proofreading they see fit, realizing that it corresponds to how they're representing themselves on the site. At one point I was looking at this one integrated spellcheck site, but I'm not sure if it would work well with the backend I now have.

Or were you thinking of some other content guidelines?

From: deevaa
Date: 8 January 2001

I also paint hands with no fingers, and faces with only one eye.... maybe my view of the world is distorted.


From: Galadrial
Date: 8 January 2001

Ahem...Kirk? Dee?

It seems to me we have young folks---yes as young as 15 who not only post here----but are Blender regs...and if there is a more tender, gentle, or cuddly place on the planet to post, I don't know where it is. Dee has been not only a regular contributor , but a source of encouragement to a good many....including myself as a newbie.

I maintain---there is big difference between the public and private poem---a difference Jenna seems to have grasped neatly...and it is wise to keep private anything that might dent your ego if it is not instantly welcomed.
Posters, please...when you put it out there, you are implicitly and explicitly requesting comment. No matter how old you are, or what your background. And a poem must stand on it's own...is the point to write a good poem---or a just a good poem for a fifteen year old? The way you improve is to stretch...and sometimes a stretch hurts.

In my humble opinion, Dee was offering good advice...with kind intention. I don't think she should get smacked down for it...especially when we have gotten flack for being too darn wishy washy in our critique....

Just my two cents.....


From: B.K.
Date: 8 January 2001

Kirk: Let me think about that one a bit. I don't think you should put spell check here. That's up to us to figure out. I would though like the ability to go back in and clean up the blunders I make sometimes going to fast or not paying attention. How could we do that? It's like you hit send and then look and freak..knowing that you just made an error. An edit feature perhaps that would only work on our own poem. Is that possible?

Deevaa: No, that's not distored at all. Many male dolls are without a hint of penis as well...LOL Just a matter of personal choice, I suppose.

From: Kirk
Date: 8 January 2001

I'm not sure how or where this got so contentious.

The Blender Board is what the people here choose to make it. When I post here, I mean to be just one of the crowd-- to that end I think I might stop using my "Blender-Keeper title" except when I'm on 'official business'.

And not only am I one of the crowd, I'm not even one of the more active ones of the crowd, Board-wise. So my opinion about more criticism or less criticism on the Board should be weighed taking that into account. My Groundskeeper role not withstanding.

From: B.K.
Date: 8 January 2001

Gala: This is heaven compared to the critiques given in some sites, wow, I have seen some dooseys and some wretched name calling..lol lol and I am on Deevaas side completely.


From: Elaina
Date: 8 January 2001

me aka niki~ I simply meant you are an amazing writter to be compared to you is a great compliment to think someone could mistake your work for mine, also considering our writting approaches are completly different.


From: me aka niki
Date: 8 January 2001

*~*2 Kirk~ Thx

*~*Yes I did mail Deevaa And it's true that I write for myself
But I also said thx for the advice
And I guess that I can only learn from it...
So I did take your comment in consideration.. And It's not that I don't want to hear it and only want to hear the comments that tell me my work is nice
It's true that I said That when people compliment me it makes me smile and happy
But who doesn't? And that does not mean that I only want to hear the good news
The good news makes me smile the bad teaches me something
But I still write for myself to deal with my feelings
regardless of good or bad news
And for the spellcheck deevaa could you explain to me how it works?, because I don't know it
And yes people sorry for my mistakes but like I told deevaa English it not my first language...it's dutch=) So I speak it but don't mind the errors! hehe sorry!!
*~* BK yeah you have a good point
people (ME) would learn alot then
*~*And Gala I don't but were you talking about me with the 15 year old thing?
So that was that for now
Deevaa could you pls mail me back and answer some of my questions etc
thank you


From: Elaina
Date: 8 January 2001

I have a few more things to say
1: I think that spell check would be a good idea, not only here on the board but also on the submissions page, perhaps it is our responsibility to make sure the spelling is correct, but I know that when I'm writing a heart-felt on the moment poem I rarely check for spelling. (just a thought)
2: I don't think critisim is a bad thing as long as it is done politely, and clear. Everyones opionions are different, and I enjoy seeing how other react to my work, and if it hurts your feelings just remember if you are writing for you than nothing else matters.
3: Everyone here has wonderful thoughts and poetry, that's why I come here faithfully everyday at least 3 times a day. It always makes me feel better and I don't like how there is so much disagreeing going on, as I said before everyone has different opinion and that's how we grow and learn.

From: B.K.
Date: 8 January 2001

Well Niki, that explains quite a lot. Glad you came back
and explained. Good going.

SuzyQ: Wow, one good read after another. Very thought provoking. Thanks.

Katiana: I enjoyed 'Revelations' and 'My Heart Keeps Loving You.' Nice work

From: Gala
Date: 8 January 2001

Actually no dear....I was not...Jenna is fifteen if I'm not mistaken...and I don't think of her as a good fifteen year old poet---but a good poet.

I told a story here once...back when I first got to college, I was very full of myself---my graduating class had elected me Class Writer---which I thought was very hot stuff. I carried with me a "sacred poem"---something I thought was the American Answer to Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. I had treasured that poem for a year. I had written not just the night my father had died---but the hour he died in...very heavy...and very personal.

When I found out the college had a literary mag, I RAN to their first meeting---submitting my wonderful powerful opus. They retyped all the submissions, and considered them without the author's name on them. So I sat there---waiting to hear how wonderful , how powerful, how touchingly perfect my final tribute to my dad was...did I mention that I was all of seventeen at the time?

And they started.....HACKNEYED...CLICHE...TYPICAL....and worst of all BORING...I left that meeting in tears, determined never to return...but I had to pass beneath the window where the meeting was held---And I chanced to hear the editors talking...

"Think we'll ever see Little Miss Poet Laureate again?" one asked..

"Nah." she's a wuss ass."

Well Nikki dear...that dried those tears but fast. I resolved to not only return---but to edit that magazine myself someday, and make sure that subs were treated with dignity and respect. We still critiqued work---and there was good, and there was bad...but no one ever left my meetings in tears because my staff had been cruel. And yes Nikki I edited that Magazine, named Avant for a year.

Don't stop writing---and don't stop stretching. Your stuff has promise. And that's enough to hold me for this month i think....


From: scqueen
Date: 8 January 2001

Kirk ~ One thing I really enjoy are the book reviews that you frequently post in the digest. I also enjoy from your personal site, that you often post what you are reading. Instead of a guest host for the entire digest, how about people submitting reviews or reading suggestions and you choosing some to post? I can't imagine a writer who doesn't love to read, and I often want to pass on titles that are inspirational to me but never post them on the board, not sure if it would be appropriate?

From: Angel
Date: 8 January 2001

I think the best critiquing is that which you do yourself by reading the works of others that clearly are superior to your own. I find myself doing this all the time, hoping by reading their wonderful works that I might learn more expressive and fresher ways to write. And, I do believe that my writing has improved somewhat, though not nearly as much as I would like. I think my tender ego could stand a little critique from those I know who are trying to help me and I would actually appreciate the free education:) We all know that there are some here who are much more educated in (Gala...my God, she teaches poetry!) or more dedicated to the written word (Kevin...I've never seen a man more in love with words!) than others, so there should never be a competitive or slamming type atmosphere. I am all for an honest but gentle form of critiquing. I would like a little bit of all of you to rub off on me;)

From: scqueen
Date: 8 January 2001

Angel ~ Amen.

SusieQ ~ 'Later' was beautiful and thought provoking.

Michael (all you can bee)~ 'Drone' - I have read this 3 times today and am still smiling :-) Maybe I'm partial to the word 'queen'...

From: Ali
Date: 8 January 2001

Elaina~ Hey, dearie...I haven't been around for a few days...I've been ill...I wanted to say thanks for what you said about the last two poems I wrote...glad you like them.

Aaron~ You're making me blush, with all those sweet things you're saying...I'm happy you liked those poems. =)
Love and Light, Ali

From: terry
Date: 8 January 2001

Hi all,
I've been a bit under the weather so I haven't posted or commented any in a few days. But I'd like to jump into the conversation on critiquing the work posted here.

I agree with Dee and Gala pretty much completely. Dee did not attack anyone, what she did is started a conversation about a single post here that has expanded to a general discussion. That is a very good thing imho. I for one, as has been stated by others, write for myself as a form of expression/creation. By posting that writing here i am offering it to others to enjoy, feel something I felt, and yes, offer comments both good and bad. Frankly I would not have lasted long on this Board had I not learned from the superb writing of what I consider the Blender Masters. Kevin, Gala, guppy, Madison, Toklas, Nikki, Devin, and a few others ( I knew better than start naming names.lol ). And yes, I received very gentle criticism along the way, usually via email. But the one thing this forum has long lacked, is a genuine attempt at helping writers improve proactively, which is exactly what Dee attempted to do.

I for one am not so sensitive that I would perceive any criticism as an attack.....after all, what motive would exist for such attacks? If the Blender is to keep growing and helping writers, both old and new improve their craft, this is one area that right now is lacking. Kirk was right to say that more critical exchanges are needed here. It is onlt the truth. But we as writers must be adult enough to know all our work is not polished perfect the way we would like. But I'd really like to know when a reader sees a part of my posts they can help improve. I need that to grow...

My two cents,

From: terry
Date: 8 January 2001


Like others i have lost track of your current email addy. But know that you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. Don't forget to take care of yourself in this hard time too.


From: Elaina
Date: 8 January 2001

Ali~ I'm sorry you've been sick, I hope you feel better soon so you can get back to writing your wonderful poems.


From: Kirk (in his Blender-Keeper hat)
Date: 8 January 2001

scqueen-- being an intensely lazy Blender-Keeper, I'd welcome the idea of posting Guest Reviews along with Guest Rambles. Movies, books, etc. The work reviewed should have a reasonably distinct romantic theme. Excerpts for written work are welcome, as long as they are brief enough to fall under fair use but long enough to get a feel for what the work is about. And personal digressions are welcome as long as they don't get too too out of hand.

Accepted reviews will get placed in the (coveted?) Features section of that month's Digest.

From: Kirk (No Hat)
Date: 8 January 2001

Gala-- one thing that's funny is I've never been (mis?)fortunate enough to have a really critical reading group. My mom talks about her time at U.Mass, she had a poetry group that would rip each other to sheds, but the one at Tufts had a hard time mustering a significant criticism, even for one or two members who I think everyone there thought wrote the most awful stuff...

From: Michael (prayers)
Date: 8 January 2001

Megs ~ Prayers and good karmic thoughts your way. I hope he recovers soon. It's such a scary thing to think you might lose someone. If you have an e-mail address handy, let me know?

From: jack jackryhme@hotmail.com
Date: 9 January 2001

Megs I don't think we know each other but all my best thoughts and well wishes are yours if you need k?

kirk nice to see you up and about lol i must say i like this site as is, but i also realize at 600 posts a month what it must be like for you ..
so while i don't have a clue how to make it easier on you i will happily support any choices you make

Gala ah thy most humble servant lol thanks his elven queen from the pit of his poor bruised heart

and as for critiques .....cool im flexible lol

From: Galadrial
Date: 9 January 2001

Hey Kirk,

Those were great times...it was hard sometimes to come under such rough scrutiny---but it did teach you fast!
The Avant group was merciless...and god pity you if you fell into sing song, or generalities...they made the crowd Jack met seem like missionaries by comparison! And this was face to face...


From: jack
Date: 9 January 2001

ah my lady Gala but one must remember the crowed i met after i posted ten simple words gave 55 very wordy replies then booted me out.... lol ....i did not flee... lol ..they fled me lol

From: jack
Date: 9 January 2001

and heh lol i kinda like the way i write lol

From: the guppy
Date: 9 January 2001

megs---best wishes for you and your bf...

i completely agree with the constructive criticism ideas flying around here lately...

on the topic of spell check...i personally tend to be old fashioned when it comes to such things...i usually use a dictionary...i recently heard a recorded interview with the late steve allen in which he was giving brief advice about educating yourself...one of the things he mentioned is the use of a dictionary...sometimes i like using it just because i like to play with alternate meanings of words when i write...a thesaurus is also a pretty valuable writing tool...i tend to invent words from time to time, and spell checkers get kinda annoying for me that way

steve allen was a brilliant person, by the way...penned and composed thousands of songs...and had a strong belief in personal growth through education...one of the other points he made in the interview was that it is good to hang out with people that are brighter than you are...learn from others...a really cool thing to hear from someone so highly regarded


From: Devin
Date: 9 January 2001

Critique smuhtique. If you cannot accept criticism of your works, in all life's works, you will have much trouble along the personal path of growth. We must accept criticism from our parents, our teachers, our employers and our friends. Take the criticism for what its worth and examine the source and motive. Use criticism to improve, and do not allow yourself to cower, retreat, or become defensive because somebody points out a mistake or offers a suggestion. The very first poetry group I ever attended ripped my works to shreds but at the end of the night, one quiet little old man (ken kesey i was to find out later), told me I was a natural and to stick with it, however unconventional I was. *just pondering*


From: Angel
Date: 9 January 2001

Megs, my prayers are with you and those you love .In answer to your questions about Blenderites in florida: I am in the furthermost SW corner of the state of Georgia...I can almost run to Florida or Alababma and at one point can cross three state lines in a few short minutes.

No, Dee, I havn't heard anything as yet about HeartSong. But you better believe I will SHOUT it here to all when the blessed event comes.

From: Kirk
Date: 9 January 2001

I like Steve Allen, but he had a bit of an over inflated opinion of his accomplishments, especially musically. And he was a bit of a prude, and I think he had some pro-censorship views. I read his "Dumbth" book in high school, I found it kind of difficult to reread because his attitude seemed harder to take.

From: Angel
Date: 9 January 2001

Terry~Thank you for your comment on "I Want him In Satin". I am curious about the lol at the end of your comment, though. Not that it offended me at all (it really didn't Terry I highly value your opinion), but that I have often wondered if my sense of humor sometimes runs off into poems that I really meant to be serious? I would like more comments on this poem and on that very subject. This may be an area I need to work on. I do love to write funny poetry, but I have a much deeper and more serious side as well. How does an author switch from these extremes without changing pen names and achieve the effect that he/she intended to when writing the poem? Maybe I cannot control the humerous side in me and it just seaps into my poems? OK, GANG LET ME HAVE IT! :) Critique this poem!

From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 9 January 2001

a few (yeah, RIGHT...) words on criticism...

My perception of said problem is with the attitude, or perhaps the misapplication of what is generally understood to be criticism. Being critical of something does not mean you are demeaning its creator. Criticism is not, therefore, a personal attack. Poetry is an art, much like painting. Not everyone loves the impressionists. Surrealism is an acquired taste for most. Some find the classics "boring." And it is thus with poetry.

As a widely-acknowledged lover of words (and believe me, I have taken my fair share of whacks simply for being able to turn a phrase or two) I embrace the fact that my road to improvement has been marked by signs placed there by other people who write. My advice to any writer is to not become so attached to your own talents that you can't see the road to improving them. Differing opinions are absolutely golden when they lead you to see things in a different light.

The beauty of participating in a genuine community is not necessarily to feel good, but to improve as a writer. (Although heartfelt responses to ANYONE's writing should be shared because such expressions empower both writer *and* reader. That alone is probably what has always made the Blender a special place - that sense of empowerment). It therefore behooves everyone, if public comment makes you uncomfortable (which is perfectly understandable), to post at least a web-based e-mail address so that people can post those signs for you... Some of the best advice I've personally been given has been quite critical, but given in the spirit of helpfulness. I would hope that all of us who take writing seriously as art AND craft would offer criticism in that same spirit.

In that vein (writing being craft as well as art), everyone who takes their writing seriously should pay close attention to things such as diction and syntax, and of course spelling. Poorly applied language can tarnish what is otherwise quite lovely. Not to mention spoiling the enjoyment of gentle and attentive readers...


From: tterry
Date: 9 January 2001

Angel~ I did read 'I Want Him In Satin' as a seriously erotic work. The lol at the end was my silly side spilling over. I was gifted with satin sheets once, and the results were pretty hilarious. No one told me satin was so slippery. As to the poem, I liked your use of the line 'I want him in satin'. By repeating it throughout it added a cohesion but also a sense of building desire, which pays off on your ending two lines. This work did have a very playful feel to it, but again it was serious lustful play.


From: terry (whose keyboard is sticking)
Date: 9 January 2001

Angel reminded me of an important point to remember as a writer who puts his work out there for criticism. Poetry is a bit different than prose in an important way. I see prose as pure storytelling with language the craft to convey the story. Poetry is much much more. It evokes from the reader an emotional response and a sense of 'being in the moment' when done effectively. Just as Angel's poem reminded me of my own experience with satin, you must remember as a writer that every reader brings a completely different psyche and way of looking at the world, to the material. Another reader may have done the very roleplaying Angel conveys, and will flashback to that experience. But what she is conveying very well is a set of universal emotions that most readers will pick up on; lust, desire, being totally in love with your partner. And in that sense, her work is effective regardless of the humor I brought to her work, or the pure lust another reader may bring. I guess in a sense we bring as much to poetry as poetry gives us as the reader. And in the end if we leave having felt a universal emotion, or experienced a moment of movement, the poet has accomplished their task.

terry (who has rambled enough)

From: scqueen
Date: 9 January 2001

Sarah ~ you are full of surprises. 'virginia rain' - how very real.

From: me aka niki
Date: 9 January 2001

2 Gala~
That must have been hard when they talked like that about your poem that you wrote about your father
You must be very strong to dry your tears and start again
Well thank you for your story it shows again that You never have to give up and always stay trying I guess..
And I think it's gr8 that your a teacher of poetry...wow!
anywayz gotta go
bye bye
thx again


From: me aka niki
Date: 9 January 2001

2 Sarah ~ "Virginia Rain"
It has something that I realy like
Just like Squeen said it's very real
I realy like it!!
Nice done

From: Gala
Date: 9 January 2001

Hey Nikki?

Not strong---more like stubborn...but it's all good...and teaching poetry is a logical progression. We all write because we have to...it's like an itch, an addiction, or a compulsion. You just feel better when you do!

And as far as my dad was concerned, if you had known him, you'd know that hanging in was the best tribute I could have offered him...


Date: 9 January 2001

can we all be like ~niki and comment on how wonderful our own poetry is? I for one really liked the last two things dee posted, but since she is in the dog house I know not to mention her.

From: Angela Cristita Ubaldo
Date: 9 January 2001

Is the blender Digest for January going to be out soon? Or am I just a idiot and it is already out and I can't find it?

From: Johnny Cuntface jcf@hotmail.com
Date: 9 January 2001

I want Mobius Analcakes to come back to Cleveland Live.

From: terry
Date: 9 January 2001

SusieQ~ I enjoyed all you posts, but 'Later' was special...
"Eroded by gentle time to fit
Silences full of knowing"
I loved that particular line. It not only conveys your theme well, but it has a poetic resonance that stuck in my mind. I look forward to more of your posts.

deevaa~ 'what i need' struck a chord. I have been in that exact spot many times and those question are the hardest to answer. 'shhh...' was a sensual feast, and 'I want him to come in summertime' was vivid especially the line:
"where pohutukawa trees scream scarlet as they burst into bloom"
The image conveyed there is wonderful. Your trip has inspired some good writing!

me aka niki~ 'Splendor' worked for me on several levels. First it conveyed the honest, heartfelt emotions involved in lovemaking at a very young age. It has a sincerity that is endearing. Sure it lacks nuance and sophistication and is overstated in the erotic imagery, but that does not detract from the overall feeling i left with. Those skills are one you will learn and grow into with your writing. Just keep writing and learning and posting.

Gala~ 'The Heart I Would Hold' was so tender and heartfelt.
"a heart that beats a soft tattoo" is a beautiful image to open this piece with...Bravo! And I have no words to convey the power and pain you conveyed with 'Bitch'...it still resonates in my soul. There was much to learn from this work. Thank you.

Sarah~ 'Virginia Rain'...I am getting addicted to your writing. It grows richer all the time. I only wish for more...much more...lol. Pretty please :)

Michael~ I agree with others about the attraction to 'Drone' it was a very apt metaphor in many ways...and I loved the conversation turned poetry of 'They never forget'. It worked very well...kudos.

Riggs~ I continue to be impressed by the 'let it all hang from my psyche' quality of your writing. I particularly enjoyed 'Thailand Nightscape'. These images really stuck with me:
"in sickly sweet darkened rooms
amusing and confusing
high as high on dark lust fumes.
There's a star away above
that you see on lucid nights
when you sit and tell yourself
that everything will be alright"
I just love the thought of lucid nights. Your writing also grows richer all the time.

guppy~ 'you beautiful machine' made my day...you do ironic humor so well...lol.

BK~ Keep 'em coming darlin'. I enjoy every one...just like jack's creations under all his aliases.

RodneyR.~ 'You're More To Me (Dear Valentine)...I was caught from the beginning by the opening:
"When the world
Won't lend an ear to hear you
I'll be standing there
To listen to your mind "
That line sort of says it all doesn't it?


From: me aka niki
Date: 9 January 2001

2 Deevaa~ "tail Spin mode" really liked that one...

From: B.K.
Date: 9 January 2001

Coward: Dee is not in the dog house in any way here. But you are for being too cowardly to sign your comment.


From: Michael (commentary)
Date: 9 January 2001

I'll try to throw up some honest critique...which is probably worthless, but he....Please know I'm not out to hurt any feelings...

Sarah ~ "Virginia Rain" is excellent. It reminds me of time I spent on the beach with a very special woman.

Terry ~ "Dylan Day". I'm having one of those myself. I like the words, but I lose the rhythm somehow. A lot of the stuff I've posted to the board before this week was rhythm impaired. For example, I get a little jealous when I read most of guppy's works because he's got good rhythm. Maybe you could add a Dylanish rhythm somehow? That would rule.

Deeva ~ I like concept "Tail Spin". I think that there are too many metaphors at once though, that don't fit together tightly? "tail spin mode", "sunk", "door slam"? Maybe I'm overanalyzing...

I like "I want him to come in the summer time" also. I've felt that feeling where you're somewhere beautiful and you want to share it with someone special very badly.

Scqueen ~ "swapping spit". I like the breathless quality. It's like you're still panting from the effort of the kissing.

Jenna ~ "Saving Face". I get the feel of that tension in your latest one.

From: terry
Date: 10 January 2001

Thanks Michael...I too admire guppy and many others here for the natural rhythm they have. Something i sorely lack most of the time.


From: kevin lopez
Date: 10 January 2001


roses are black pickles are green i like your legs and what in between!

From: Galadrial
Date: 10 January 2001

Mr. Lopez....

Keep the day job...and remember this line---it's key to your future..."You want fries with that?"


From: Elaina
Date: 10 January 2001

I'm drowning do you ever wish there was an explaintion to why you pressed to submit button???? OH! That's what I'm thinking right now, I'm scared out of my mind, words unsaid is a bomb waiting to be dropped...right, it's sometimes better to say too much than nothing at all...right? Sorry I'm not myself at this moment, but it seems everyone says that when they really write form the heart...right??

From: Elaina
Date: 10 January 2001

Ok, I got it, my last poem 'My Addiction' say how I feel now, how I felt then and how I never want to feel. It's like a comedy, tragedy and suspense all rolled into one!?

From: Stephen
Date: 10 January 2001

I have been taking a great big step in life's shitbucket lately, so I couldn't really keep up with everyone's work. I frankly dislike the idea of reading 500+ poems, so could some of you devoted lovely poets out there who bother to read this boardy-thingy pass me a response including some of your best works from the last 2-3 months? I would really appreciate it.

One poem I did take a glance at (because it was added after my recent submission) and liked a lot, was Elaina's "My Addiction"
Something like that could so easily be used as song lyrics.. Rock on :-)

From: Michael (move)
Date: 10 January 2001

Terry ~ I love the rhythm of "Untitled".

From: gary hubelbug@yebo.co.za
Date: 10 January 2001

Just because you wrote something about my poem means I already like you. Please understand that I am not promoting another site but if you want to make $ with your work try http://www.poetry.com/bash/index.html for more info. As I am in another country I miss out on Most of the USA contests. But if for no other reason, enjoy

From: Angel
Date: 10 January 2001

Gary,*GREAT BIG SMILE* thanks and I will check your site out. But, I must say right at the moment I am making big bucks on Ebay selling worthless junk and cannot see topping those profits by selling my words;) (i am a painting in progress)But, I am sure you have sparked some interest here. I hope you continue to share your works here, though Kirk doesn't pay much...hehehe...we have a whole lot of people that just love to read.

Terry, thank you for that wonderful critique...it didn't hurt a bit! :) I do see where your experience with satin would bring forth laughter...I giggled at the mere thought of what you were thinking:) And you hit the nail on the head about 'desire'...that is probably the crux of the poem...though, more about the ROOT of then the OBJECT of desire. I can also see where some men may even emit nervous laughter at the reversal of roles in this poem which was not intended to be taken literally, though it could be interesting;) But how nice it would be to experience desire from another's vantage point.

From: Elaina
Date: 10 January 2001

Stephen~ Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it, and hey you write the music I'll sell you the lyrics (hahha).


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 10 January 2001

If you got to http://loveblender.com/ you should see a link to the new Digest... you might have to hit reload or something? Or you could go straight to http://www.loveblender.com/2001january/ .

Looks like a friend or friends of Mr. Analcakes have returned. I'll try to keep an eye out, if the postings become to space consuming or obnoxious I'll start deleting or segregating them.

From: scqueen
Date: 10 January 2001

michael (commentary)~ thanks! your comments on 'swaping spit' were exactly how i felt whe i wrote it. glad the reader could feel it also :-)

oh dee ~ your 'untitled' deserves a title! loved it...

From: Angel
Date: 10 January 2001

Ok, I'm gonna get onto Dee and Terry! If there is one thing I cannot stand more than horridly repeated misspellings in a work, it is an UNTITLED poem!!! A poem deserves a title, even a bad one! A poem without a title is like a person without a face (oooops, bad analogy beings Dee paints distorted faces...hehehe) *SMILE* One reason I do not like to see a poem go untitled is that it makes it rather hard to look up later. And the last two poems of Dee and Terry are simply wonderful and if I file them I will have to name them myself:) Oh, am I really peeved at you TWO! Of course this is only my opinion and we all know what are opinions are like;) And I do believe I may have Untitled one or two, but usually I just rely on Kevin or other friends to title them for me. *ducking my head and running out now before the deluge*smile*

From: me aka niki
Date: 10 January 2001

2 terry~ I'm glad you liked "splendor"
And thx for your advice =)

From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 10 January 2001

this place has helped me keep my sanity the past couple days.....the computer system at work isn't working so its incredibly frustrating not being able to do my job...especially when you have a deadline!

but i come here then and i feel nice and calm....

wow, i wrote virginia rain on my lunch break yesterday, i'm glad you enjoy it as much you have :)


From: Elaina
Date: 10 January 2001

me aka niki~ The whole package...well done, I know exactly how you feel.

Ali~ Where are you, are you still sick? Get better soon I miss you!!!!


From: deevaa
Date: 10 January 2001

angel -- feel free to suggest ANY name you want. (grin) and seeing that I used the name 'untitled' before Terry did this month, I think I've got first dibs....

From: deevaa
Date: 10 January 2001

I've been painting again.... you know I've not been at the easel since mid-september and it is VERY hard to get my flow back again. I'm sure my muse is in there, she just doesn't want to play nice.

Anyways, I was reading a web-log several nights back, and the person had posted a 'screen shot' from a movie they where filming, and it reminded me of a work I'd done to go with a prose piece by Kevin (PlugHole)... this work is more like my earlier stuff (1998-99 ) if you are interested check it out and let me know what you think.... http://www.geocities.com/davenaa/love-in-peace.jpg

From: Galadrial
Date: 10 January 2001

Oh my goodness...

It's truly poor form to toot your own horn...but I really am dancing with excitement, so too bad!
I've recieved word from the editor of Poetry Webring (which is currently featuring work by Our own Mr. Leonard (terry)
that he will be featuring some of my Ridge poems in his Valentine issue...he suggested my work to his wife, who had another site called Lingerings, and she has asked to run a LONG epic poem I penned a year ago called Cassandra Speaks in her March zine...in addition, she's also asked for Galadrial's Garden to join The Words Of A Woman webring...

Man...I am seriously shocked about all this...remember please, that with 27 YEARS of writing behind me, I only entered a poetry contest for the first time this Fall. And I am told that the Hobbits are planning to redo some "small details" in the Garden...That's Hobbit for complete overhaul...

Well, will keep you all posted---and will be inviting some folks to freshen the well in the guest garden too!

Gala, dancing, leaping, AND HUGGING HERSELF...

And guys? Thanks for all the support...without you,I am a mere elf with attitude. Kirk, Dee, Kev, Terry---THANK YOU!

From: Galadrial60@aol.com
Date: 10 January 2001

Hey SC honey?
Can you please drop me an email?


From: Galadrial60@aol.com
Date: 10 January 2001

Slug---next time you pass through, drop me a line please?


From: Ali
Date: 10 January 2001

Elaina~ Hey, I'm still kinda sick, but I'm doing better...I love, absolutely loved 'my addiction'...great job...love it...you write wonderfully. =)

Terry~ 'Silence Rules the Night' I love it...and 'A Dylan Day' was awesome.

Niki~ 'Once and Again'...I really love it...all your work has been great...I haven't had so much time to comment, 'cause I've been sick...but, good stuff, dearie.

Everyone is writing great...I'm always amazed at the amount of talent in one place...WOW...Great stuff, everybody.
Love and Sunlight, Ali

From: David Rosema ccaallmm @aol. com
Date: 10 January 2001


Bird shit and jelly rhyms
Critics abound with sunshine
For only time can align these useless thoughts

To share with compassion the lesson
of a thousand lifetimes

In Conclusion: If you write in the middle of the night
Its alright, Its alright
Just for tonight
No matter to flatter the mad hatter and such
Its ok and time for lunch

From: me aka niki
Date: 10 January 2001

2 Ali~ Thx
And hope you get beter soon!

From: me aka niki
Date: 10 January 2001

2 Akash~ I liked your last 2 poems
They were gr8 =)

From: B.K. (with red face)
Date: 10 January 2001

Ok: Should read; When Life gives you lemons in Sampler of life. I hate it when I do that...LOL


From: Toklas blee@direct.ca
Date: 10 January 2001

Happy New Year everyone!

I have been away trying to learn how to be a poet. I have spent months looking with the most critical eye at every word I have written and trying to develop. I was pleased to see the discussion here on critiques. This is a fine site that seems to do a variety of things. It is a haven for new poets not ready to leap out and get the response from a very critical forum until they are ready, a place for people to just express, share and enjoy. For those of us who do want a more critical appreciation of their work, I think if we just put up our hands, that could be done.

I have been working in a very critical forum and for the serious writer, truly in-depth critical response is a great way to grow. If anyone asks that of me here, that is what they will get with the provisio that they park ego outside before they read what I have to say. Anything I myself post here, that is the level of criticism I would love.

Dee, Gala, Kevin guppy and so many others, nice to see your work again.


From: Elaina
Date: 10 January 2001

Ali~ Even sick you are wonderful. I really enjoyed 'The Obvious' because right now I feel that I don't need to say anything for him to know.

me aka niki~ I really loved 'A Friend of More?' we all feel that way just remember, it won't be the last time you feel it.


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 10 January 2001

Michael- Thanks for the compliments on "Saving Face"


From: lydia kid 19
Date: 10 January 2001

I love the pomes I'm 15 and I feel the same some of these people feel

well Thank you that is all for now

From: deevaa
Date: 10 January 2001

Gala -- way to go.... congrats!! Please send me a copy of the work on Cassandra, maybe now I've knocked one painting off this year the next will be easier.

Toks, I've always loved your work ... it stands up to in depth analysis well I'm sure.... on that note, I'm interested if anyone else stands with Michael on my piece "tail spin mode" ... he says too many metaphors. My own personal favourite that I wrote so far this month is "I want him to come in the summer time" and I wondered if that had so much of a 'kiwi' flavour to it.

I've been writing in an online diary/journal, alot of random thoughts not all public, not all private, it is interesting because often my poetry has come from much longer posts in that, and that is exactly what happened with 'tail spin mode".

I wrote a 4 paragraph journal entry on discovering that a comment that my lover had written about me had been erased, and how it really hurt when I discovered it was gone, then later that day I took that entry and turned it into a poem, I didn't think it was a great poem, but I enjoyed the process.


From: Toklas
Date: 10 January 2001

Mega Congrats to you! I would love to see it once they have your work up!

From: Elaina
Date: 10 January 2001

Ali~ I loved 'Like Nothing Else' I just really liked it!!!


From: me aka niki
Date: 10 January 2001

2 Ali~ I loved your last poem
Especially the end!
So true..

From: Michael (dee-lighted)
Date: 10 January 2001

Dee ~ I made that comment not because I don't like the poem, but because I had my english teacher "rip me a new one" in my first papers when I'd use 5 different metaphors in a paper, and lavish praise when I used 2 metaphors that fishtailed together. So it's more a -- that's what I was brought up to believe thing. I dunno, sometimes I try writing poems other ways and sometimes I like them better that way and other times no.

I have a hard time making "technical" comments on people's poems because I don't want to hurt any feelings and I also wonder how much of what I see is my subjective opinion and how much is generally good commentary.

I think I can some potential as a poet, but I'm not real confident in any skill as a critic. :-)

Anyway Dee, I do love your work.

From: B.K.
Date: 10 January 2001

Jack: Just wanted to wish you a safe trip and hurry back as we will miss you a lot.


From: jack
Date: 11 January 2001

ah my lady B.K. thanks but it will be only a short month or so.. so... till then my lady, heh im thinking on how many post's i will have to read to catch up lol

Date: 11 January 2001


From: terry
Date: 11 January 2001

Hey Jack,
Bon Voyage, Ciao, Au Revoir, Break a Leg and hurry back!

From: juelie taylor
Date: 11 January 2001

i'm sending this to me.

From: deevaa
Date: 11 January 2001

Michael, I didn't think you where knocking my poem, I was just asking if anyone else thought the same.

Date: 11 January 2001


From: the guppy
Date: 11 January 2001

dee---about the kiwi flavoring...mixes well with strawberries...seriously now...your descriptions (names of places, trees, etc) work well in prose form because you have a bit more freedom to define things...poetry sometimes gets bogged down with definition...

the subtle art of abstraction is a good way to break yourself of being overly descriptive when writing...limiting the use of adjectives can be a very effective way of condensing poetry, while at the same time making it more universal...too much abstraction can kill a poem, though...gala, i'd like to hear your thoughts about this

if you regular submitters want a challenge, try making up rules for yourselves to follow for a set period of time...like say to yourself at the beginning of a week that you're not going to use the words "love", or "heart", or "soul" in any of your submissions for that week...it might not seem too tough, but it's good practice at getting yourself to be able to weasel around your first inclinations when choosing words...taking alternate routes can be fun

later all,

From: deevaa
Date: 11 January 2001

(blowing kisses) thankyou guppy.... much love to you.

From: Angel
Date: 11 January 2001

Dee, how about 'Truth', 'The awakening','Then it came to me...' 'A Poem' anything! lol Take your pick :)

From: Angel
Date: 11 January 2001

Toklas~"Singing To Siwash", Wonderful use of vocabulary, description excellent, emoting a sadness that was almost euphoric, a deep cleansing of the soul. This is a wonderful example of the superior and polished poetry that I would love to learn by.

From: Kirk
Date: 11 January 2001

Guppy-- another interesting experiment might be changing the "person" you usually right with (i.e. first person, second person, etc.) I think a lot of people are writing so personally and subjectively that they forget that the best works tap into universal feelings.

From: Akash ~ Holywaterofganga@hotmail.com
Date: 11 January 2001

2 me aka niki ~ Thanks - Akash.

From: scqueen
Date: 11 January 2001

hey gup ~ let's include the words "whole" and "hole" in our words not to use for a week also :-)

From: Grace qtpie832001@excite.com
Date: 11 January 2001

Looking At You
I love that special shine
The sun gives your hair
That magnificent way your eyes
Glisten every time I gaze into them
That enormous amount of tranquility
You show when you sleep
And even that I love everything
About you almost make me weep
Why that, the reason is simple
I’m blessed just to be able to
Look at you!

From: Grace qtpie832001@excite.com
Date: 11 January 2001

Looking At You
I love that special shine
The sun gives your hair
That magnificent way your eyes
Glisten every time I gaze into them
That enormous amount of tranquility
You show when you sleep
And even that I love everything
About you almost make me weep
Why that, the reason is simple
I’m blessed just to be able to
Look at you!

What Is This
I hold deep inside
In the middle of my heart
So deep down in
Why is it I feel this thing
Maybe it is like
Maybe it is love
I don’t know for sure
All I know is that
I feel this for you
So deep that it is fixated
In my heart
Never to change

From: slug
Date: 11 January 2001

hey everyone! (gala... :-))

it's been a few days - i got the yucky flu and have been asleep since monday. but now i'm awake (sortof) and reading the millions of poetry that's sprung up in the past few days. it's all wonderful.

sc, guppy, bk, gala, terry, jack - great stuff to read. i know there's more, but what i read doesn't even make much sense right now. i just know it was good.

and oh- terry - gossamar is a great word. even if i can't spell it.

i would also like to say that this page of poetry is better than 90% of the daytime tv. (with the exception of win ben stein's money reruns and law and order reruns - except that those are reruns and the poetry is new...)

and - last thing - someone up there said that poetry is more emotional than prose. now i'm all kinds of doped up and so out of it i don't remember the author of those words - but i'd like to drop in my two cents and disagree. prose is every bit as magical as poetry, and poetry can be every bit as banal as prose. it all depends on the words and the rhythm. and, of course, the author.

i'll stop taking up kirk's space now. :-)

From: Galadrial
Date: 11 January 2001

Okay Slug honey...

The mountain won't come to Mohammed...so if you please, would it be okay to run Della in the garden?
I have never read such a lovely tribute---and while I know you may feel quite heart sore, I must say that it is pure quality---and something I would be most honored to see in my site....



From: slug
Date: 11 January 2001

Gala -

of course you can. if i had it my way i would have shared her with everyone alive.

From: Gala
Date: 11 January 2001

Thanks Sweets---

Will get the hobbits right on it, and will let you know when it's up...


From: the guppy
Date: 11 January 2001

kirk---i totally agree with you about using different "persons" when writing...the following is an excerpt from a paper by christian de quincey that talks about different points of view used in examining consciousness...i'm just offering this as food for thought...much of it can be seen as relevant to the points of view of written works

"We could say that standard third-person inquiry leads to a science of external bodies, first-person inquiry leads to an interior science of the mind, while second-person engagement leads to a communal science of the heart.2 Whereas the ultimate ideal of objective knowledge may be control, and the ultimate ideal of subjective knowledge may be peace, the ultimate ideal of intersubjective knowledge is relationship–and, dare I say it, love."


From: Ali
Date: 11 January 2001

Elaina~ Glad that you liked them! That means a lot to me...=)...and 'Help' was great...I've been there...

Niki~ I'm happy that you liked the last one...delighted you liked it!

Love and smiles, Ali

From: me aka niki
Date: 11 January 2001

2 Ali~ "follow" Wow..
"Forget right
And forget wrong
They are only labels
Has created"
And the end was also so gr8

From: miamigurl01@hotmail.com
Date: 11 January 2001

we were friends before we went out. i always had a crush on u. and u never knew. until my friends told u. and u didnt know wat to say. and so we went out. when we broke up u never wanted to talk to me or look at me. and some of my friends told me u still liked me and i still liked u but i didnt know wat to do. thats all i can think about. and i found out that u went out with one of my good friends and i was so sad inside but i didnt show it. and i was dying inside. and then she broke up with and i felt happy and sad at the same time. when u told me wat happen i felt like hugging u and kissing but i couldnt. and i thought for a while we were friends but we werent. until now i find out that we arent friends at all. now u wont look at me or say anything. and i regret going out with but at the same time i dont. and there something i couldnt say while we were going out cause we broke up so fast. and now that i can say it to u u wont listen or look at me. but now i that i have the appaunaty to say eventhough u might not read but i gotta say someway or somehow here it goes. "Ricky Espinoza I luv u and i dont want to lose u but i did and now that ur not my friend i wish i never let u go. and i regret doing that. so if ur reading this I LUV U RICKY ESPINOZA"

From: miamigurl01@hotmail.com
Date: 11 January 2001

today u passed by me like nothing. u didnt even say hi. u just looked at me. and i want to why? do u have to be that mean. please can u tell me. can you please at least say hi. but no you dont you say hi to my friends in front of my face. to you im inviseble right okay. fine from now on im an inviseble person to you.

From: Elaina
Date: 11 January 2001

Ali~ MY GOD!!! Thank you I'm in tears, I don't know what to say, imagine that me I don't know what to say. Thank you so much, you are amazing.

I also loved 'As I Should'


From: Ali
Date: 11 January 2001

Elaina~ You're so sweet, that it should be a crime...=)...I'm very happy that you liked them especially, 'follow'...=)

Niki~ I'm very happy you liked 'follow'...your comments always make me smile...
Love and peaches, Ali

From: Megs
Date: 11 January 2001

Oh Lord- *massive tears* I just got a chance to browse back through the last several days of comments,

Gala (literally-sanity saving fairy dust), Kev, Dee, Gup, Micheal, Terry, Angel, BK, Jack and Kirk, every last one of you (and I soooooooo regret if I missed a name. Thank you for even noticing...for prayers. That's all I can ask for now. I am back on the Net for good the 18th. Yipee!!! Email addy is and will remain Megangel25@yahoo.com. These thoughts have been balm to the soul.

David needs more prayers than I can manage in a day. No silver linings yet. Memorial services for his brother are Friday and Saturday...toughest times being here with the family and all.

You all are the everyday angels and fairies and spirits that get a down trodden soul by...for that I had a prayer of thanks tonight.

*First small smile in days*

From: B.K.
Date: 11 January 2001

Megs: Hang tough woman, just keep your chin up, all our prayers go with you both. Will be glad to see you back here again, we have missed your writing.


Gup, Kevin, Terry, Kirk: Guys, it's good to see this kind of input here. Gives us all something to chew on. Keep it up.

From: the guppy
Date: 12 January 2001

DubalPoet---might be a better forum out there for you to express religious beliefs...lest you start off-topic debate...and you might want to rephrase things like "could of" to "could have"


From: Elaina
Date: 12 January 2001

Ali~ 'My Eyes' really beautiful, I related to everything...wonderful. Glad to see you're feeling better. I missed you tons!!!

me aka niki~ 'Where are you...' truly heartfelt, 'one last chance' and 'in the end' short and sweet. I seem to have a problem writing just a little, I always seem to have so much to say. Well done.


From: silent voice
Date: 12 January 2001

Elaina, Ali and aka nikki appear to have a threesome praising party going on.

From: Galadrial
Date: 12 January 2001

Morning Gup-ster...

Well, you have a problem when dealing with the universal in poetry---I call it the "big C"---cliche. The first obstacle I usually encounter in teaching is "unteaching" my students. Poetry needs to be written in your own voice---using words and expressions that you would include in your normal conversation. Yours happens to be a pure stream of internal dialogue that I find endlessly fascinating!

When you've been around poetry a bit, you can tell a lot from a poem. Word choice will almost always give you an age for the writer, and not just the words---but how they are used. Beginning writers are very tentative---they tend to use generalities, usually with the intention of reaching for universal. They have not read as much---and reading is key to developing writing skills. When I first started poetry---at about 12, I was terrified of plagerism...(12 year olds are goofy, what can I say?)so I decided to not read anything...strange logic.

The trouble is---I loved reading...and when I did it, I saw how others used language...and it widened my word palatte, so to speak.......

more later......child is running late!


From: Angel
Date: 12 January 2001

Just adding my two cents...I think that Universal can be written in 'your own voice'...after all, as humans, don't we all tend to experience pretty much the same emotions? But,I think what Kirk and Guppy are speaking of is to lessen submissions that appear to be excerpts right from ones diary. The reader is seeking to connect with something in what he is reading and if it is too personal it is like being in a conversation about another's health...BORING.

Oh and I am really enjoying this deeper discussion into writing techniques...keep it coming.


From: Elaina
Date: 12 January 2001

silent voice~
I really don't know what your problem is because you have been attacking me since your name first appeared on the board. I simply comment on the work that I read, and I admit it when I am in a hurry I sometimes only read work by Ali, and me aka niki, not because I favor them but because I feel like I closly relate to their work more than others. Another thing who are you to say that we can't compliment each other, and I know for a fact that 'niki' and Ali compliment a ton on other work here, I see it all the time, and maybe if you would actually say something nice to someone you'd get someone talking to you...don't waste my flavor, because you're a little jealous. Just worry about yourself.

From: silent voice
Date: 12 January 2001

No attack, Elaina. Does appear cliquish, though.

From: me aka niki
Date: 12 January 2001

2 Silent voice~ Why did you make that remark about Ali, Elaina and I?
It's seems that you don't wont us to say something nice to each other
I must say I compliment much more people!
And The last thing you said...I don't even know them
I don't even live in the U.S.A
Just so that you know...

From: Galadrial
Date: 12 January 2001


I was about to talk about vocabulary---and word choice. My kids start class figuring they'll work with forms---sonnets, haiku, the like. I make them THINK about words...the way they sound...the images they conjure...and the fact that one word can mean a dozen things to a dozen people. There was a truly hateful girl in my school named Melody...to this day, when I meet someone with that name, I go cool. My connotation with the name is negative---even though it's perfectly lovely name.

The point is, the more words you know, and more ways you know how to use them will lend texture and flavor to your writing. "LOVE"...okay...five ways to say love without saying it...

the look in his eyes when he heard her laugh...
the rumble in the belly like warm hunger...blood gone to champagne at the touch of a kiss...warmth like the feel of a hot brownie on the tongue...or "the look between them felt like thick velvet"

I guess I tend toward the tactile---but that is a way to convey the universal...

My two cents...and thanks Angel...I'm still amazed.......



From: me aka niki
Date: 12 January 2001

2 Megs~ "beside you alone"
The last sentence....Oh my god
It realy got to me...WOw.. =)

From: terry
Date: 12 January 2001

I'd like to add another layer to the poetry discussion if I may. One area that in which I recieve almost universal criticism when i post outside the Blender is meter and line breaks. Michael mentioned that 'Dylan Days' lacked rhythm. He was right, and I acknowledged that and set out to figure out why. The answer was immediately obvious, or at least it was in the afternoon as opposed to middle of the night, lol. I had forced a partial rhyme scheme that seriously got in the way of the flow. And the reason I had forced the rhyme was to use words directly from Dylan's 'Rainy Day Women'. I thought that would add to the Dylan 'effect' enhancing the poem, while it truth it ruined it. Instead of being about how my day had evolved, it was suddenly about a gimmicky reference to Dylan himself.

My question is this: Does all poetry have a 'natural' rhythm and flow? I have noticed that my better work does just that. It flows on its own, and the line breaks are apparent when I read the poem in my own head. And if I follow that 'natural' flow, the work ends up with a rhythm of its own. Only when I go back and try to force rhyming or perfectly sized stanzas does that flow get ruined. Even when I have done poetry that rhymes, the few times it has worked well, there was that natural flow in place that included the rhyming words.

I agree guys, this is a great discussion...


From: B.K.
Date: 12 January 2001

Megs: Welcome back, and thanks for the wonderful work. My favorite was 'Her Lover Dies Inside.' I had to have some tissue with that one. Good to see you writing again and you are right, great therapy.


From: Ali
Date: 12 January 2001

Megs~ I love 'Her Lover Dies Inside'...that got to me...wow..I really love it.
Love and smiles, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 12 January 2001

Silent Voice...I don't really know what to say to you...I wasn't doing anything wrong by commenting on Niki and Elaina's work...I do, however, comment on other people's work, not just Niki's or Elaina's...so, that's it...i'm not cliquish, never have been...I read everybody's submissions, but rarely have time to comment on all the ones I like...i am sorry if something upset you...but if you had a problem...you maybe could have stated it a little nicer...but i am sorry if i did anything to offend anyone.
Love and Light, Ali

From: Galadrial
Date: 12 January 2001

Slug honey?

Go here....and tell me how to list the author----
and thanks...http://www.geocities.com/galadrialsgarden/pr3.html

I think we're still messing with the graphics...

Love Gala

From: deevaa
Date: 12 January 2001

Terry -- on the topic of natural rhythm, awhile back I used to speak to a gentleman on the phone a lot, and one night we got to discussing poetry, which lead to him jumping online and coming this site -- which lead to him reading to me a poem by the guppy (that he'd just posted), now I've always loved guppy's work, but this was the first time I'd heard it out loud. It was amazing. From then I've always read poetry out loud.

That same night we read a lot of poetry out loud to each other, and I made pencil notes on some of my poetry as I read over the phone, notes on where the 'out loud' rhythm didn't work. This act in itself has improved my poetry, even if it did slip into a pool of over-romantic sap while I was in the USA. (grin)


From: the guppy
Date: 12 January 2001

on the topic of rhyme and rhythm...i often write to a beat or melody (watching gala cringe...ha) that is there before the words even come out of me...i've noticed in myself that when i was turned on to jazz, the meter that i used to write got a bit more complicated...or chaotic...ha...found myself several times attempting to replace the notes of a coltrane sax solo with words...needless to say, that just didn't work...me=not that talented...i often start with one rhyme scheme and end up with another...sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't...sometimes i do it on purpose for the sake of avoiding the "sing song" type feeling...a real danger about sticking rigidly to a rhyme scheme is that the words have to be carefully selected...otherwise the readers just end up with "sounds" going through their heads, and may not grasp the meaning...for example, a brief tragic love tale set to a limmerick rhyme scheme..."there once was a man from nantucket...who's tears filled a five-gallon bucket...blah blah"...doesn't evoke much emotion or thought...meaning is lost, which is the real tragedy in this case

that's enough out of me...loving the conversation here lately, though i feel myself being longwinded...ha


From: the guppy
Date: 12 January 2001

and onto the topic of metaphors...water has, and always will be a strong reference in writing...as are all of the basic natural elements...sarah just wrote of fog, which is a combination of water and air elements...and one which carries with it human feelings of uncertainty or muted fear...or perhaps a semi-chronic state...one that will change, but not at all sure when

elemental metaphors are interesting because they lend themselves to very different interpretations depending on the person using them...especially cool ones are things such as fog, or lava, or mud, that combine properties of basic elements

just curious about what you guys all think about elemental metaphors...kevin and sarah, since you guys both recently posted water related subs, i'm anxious to hear responses from you, if you have the time...the good thing about analyzing poems from living authors is that you can ask them questions...tried doing that with t.s. elliot once, and got a "the number you have tried to reach has been disconnected" message...kinda sucks


From: sarah
Date: 12 January 2001


i wrote about fog.....mostly because it was quite foggy here today, and it made me think "the fog" it did sound forboding, and a sense of something about to happen as if there was something climatic coming with the fog....

and with fog you can't see, it hides many things...and i didn't know what it was hiding and i still don't...its undfolding as i write it...so.....i want that sense of mystery, and not necesarily something good either, but maybe not bad. who knows with fog :)

From: Angel
Date: 12 January 2001

Gala, you are sooooooo right about the use of vocabulary. This is an area I know I could work on. Reading is the best way I know how to do this, so I am trying to read more and submit less...trying to refrain from submitting just anything I happen to scribble down. Using a dictionary and thesaurus each time I encounter a new word ,or new use of a word, is also invaluable (Toklas and Kevin send me to these resources often). And,though I am not to sure of the 'rumble in the belly' one (sounded like someone in need of immodium...aghhhh don't hit me!:), the other examples you gave for conveying love were excellent...I especially 'LOVED' (*wink*) the 'champagne' and 'brownie' ones.

Terry~anything that is forced will lack rhythm...ever see Steve Urkel dance? *smile*. Most everything you write has a nice flow...I especially liked the 'Memories' one. I agree with Dee about the benefits of reciting your poem out loud. This will unveil any awkwardness in lines and stanzas and will allow you to hear what the reader is taking in.

Gary~I checked out your site. And I must say a place that allows for reciting of poetry is appealing (I have been told I recite well:) But, I failed to get anything open. Is this a common problem or could it be my comp?

From: slug
Date: 12 January 2001

gala - credit it to me: Emily. it's beautiful. thank you.

From: Toklas
Date: 12 January 2001

There is a wonderful online poetry dictionary that spells out all the varieties of rhyme, meter and form @ http://shoga.wwa.com/~rgs/glossary.html

on the piling up of image in that one poem- I think the problem is that you have not built anything specific or particular that gives the reader enough information to understand where the feelings come from. Any image that does not tell us anything specific- the why's and wherefore's- is an abstraction. Abstractions, like cliches, are what we try to avoid in poetry. You could take one of these images- feeling like a blank slate for example, and build around that. One good thing to try to do is take one image and try to explore it fully.

Developing one image and sticking with it is a way to write a poem that is cohesive.

From: Gary
Date: 13 January 2001

I had the same problem the first time I tried to open the site, but have just opened it from the office using a P111/600 and the site works fine. Here it is again just in case http://www.poetry.com/bash/index.html

From: B.K.
Date: 13 January 2001

I take as metaphysical poetry that in which what is
ordinarily apprehensible only by thought is brought within
the grasp of feeling, or that in which what is ordinarily
only felt is transformed into thought without ceasing to be feeling.

T.S. Eliot

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 13 January 2001

Elaina- Really enjoyed "My Drug" ... Glad you are a poster here at the blender :o)


From: scqueen
Date: 13 January 2001

Michael ~ 'drink diet' is fun. looks like you had a good practice session!

From: scqueen
Date: 13 January 2001

sorry, i was referring to 'starving' - i got so caught up in the rhyming the title escaped me.

From: Toklas
Date: 13 January 2001

you asked for some comment on "I want him to come in the summer time."

The most eyecatching line is, "city where pohutukawa trees scream scarlet
as they burst into bloom." You seem to be going for a prose peom here as there is no rythm or meter. Even so I would lose the "it is beatiful" line. I think you could play with this poem and tighten it considerable by getting rid of some of the qualifiers. Example:

Tiny wooden cottages wrestle for
space with concrete and chrome.

The interesting/central image is wood vs concrete, but it gets lost in too much telling.

The breathtaking line is also cliche, I would dump that one also. Cliche is not just the obvious "whispering soul" type of line, but also the usuage of any word that has made its way into being common because it has been done over and over. I think the idea in modern poetry is to find words and images that are a surprise.

To catch the readers attention, I would open with that great line:

In the city where pohutukawa trees scream scarlet
as they burst into bloom, I think to myself,
I want him to come in the summer time.

Now from here do your city in words and images that we have never heard before. You might also consider using some of the city images you introduce - that wood vs chrome for instance, to identify in some way with the relationship or relationships in general.

just my opinion, I hope this helps.

Angel, thank you for your comments on Siwash. I was concerned about 3rd line in first strophe. I am trying to get some work ready to send to publisher and if anyone sees any word or phrasing that jars, please point it out.


From: toklas
Date: 13 January 2001

Something I forgot to mention. I see someone brought up the Poetry contests held by poetry.com. They are not bonafide publishers. They will publish anything you send them, and ask you to buy a copy of an anthology made up of a zillion works that are not selected so much as used to make them $49.95. If any of you want to publish, no bonafide publisher is going to charge you for the privilige. They should at least pay you by sending you free of charge a copy of the work.

From: Toklas
Date: 13 January 2001

SusieQ, I am commenting on your poem "Unfinished Rhapsody" because I think you have the makings of a fine piece of work. I have suggested some changes below along with the reasons for the suggestions.

Cerulean eyes forbidding me love,

***Forbidding is a gerund. We try to avoid gerunds in poetry because they are unfinished thoughts.
I don't think you need the word "love." It would be more powerful implied. The line could easily read:

Cerulean eyes forbid me,

forever in platonic stasis
where the roses halfway bloom
and wind ruffles the curtains.

*** forever and wind ruffles curtains are cliche. I think you can lose them. The line could read:

In platonic stasis, roses halfway bloom.

Pages flutter,
sailing from high
to hardwood floor.
See the black quarter-notes scrawled,
a solemn paper hymn.

*** my only nit with the above is the line breaks. I don't think the shorter lines help the flow when read out loud. Also the word "flutter," I think you can find a better word. I love the "a solemn paper hymn"

One blank sheet,
staffs unadorned,
remains unscratched
by my musing quill.

** I think this could be tightened. "musing" is cliche. It could read:
One blank sheet remains, staffs unadorned
By my (descriptor of some kind, inky , scratching- something for the sake of meter) quill.

A poem with lots of great potential, thanks for the read.


From: Elaina
Date: 13 January 2001

Jenna- Thank you I'm glad you liked it.


From: Elaina
Date: 13 January 2001

Ali~ I loved them all 'who knows' 'to understand' 'like you used to' and 'what we need'!! WOW!! 'to understand' and 'like you used to' really hit close to home.

me aka niki~ 'in their eyes' and 'pieces of you' very well done. as i said before "boys are dumb" (haha)

Shara Shafer~ I really enjoyed 'now confused' it made me realize no matter how much I think I have things in control I really don't.

scqueen~ 'for kristina hogan. OH-MI-GAWD!!! really heart felt, tear jerker in less than a minute. Wonderful.


From: Elaina
Date: 13 January 2001

Sarah~ "lonleyness' was well done, I loiked the analygies.


From: terry
Date: 14 January 2001

Heartsong~ My congrats on the birth of your new baby boy!
Bet Angel is sooooo HAPPY!


From: B.K.
Date: 14 January 2001

Angel: A new baby boy! How very wonderful!


From: Angel
Date: 14 January 2001

Awwwwww I am an auntie *GREAT BIG SMILE* . And he is a handsome little tyke too...looks like my Brandi did when she was born...soft, round and beautiful with a headfull of dark hair. For those of you who do not know HeartSong, she was a Blender regular back when Kevin, Misti, Katy ,ShadyGirl, Marla, Isolde and I first started coming here. Her poetry can be viewed in the archives and she is greatly missed. I believe Kevin said her time was being spent writing songs and he said they were very good. Anyway...a great big CONGRATULATIONS to Heart on her new son and to JESSICA (her daughter) on her new big sister status...Oh and to Katy her is the REAL auntie here:) Love and Hugs to you all.

From: Ali
Date: 14 January 2001

Elaina~ Thanks!!!!!!!!! =)
Love and starlight, Ali

From: Jill Witt nkuchick@yahoo.com
Date: 14 January 2001


He is the one I love.

He is the one I care for.

He is the one that is special to me.

He is the one I want.

He is the one I look up too.

He is the one I want, to have forever.

He is the one I want to marry.

I love him always, and forever!

From: Elaina
Date: 14 January 2001

Josh Ingerman~ 'Is This Love?' I really enjoyed it. It made me think.


From: deevaa
Date: 14 January 2001

yay for HeartSong!!

She was one of my favourites here when I started.... besides Isolde, Shady, d and X. I kept one of her song/poems in my 'sent items' file for a long time, infact I don't know when I deleted it -- but it was called 'rock me in time to the beat of your heart' or something close, amazing.

Angel, I'm sure you'll be a great e-aunty... hehe.

take care of your hearts


PS... ohhh I've discovered an amazing artist/poet/person on another site that I'm going to try and coerce into posting a few things here.... she has a talent for writing so well you WANT it to be true.

From: scqueen
Date: 14 January 2001

Jenna ~ maybe i'm corny too, but i thought it was really cute! You should be prepared for those who'll want it to have a title though... :-)

From: Galadrial
Date: 14 January 2001


1. Congrats Heartsong!

2. I realize that the Blender is Kirk's---but this weekend I've seen some seriously rotten posts---mis-spelled,
mis-subbed...you name it. My own prejudice is that if you can't take the time to make sure your title is correctly spelled, I'm not going any further.

People---I think of the Blender as a real life magazine of sorts. Don't sub something in such rotten shape. It's an insult to the forum, to the other participants, and to Kirk himself. He's the editor, and deserves some respect.


From: me aka niki
Date: 14 January 2001

2 Jenna Holland ~ Your last poem was so cute!!
It made me laughand smile
Ahhh! :)
I really enjoyed that one!

From: Angel
Date: 15 January 2001

Jenna, I loved ' ' :) it was so very cute;)

From: Angel
Date: 15 January 2001

For a cool little talking dictionary, copy and paste link below. This Encarta link also offers a free course in French or Spanish:)


From: scqueen
Date: 15 January 2001

Michael ~ 'if my life should fall away'... well said. the owner of the company i work for was killed in a tragic accident alone this summer, in another state. his wife's first statement was that they left nothing unsaid, nothing unresolved, and had no regrets or 'i should haves'. that made such an impression on me that i'm trying to achieve that place in my marriage. because you just never know.

From: slug
Date: 15 January 2001

BK - forget the rules. i've been saying that for forever and then you went and wrote it down. I might just find myself inspired to write some kissy-face poetry now...

deevaa - the pilot is haunting. but i have to say this: if it's going to be so beautiful every time you have to get something out - then go right ahead - and i'll read every bit of it.

scqueen - i loved foxtrot. it's amazing when someone can capture the dance as the love affair that it is. any kind of dance - that you picked the foxtrot is evidence of your own playful nature. (my personal opinion is that the foxtrot is a playful dance)


guppy: malety (perhaps malady?) and maledom are both great. of course.

and Gala - i agree - typos are enough of a deterrent for me to not read the poem.

From: the guppy
Date: 15 January 2001

slug...thanks for the comment...i kinda like the maledom one, save for a couple awkward lines..."in whose arms hold escape?"...that one doesn't work so well...probably should have left out the "in"...


From: Karen Shader kshader@aol.com
Date: 15 January 2001

Hello, if your readers would like their original poems done in hand lettered calligraphy with hand painted watercolor illustrations please visit my website: www.kshaderdesigns.com
No copyrighted verse please
Thanks and take care! :)
Karen d/b/a Karen Shader Designs

From: squeen
Date: 15 January 2001

hey gup ~ you're starting to sound like your old self again.
glad to hear it in 'irresistible'...

From: Ali
Date: 15 January 2001

Michael~ Wow...'If my life should fall away'...was absolutely awesome...it really touched me...I love it...Wow.

Blue today~ I really love the way you write...I especially love 'Sirius'...you write really well...=)

Love and wishes, Ali

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily@aol.com
Date: 15 January 2001

Hi All~ I know that I am a fairly newcomer to this site. I've only been posting for a couple of months. And in the past week or so, I've seen some very disheartening comments posted. I used to post on another site before this. And everyone that did post there was very harsh towards one another. When I first heard about this site...I read everybodies work and I read all of the comments that were posted becuase I wanted to see what type of group this was. I liked what I saw. How much thought people put into giving a genuine comment.

All of the works here, all of the poetry and stories and songs all come from somebodies heart. I don't agree that anyone has a right to tell them if they think that its bad. If you can't compliment someone...or give them helpful critisism, its like your mother has always told you...If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. Rude and insensitive is not the way to go thru life.

I'm sorry that I've ranted and raved now. I just don't want to see this site turn into what the last site that I posted at. I like coming here and reading uplifting and heartwarming postings and works.

Thanks for listening and reading!


From: Elaina
Date: 15 January 2001

Michael~ I almost cried...'if my life should fall away' amazing, wonderful...I loved it.


From: Galadrial
Date: 15 January 2001

I don't recall having been unkind in any postings. I simply requested that posters have a little care. It's nice when poetry is a catharsis---but I believe the point of this site is poetry---not head shrinking. Sloppy spelling is no way to convey your message. It isn't a style, or "just you". I have written for money---and when an editor hits a typo, you better be Stephen King---or in the trash it goes!

And I have encouraged a lot of people in there writing...I am not mean, nor am I arbitrary. The point is that writing is sweat, craft and talent. You either grow or you shrivel...and the choice is yours.


From: Me aka niki
Date: 15 January 2001

2 Michael ~ I loved your last poem " if My life should fall away"
And the words you used realy went well with each other
Very nice poem that says so much truth and very well written:)

From: me aka niki Niki220@hotmail.com
Date: 15 January 2001

2 Mandy G~ Sleepless love was so nice
I related to it in every way

From: Toklas
Date: 15 January 2001

Since we are in the groove of thinking about making posts that are not glaring with errors, let me offer this:

its= possessive as in "its paw was black"
it's = a contraction of "it is"

ellipsis... = something you only use if you are indicating missing words. A mark or series of marks (. . . or · · ·, for example) used in writing or printing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words.

Punctuation is NOT decorative. Poets who use ellipsis and don't know what a comma, colon or semi-colon are, might as well hang a sign on their foreheads; the sign would say "Inexperienced poet here."

Other things that shout "inexperience" and will send publishers into orbit.

Unless your name is ee cummings or the like, DON'T
- Capitalize every line
- DO capitalize grammatically. What the heck is wrong with "I" capitalized?

(I am sorry we do not have a way to re-post comments in case of error. I will copy paste from word processor from now on so that I can catch typos. )

From: jan pearce
Date: 15 January 2001

just wondering if we might get a link at your romantic site. we have two offerings:
http://jsmagic.net/hearts and for valentine's day: http://jsmagic.net/valentine.

thanks. would be glad to exchange links if you will send us your logo.


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 15 January 2001

i understand that it is important for "grammar" to be correct or what not.

i understand that it is important for sentences to convey a thought concisely.

and maybe some people are aspiring to make writing a career, and maybe there are others who do make writing a part of their living, maybe professionally.

i do not capitalize my i's.

i use ellipses.

this place is not a submission to an editor.

this place is not a place to write to justify your style to others.

none of us here have the same style, we are all different.

maybe there are a few that don't capitalize perfectly.

or others who create their own style that doesn't jive with others.

i have others here at home who can edit my things, and i edit them and have them edited if they are to be submitted to an editor.

this is a place of free expression good will to all and harm to none.

not a place of anal retentiveness.

allow a little freedom before you lose a bit of the creativity that makes this place special.

From: sarah, again.
Date: 15 January 2001

this is bugging me...

i never thought i would hear these type of things here, it isn't even about mispellings.

it's turning into this professional thing, where we all have to be professionals instead of writers.

am i delusional to still think there is a difference?

yes we can all shape up on our spelling.

but to degrade someone for grammar, which usually does poetry not break all grammatical rules anyway as it is????

poetry doesn't fit into such rules.

emotions, which normally rule poetry, do not live by rules.

i do not think in periods comma semicolons or colons.

i do not think with periods or with capital letters.

i think as i am, and write as i am. not as a english teacher who one day will stamp a big d on my paper because i failed to do as i was told.

poetry is freedom, poetry is not "inexperienced poet here"

i don't write with editors in mind.

i wish this wasn't bugging me, but it is.

end of ramble.

From: Toklas
Date: 15 January 2001

For those of you who want to just spew emotions without regard to writing intelligibly, have at it. I am sure no one will stop you.

Poetry is not emotion. It is a craft. There is nothing anal retentive about carrying on a discussion of the poetry here. If people don't want comments, they should not post.

Poetry is language. Language has a grammar. For those of us here who love poetry for itself, attention to the basics is where it has to start. Anyone can learn those basics if they are not too lazy to pick up a grammar book or use a spell checker.

Too suggest that only those of you who want to pepper us with incorrectly spelled grammatical aberrations, carry the only point of view here, is simply absurd.

If you only want to play touchy feely with your friends here, you can do that, no one will stop you. But some of us want to actually write and read good poetry. The sign on the door says "poetry." Why would anyone WANT to write or read bad poetry? Poetry that is riddled with errors, cliche and abstractions does not appeal to anyone.

From: slug
Date: 16 January 2001

guppy - irresistable captured the playfulness of winter. so many people get caught up in the snuggly dreariness of it all - thanks for reminding me that it can be fun. :-)

kiwi - red...nice...

From: terry
Date: 16 January 2001

Toklas~Sarah...You are both right! Poetry does break a lot of rules, and many poets incorporate things like capitalization and punctuation, or lack thereof, into their individual styles. But just as an artist uses paint and canvas to create and communicate various concepts through their art, a poet uses words for the same purpose. And English as our chosen language does have a set of rules and constructs for a reason. To clarify meaning, context, emphasis, and a myriad of other details so that universal ideas can be communicated from one person to the next in the most clear and concise way possible. As a writer, you simply must have a good handle on the rules of grammar and usage of punctuation, etc. In other words, before you can flaunt these rules for artistic purposes, you have to be firmly grounded in those same rules first!

And while the Blender is not a rigid forum for writers submitting for publication in a strict Literary Journal, it is nonetheless an online E-zine for romantic poetry. As such, we owe it to Kirk as the Editor-In-Chief, and to each other as contributing writers,to do our best to maintain a modicum of respect for both the Blender itself, and to each other. This respect is best shown through taking the time and caring enough to check the spelling and punctuation and capitalization of our submittals!


From: Elaina
Date: 16 January 2001

All this talk of grammar and spelling has got me to wonder what this site is really about. Yes it is important, but I don't feel it is THAT important. Feelings don't have commas or periods, and I think that poetry is an art and like all art, someone likes it one way and someone likes it another. This to me and I know many others is a 'happy place' where we come to release our feelings. If you wish to critque someone do it with tact and don't be just down right rude. These postings are the hearts and souls of those who write here, don't tear them down. There are no rules to art or feelings for that matter. I guess I'm all for the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all." Just a thought I don't like that there is so much negativity on the board lately. Perhaps if you are so picky about spelling and grammar show it through your own work and set a good example. I know I learn from others more than I could ever learn from a book.

From: slug
Date: 16 January 2001

i feel i must add - since i said it before - misspellings bother me. (especially using your instead of you're)


"This poet's talent is shoddy at best. Her use of punctuation is practically non-existent. I see it as a waste of the reader's time." - this was written about EMILY DICKENSON

ee cummings got so much flack for not capitalizing and for cutting his words apart and playing with form. so did kerouac, ginsberg, burroughs, and ferlinghetti. it's a miracle they're published. and thank GOD for that. they were revolutionary (HOWL is still precedent setting - as far as our obscenity laws go.)

to them it was both art and heart. (cheesy - but without art, you can't have heart..ha ha...)

but here's the point. we're not them. we're not each other. we're not critics, and we're certainly not here to judge. so i'm going to continue reading the work that i like (concise, whimsical, kissy face, and potentially nauseating to people who aren't in love - as well as the weepy, ranting, slightly irratic rambles) and quietly pass over what i don't --

--and the only suggestion i make is that the poet (for we are ALL poets) stick to the form they like best (i feel that as someone who has been known to through parantheses into the middle of a WORD i can say that) and *@%& the people who can't accept that the poem made you happy to write.

and that's my two cents.

(and GUPPY - in whose arms...whose arms...the message is there and that's enough for me. but make it perfect for you. i'm glad you're writing.)

From: terry
Date: 16 January 2001

Elaina~ I beg to differ with your opinion. As an artist (certainly not of the level of our own Dee or Toklas) Art does indeed have rules...thing called balance, movement, dichotomy of content, focal lotus. Art has its own set of rules and terms just as writing does.

And while the Blender is a very supportive and uplifting community, especially for begginners, it is also A STAGE to offer up your work for others to COMMENT ON.....As a writer I offer my work so that I can learn to write better; to communicate more effectively. Not to trade 'ain't it so wonderful, ain't we so marvelous' comments just to stroke my ego for the day. Nice compliments are meaningless if they come from a source that thinks Misty's pet monkey, Koko Loco writes nice comments andf poetry too!.....lol. I want my compliments to be just as useful as my criticisms.

thanks for listening,

From: Elaina
Date: 16 January 2001

Terry~ Ok I stand corrected art does have rules, but think about this (not to start an argument or anything just to provok thought) LOVE does not have rules. And that's what this site is for...poetry about love and in some cases the lack of, so why then must we complain about mispells and grammar and all that (pardon me for saying so) 'silly' stuff when someone spills their heart and soul for us to read. You can't give LOVE rules and regulations so why give writings of love rules and regulations. I know that it can be annyoing to see someone mispell constantly, or use a period the wrong way, but that's what we are here for...to learn from each other. And I'm not say that you should only give compliments, but constructive critism can be put nicely so it won't hurt anybodys feelings. Perhaps I'm just puzzled because there are poets of all ages here, and different levels are obviously going to have different levels of writing and grammar and spelling, ect. I'm only sixteen and I am a horrible speller and to tell you the truth that is the last thing on my mind when I'm writing, because my poetry comes from my HEART not from my HEAD. I write for myself and no one else. I post here to get critism from others, and as much as I do enjoy the praises and compliments, I wouldn't mind a comment of a different opinion, but I am sixteen and I break easily and if someone does have CONSTRUCTIVE critism about my work I'd wish them to send it to my e-mail (princess_ballerina@excite.com) or do it so that their point is well made but my feelings don't get hurt. It also 'hurts' me to see others beaten on in such a DISRESPECTFUL way. I hope I made sense.

From: deevaa
Date: 16 January 2001

How many times do I have to say it, if you post in public asking for comments on your poetry, you are NOT just writing for yourself.

If you are posting in a public forum you are asking for validation, proof that somehow, somewhere you may say something profound and it will affect someone to continue on with that emotion and reaction.

All art has foundation, if you don't size your canvas your work of art will crack, spelling and grammer (at which I am useless) are part of the foundation of poetry, I don't claim to get it right, but I say apply them with your own style and flair, just start with the right foundation!

From: Toklas
Date: 16 January 2001

There is nothing disrespectful about discussions on what poetry is or does. There is certainly nothing disrespectful about a spell checker. It won't hurt your heart one bit!

When you discover how painless a spell checker can be, you may even try a thesaurus!

they have one at www.dictionary.com

type in the word you are using that you think could be improved, then click on thesaurus. A list of alternatives to the word will be available for you to try.

There are 5 pages of alternatives to the word "soul."

tok <smiling>

From: the guppy
Date: 16 January 2001

my only thoughts on this are: 1)Toklas, thank you for your honesty...you've made really good points about the craft of poetry...i was reading your comments and thinking to myself, "i must be the most annoying read in the world to her"...everything you said made sense 2)criticism here isn't about judgement of anyone's heart...don't take it that way...people that take the time to write a thoughtful critique are doing it because they care enough to do it...there are people here who are very good writers...great opportunity to learn from them if we allow them to speak their minds 3)fiction, FICTION is written here along with non-fiction pieces...i know that i write things without ANY emotional ties to myself sometimes...i suspect that many others do too...decent writers can and do write about other people's feelings, or other people's made-up feelings, or made-up people's made-up feelings...and believe it or not, romance poetry isn't always from the heart...a good writer can make you believe nearly anything...sheesh, hallmark cards can do that...presidents are remembered for speeches they give which are written by other people...actors are loved or hated according to characters they portray...blah blah...


From: kevin urenda
Date: 16 January 2001

My thoughts on the subject of the moment are these...

(self-editorial note here: I do not use ellipses in my poetry or in serious writing, except as accepted style guidelines for ussage allow for quoted text, but I do signify fragmented sentences - if not thoughts - in posts on this message board or in e-mail with them)

First of all, on the subject of love, I love words. I love what they symbolize, signify, and often what they can paint in the mind's eye, when placed together in a creative way. I (yes, still, being a stubborn old fart) at least try to read every single 'poem.' It becomes harder to characterize a group of words AS a poem when there is not attempt to place them together in a creative or even workmanlike way. If a writer cares less about the way they convey their emotion than in the emotion for its own sake, both lose something. A well written poem actually enhances the person emoting, and the emotive act itself. If you care enough to share what you feel, you ought to care enough that others might at least understand it. A person who does not at least care enough to try to express themselves coherently (this is far more than just spelling or punctuation) is almost as inconsiderate as someone who comments on another's work in a harsh manner. This place is ALL about words. It behooves us all to choose the ones we use as carefully as possible.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 16 January 2001

p.s. - Tok, good point! No serious writing is done without a thesaurus. It is the writer's pallette, so to speak.

From: kevin <blushing forty-seven shades of red> u.
Date: 16 January 2001

um, that's PALETTE...
(bad writer! BAAAD writer!!!)

From: Devin
Date: 16 January 2001


Gimme a break. YOU "professionals" who are masking your criticism of minor detail in the guise of advice are going to make me puke. Language is ALIVE and constantly changing and there are many forms of language to include regional and cultural differences. Is a poem in Ebonics any less of a poem? Grammar and spelling ARE important, sure, i'll buy that. But when i post here, i'm not "TRYING" to be published, I'm NOT submitting to an editor and it IS MY EMOTION, not my craft, not my art I'm releasing to the blender. I am not submitting for YOUR intepretations or technical review. I rarely, if ever, ask anyone for a review or response and I don't submit for the purpose of putting my work out for all to read. I SUBMIT because I NEED to write and the blender allows me a release, an archive and a reference to those wishing to see some of my works. I'm all for teaching, but be careful when you find yourself so locked into convention that you forget the free-spirited, flowing, NO RULES art of true poetry from the heart, not the textbook.


From: Devin
Date: 16 January 2001

...one more elipse'd comment...

Kevin, you know i admire you and your works but i must disagree about this place being "ALL" about words, I was certainly under the impression it was all about romance.


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 16 January 2001

i think i will keep to my uncapitalized self.

maybe some have a grasp on the english language, maybe other languages as well, seeing as french has been posted here.

then i have been under a misconception my whole life as to what poetry is.

if it is not emotion, if it just a "craft" as to hone your verbal skills. then i want nothing to do with it.

i could give a rat's patookis about grammar and punctuation.

i'm not cutting anyone down here or trying to be disrespectful.

i'll keep my writing to myself then if this place has grown to technical as to care about ellipses not being in writing, or if i capitilize my i's.

From: Blender Historian
Date: 16 January 2001

From Kirk's own words:


"As part of the Blender's original mission, I invited its readers to send "Something You Want To See On The Blender." Originally, I was thinking that I would receive works by established authors that had caught my readers' eye. But I tapped into a deeper need, the need for people to get their own feelings about romance on screen, in a public forum. So 'Heart on Sleeve' corner was created, a page for people to put their own love poems on the web."

I think that about says it all.

From: terry
Date: 16 January 2001

Sarah~ You know without a doubt that I love your writing. And I would sorely regret losing the chance to read your work because you stopped posting here. In a way, you are missing the point of what is being said here on the Boards. The fact you choose to write without capitalizing is for you a matter of choice! Many other poets have adopted a similar style. Heck look at my own posts. You will see that I never capitalize my own name, terry. And when I first started posting here, that one little fact drove some people batty. It was interesting to get email from practical strangers asking why I did that!

It was a matter of choice for me, just as it is for you in your own work. What was pointed out was that an editor would not care to receive material without proper punctuation and grammar. As you say, that matters little to you because you are not submitting to an editor. But you have to admit, it is a very good thing to know in case you ever are in a position to publish your work. And bby pointing out that fact, Toklas has passed some valuable information she has learned the hard way through experience on to the rest of us aspiring writers in the hopes we won't learn the same lesson the hard way.

The simple fact is this; as a writer we write because we have to. Be it popetry, short stories, whatever. And when we share our writing by posting it here, we all have various and different expectations of what we can accomplish by posting. Some writers could care less about what is critiqued about their work on the board. Others fully want as full a critique as possible in order to learn and grow in their writing. The great thing about the Blender is that both these desires can be accomplished if that writer lets it be known what they want as expect. And neither way is better than the other. As Elaina put well, with 100 writers here, there are 100 different levels of experience, education, life experience, talent, desire, and all the other traits that make us the writers we are.

Keep posting sarah. I for one will keep reading and enjoying your unique talent, as I know others here do. Just as I will continue to enjoy the other artists here.


From: Elaina
Date: 16 January 2001

There is no use even stating my opinion, because you can't even acknowledge that is simply...MY opinion. I'm not saying I'm right or you're wrong, I just think it's horribly sad that you can't see past the spelling mistakes and the grammatical errors. Call me crazy but, like anything, there is more to writing than technique. Yes it is important, but not life treatening. And, just like everything else, you can have all the technique in the world but you won't go anywhere if you don't have HEART.
(Sorry if in my morning hurry I mis-spelled something, and God forbid I forgot a period or something.)

From: Elaina
Date: 16 January 2001

I come here because everyone that posts has a different style, I read the poems because sometimes unannounced to anyone I'm looking for advice. I write here because I hope I help and inspire others, I've never once thought "OH! I'll go to the blender today and tell someone how annoying I find it that they didn't capitalize thier 'i's" I just think it's terrible that this is even a topic. I thank everyone who has participated in this conversation, I've learned a lot, but unfortunatly all I want to learn. I willing to bend a little and always let someone have their say, but I can't partake in this disagreement any longer I'm getting discouraged and no writer needs that.

Don't stop posting...PLEASE don't stop posting, don't let grammar and spelling get in the way of your beautiful work. Believe it or not there are people who very much enjoy your 'i's...me. So don't stop posting.


From: Angel
Date: 16 January 2001

Well, I guess I stand in the middle here. I do see where numerous misspellings, poor punctuation and grammatical errors can lose a reader's interest fast, but I can also see the danger of stifling creativness by the added pressure of technicalities. I have said over and again that the beauty of this forum is the diversity of its writer's. We have people here of all ages and degrees of education. And not one of them has anything more important to express about romance than the other. Anyone here can go to a dictionary, thesaurus or online writer's technique site to improve the technical part of their writing if they wish. I thought critiquing would be more on the lines of use and linkage of words to convey the message you are trying to get across to your reader...more on style, meter and diction...more on fresher ways to express ourselves with words, not elementary english (I have always used...as a longer pause/break in my train of thought. I will probably continue to do so in conversation, but I will refrain from using them in my poetry now that I have learned that it is incorrect. But the lower case lettering I just find more visually poetic). Although, I have always stated that my writing was strictly a hobby, I would like to improve on it (isn't that what we want to do with all hobbies?). My main concern lately is that if the critquing gets too techinical, some future 'Dickinson' or 'ee cummings' might be discouraged and that is not what this place is about. Also, I have seen many poems grace the front cover that were not even close to being free of technical errors, but they were chosen on the merit of fresh expression alone, so I do not think error-free poetry is what Kirk is looking for. It would be nice to continue to see encouraging remarks along with a few pointers from some of the more educated on board. But if the remarks are offered in a disgusted manner, you have helped no one.

From: Toklas
Date: 16 January 2001

Kirk, thank you for commenting on our discussion. No one debates the point that some here are going to only exchange feelings. And if that is what they choose, then they are free to do so by virtue of this site and what it aims to do.

My only point is that there are some of us who want more because when we see the word poetry, we are looking for the integrity of poetics. I am not addressing anything to a specific person's work. Those who want to do something more than emote, should have the opportunity to express their appreciation or non-appreciation of work presented. Those who have said that they are only here to express feelings certainly won't invite critical comment.

But for those who have said that they might like to work toward poetry with the big P, why not here as well as any other place?

A little growth won't hurt a site. There is room here for us all.

Those of you who have put up your hand and expressed that you do care what poetry does, I hope we can have many lively discussions about poetry. I love poetry like breath itself. I read it like an addict.

Any Raymond Carver fans in the house?


From: kevin urenda
Date: 16 January 2001

I am not a person who critiques anyone's work here based on technical merit. I have always kept it positive, and have always tried to be considerate and civil. I am not a professional writer (outside the context of the technical writing I am paid well for in the course of my employment). Again, I read EVERY poem, good, bad, indifferent. As a reader I WANT to get something out of what everyone writes, not because I take poetry seriously, but because I want to feel enriched in some way. As a poet, I do not submit everything I write, because frankly, much of what I write is not good (I am sure that some would say that all of what I write is not that good).

The Blender Historian is, of course, correct in pointing out that this place is about giving people a forum to express their emotions about love and romance. My poetry here has never been about anything else. I also realize that what I write may not appeal to many, if any, but that is not why I write. It is not, I suspect, why others do either (q.v. Terry's comment above). I am not trying to discourage ANYONE from writing anything they wish and posting it here. All I want to do is lend a little perspective to this (rather overheated) discussion. But then perhaps my words would not be missed much either, were they not here.

I must reinforce what I said before and respectfully disagree with Devin (though not completely). Yes, the header at the top of the New Submissions page says that "Everyone is welcome to send in poems related to romance." And as far as I am concerned there is no equivocation in that - I wish everyone felt welcome here. However, it is ALL about words. These words you are reading right now that are conveying my ideas about what poetry might be (again, for my opinion about poetry, please refer to www.loveblender.com/1999december/works/johnkeating.html).

Since words can be used to hurt, I have always tried to keep the words I use on this board pointed in a positive direction. Most people, even those offering criticism, have tried to as well, I believe. But poems, too, are made up of words. People are reading our emotions and conceptions of romance here communicated in the form of words. So the words we choose and the way we use them are things that DO matter. That was the point I was trying to make.

This reader would sorely miss the pleasure of reading your poetry. Please keep sharing it.


From: Devin
Date: 16 January 2001


I can certainly agree with your clarification of intent. In that respect, absoultely, words do indeed matter in conversance as well as conveyance.



From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 16 January 2001

Toklas, I don't think I 'commented on [this] discussion'. 'Blender Historian' quoted what I had layed down a long while back, back Blender Historian != Me.

Also, if I were to write a more recent blurb on Heart on Sleeve corner, it would probably have to mention the concept of Front Page Picks... more important than grammar or spelling or puncuation is novelty. I want to see something new in poetry. Not neccesarily in form, but in mood, or imagery, or sometimes with wordplay.

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 16 January 2001

I believe that it was Toklas that said "poetry is not emotion, but that it is a craft." (Correct me if I am wrong.) Everything that I write comes from my heart or my life experiences. What I've learned from my 22 years on this earth is that usually what comes from the heart IS emotion. At least in my case.

When I read someone elses work on here (which I do often and I'm sorry that I don't have time to post what I think is wonderful) I don't even notice the misspellings, or the grammical errors. I read the words and the emmotion that is written across the page.

I'm not an aspiring writer. I design commericals, radio ads, television promotions and anything else dealing with creative advertising and promotions. I write here because I love writing. I love seeing what other people have written and I don't think that its a crime to have misspelled or not capitalized something. I'm famous for over using the "..." To me thats no crime, thats the way that I am. And I'm not sorry for who I am.

I do go thru editors. I have to in my line of work. And maybe writing editor compared to my kind of editors are different, I wouldn't know. But I do learn things from them and one thing that I have learned is that they make mistakes as well. An Editor is not perfect either. Just as none of us are perfect.

I don't want to see someone like Sarah stop posting because of something that was said on the board...I like reading her works, just as I do Elaina's, Guppy's, Kevin's, B.K.'s, me aka niki's, terry's, Ali's...and anyone else that I may have forgetten. To me they are all writers no matter the misspelling or grammatical errors.

I'm sorry for ranting again!!

Here are a few that I read yesterday:

Blue Today~ 'Sirius' was very mysitacl to me. Made me think that there is a place out there somewhere that is nothing but mystic.

Guppy~ 'Irresistible' sounds like something deviant that I would do!

Michael~ 'If My Life Should Fall Away' was absolutly beutiful. Something that everyone should live by.


From: rogerdodger
Date: 16 January 2001

there is a difference in education and intelligence and intelligence and talent. we can all gain an education. intelligence is in the genes, so selective. and talent is a gift that should not be stymied by either. some are too smart for their own words.

From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 16 January 2001

according to webster:

poetry \Po"et*ry\, n. [OF. poeterie. See Poet.] 1. The art of apprehending and interpreting ideas by the faculty of imagination; the art of idealizing in thought and in expression.

For poetry is the blossom and the fragrance of all human knowledge, human thoughts, human passions, emotions, language. --Coleridge.

2. Imaginative language or composition, whether expressed rhythmically or in prose. Specifically: Metrical composition; verse; rhyme; poems collectively; as, heroic poetry; dramatic poetry; lyric or Pindaric poetry. ``The planetlike music of poetry.'' --Sir P. Sidney.

She taketh most delight In music, instruments, and poetry. --Shak.

imagination is individual.

I write foremost, for myself. I have never stopped writing because one individual or another has not liked my writing. If i choose not to come to this forum of poetry, it is because i feel many things that made this place what it is, are no longer here.

As much as I love many of the people who post here, I do not want to be in a writing atmosphere where i feel that things i might do are inherrently wrong. To not capitalize a letter or to not put in a comma, is not to take away the true soul of a work.

Even James Joyce in Ulysses, threw away punctuation.

I believe that to an extent writing is a craft, that you do know how to express a vision of imagination that is in your head, or an emotion. I think it's what those words say, not how they are put together that truly compell a reader.

Look at guppy's work for instance, I love his stuff, I read it every chance I get. But he throws away many grammatical rules, and he truly is one of the best poets i have ever read.

I do not like metered poetry, they lack humanity. They fit emotions and thoughts that are pure, into lines that are not meant to fit human thoughts.

I will be quiet, end of this ramble as well.


From: Maggie
Date: 16 January 2001

I have been coming to this site off and on for over a year. I love writing poetry and longer works as well. I am currently at work on a novel. I am NOT a professional writer but love putting thoughts and ideas on paper. It seems to solidify my connection to the world. My guidelines are simply this....

Poetry: While I do TRY to spell correctly, my poetry tends to be stream of consciousness (is there a spell check on here?? LOL). I was recently complimented by a friend on my post "The Treasure Hunt". He asked me how long it took. My response was "about ten minutes". He asked what it was about my mind that allowed me to be such a free-thinking free-flowing writer. My response was that my MIND was only involved to the extent that that was where I kept my vocablulary. The free-flowing part comes from the heart and soul.

Short stories and the novel: this is where I use my mind to the greatest degree. Each sentence is well thought out and grammatically correct. Does it have to be? I will answer a question with a question? Anyone ever read Faulker? That is some of the hardest reading I have ever done. He followed almost NONE of the rules of grammer.

The point? Art, in whatever form you find it, is only what you make of it. If you chose to make nothing of it, so be it.

From: jill
Date: 16 January 2001

to Gala:
Your poem "Bitch" is so true. I think peole use the word to frequently and without consideration of what it means to call someone that. I know I can be one to the many people I meet, but it's different when someone calls you it and especially saomeone you care for. I have a right to own my "bitchiness" but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings also. The way you expressed your feelings and the words that you chose, showed the brave, bold, and strong person that I'm sure you are. It also shows that you have a higher intelligence than the guy that called you a "bitch" because he could only use one word to express himself and you made a poem to show that he's nothing but a liar. You make me proud to be a woman.

Date: 16 January 2001

The DubalPoet~ 'The Perfect Man' was so inspiring. This is something that makes you understand what love and even friendship is supposed to be all about. To me anyway. Thank you for writing something like that. I needed a little pick me up.

Gala~ 'Bitch' I agree with jill, you make me proud to be a woman...rrrrooooaaarrrr!! LOL!! Its always hard when you hear that from the one that you love. I know how it feels though.


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 16 January 2001

Though that last one might leave a mark.... possibly even a smile :o) *grinning* Thanks to Everyone!


From: Ali
Date: 16 January 2001

Elaina~ all your new work is great...Sometimes poetry is a release...it seems to be for you...it always is for me.

Niki~ 'Memory Lane' was great...I know how you feel...I've been down that road before...

Gala~ I loved 'Spiritual Seduction'...I really related to it...I just love it...=)

Brandy~ 'I Cannot Cry'....WOW! I absolutely love this poem...I have felt the exact same way, not too long ago...Your poem is awesome, I like it very much...it really touched me.

Love and Sunshine, Ali

From: Galadrial
Date: 16 January 2001

Brandy and Jill...

Thanks...what makes "Bitch." so difficult is that so many women can relate to it. And that is a truly sad state of affairs. No one wins the war between the sexes---so what's the battle all about?


From: Galadrial
Date: 16 January 2001


As much as I hate to say this, the boys can match us horror story for horror story. Neither sex plays fair.
And it's sad as all hell. Life is too short for the silly games.


From: Elaina
Date: 16 January 2001

Ali~ I love your new poems. Believe it or not a littl while ago I write a poem called 'For what it's worth' I never posted it though. Funny. Your poems haven't been as long lately. Any reason? Still no matter how short or long your work is it always makes a good point, and perhaps there isn't always a point but it is constanly making me think.

Eryn~ I agree boys do seem to be the preditor more than the fragile ladies do, however I know I've broke a heart or two and I'm sure you can say the same. Great work. post more often.


PS: me aka niki where are you????

From: Elaina
Date: 16 January 2001

Ali~ I love your new poems. Believe it or not a littl while ago I write a poem called 'For what it's worth' I never posted it though. Funny. Your poems haven't been as long lately. Any reason? Still no matter how short or long your work is it always makes a good point, and perhaps there isn't always a point but it is constanly making me think.

Eryn~ I agree boys do seem to be the preditor more than the fragile ladies do, however I know I've broke a heart or two and I'm sure you can say the same. Great work. post more often.


PS: me aka niki where are you????

From: the guppy
Date: 16 January 2001

somebody made the comment about the english language being "alive"...i was listening to an interview with a linguist on NPR about a month ago that was actually really interesting...he went off on many tangents about how many words are used to express ideas that aren't technically correct, but because of widespread usage are accepted...the word "hopefully" is almost always used incorrectly in everyday english language...we commonly say things like "hopefully, everything will turn out alright" instead of saying "i hope everything will turn out alright"...he also talked about common latin and greek roots which are screwed up by almost everybody...especially transitions between singular and plural forms...medium, media...bacterium, bacteria...cherub, cherubim...i just found it interesting that we butcher the language until everybody accepts it...ha...it must be annoying to be a serious linguist and partake in everyday english conversation...ha

the english language is very much alive and constantly changing...who would have known what a "dimpled chad" was before this past november???...ha...i'd hate to be learning english as a second language...it's a motley mix of foreign terms, including "dead" languages, plus new terms invented to fit new needs, plus the vast subculturally derived terms...sheeesh...at least pronouns are stable...ha

just food for thought...i'm not a linguist, nor do i care to ever be...just regurgitating stuff to you fine blender patrons


p.s.---sarah, i don't even know what to say...i'll just sit here and blush for a bit

From: deevaa
Date: 16 January 2001

(what the hell is a dimpled chad?)

From: kevin urenda
Date: 16 January 2001

excellent point. Reminds me of a college English prof. who made the case - in a GRAMMAR class no less - that because the usage of the language evolves over time, that some of our linguistic usages of the Mother Tongue will come to be anachronisms one day (just as 'Thee,' 'Thou,' and 'Thine' have become). It was also interesting to listen to him make the case for the usage of the word "ain't" as proper (PROPER?) English as a contraction in the first person singular only (how else would you condense 'am' and 'not' - amn't???).

just an interesting thought.


oh, and a dimpled Chad is nothing more than a bad actor's bum, Dee...

From: the guppy
Date: 16 January 2001

kev---really?...i'm bombarded with "ain't"s on a daily basis...along with quite a few midwestern word slaughterings...(sarah can relate)...ya der en so hey, howboutcha?...and so on...i guess they're fair game for use in writing...ha...

so der, ya look perty, eh?
howboutcha come over
i got pringles and pabst
oughta be pert near enough fer the bote of us
i been lookin' atcha fer awhile
sure look perty

ah, local dialect...anyway...i just made myself sick


From: Angel
Date: 16 January 2001

Oh MY GAWD! Ya'll don't start on my DERN dierlect, now yer hear!!! SHAME shame Guppy...iffen I were closer to yer i'd sock yer silly with that der tater sack!!! but beins you is a jazzy writer i'll let yer slip n slide this time ;)

From: Angel
Date: 16 January 2001

Ohhh and , Dee...a dimpled chad is a chad that almost did, but did not quite make it to the bottom of the voting chamber. And a chad is a doodad that is supposed to punch in your vote if the other doodad for punching doesn't malfunction and if it does you have a bad chad with can make people very mad depending on which side of that chad you are on...glad to enlighten you on this...hehehe

From: Ali
Date: 16 January 2001

Guppy~ I loved 'Observer'...it was really great.
Love and smiles, Ali

From: kevin urenda
Date: 16 January 2001

Gup and Angel, you guys slay me!
Mix all that (midwesten and southern, althoguh here mostly Texan) in with a heavy dose of New Yawk (up in Rio Rancho) and Navajo, Tewa, and a local Spanish dialect, and you have a veritable smorgasboard of linguistic possibilities... 'Spanglish' is always fun to listen to...

From: the guppy
Date: 17 January 2001

angel---ha, me=fearing the wrath of the tater sack...nice explanation of the dimpled chad thing...if only the reporters could have been so concise...ha

kev---spanglish is what happens when people believe the whole "dry heat" idea (not like a sauna, like an oven)...i blame the "wet cold" (insert (appliance created for some unknown purpose, but including freezing temps and high humidity) here) for the language, and anything else needing a convenient excuse, around here...ha...products of our environment, i say


From: the guppy
Date: 17 January 2001

gala---you're one of those writers that takes the reader places...you have a talent for hitting the senses...i like the way you use scent...it's one of our most powerful image/memory triggers (humans i mean...and other animals too...ha)...i figure that writing well enough to allow somebody to smell it is doing a pretty good job...i think a great way to hit the universal button with writing is to account for the senses...especially romance stuff...


From: terry
Date: 17 January 2001

Wow guppy~ 'listener' was superb, but O2 is stunningly good!


From: terry
Date: 17 January 2001

Gala~ "your touch a sparklers ghost trail on my skin."
What a great poetic image this is. I absolutely love this line! 'Hissing After Midnight' is very sensuous, and i agree with guppy. You regale the reader with sensual overload...


From: terry
Date: 17 January 2001

Boy do I need someone to edit.....Gala that is 'Kissing after Midnight'.......lol....although hissing paints quite the image too...

terry (sorry)

From: Galadrial
Date: 17 January 2001

Gup and Terry,

Gentlemen, you flatter this elf...my thanks!


From: Galadrial
Date: 17 January 2001

On second thought, the pair of you made me blush like hell---and before I even touched my coffee! Gupster, many years ago, a mentor guoted Whitman to me...something like " A true writer can make words dance, sing, make love..." you get the drift. I'm hoping that "smelling" fits in there somewhere!

And thanks Terry...that line sprang up out of no where. My old writing prof said I was very annoying---could redeem a single mediocre poem with one line that would make you drool. I think that was a compliment...


From: Maggie
Date: 17 January 2001


"Chad" Everette? He has dimples, doesn't he?

From: kevin urenda
Date: 17 January 2001

Yes, people---!

(herein follows critically engaged comment... To be critically positive is to say WHY you like something, not just THAT you like it.)

skimming a few poems I read this morning to start my day off right, I was struck by the following:

knowing what HEPA filtration is (I am in the field, somewhat) I found the metaphor in O2 to be concise and beautiful in its simplicity and understated tone. There is a world within the second line of that poem that gives the poem as a whole a place to live (and breathe, no pun intended). Excellent work.

your work is at its best when it is leaner and tighter, as in "Loves Time Writers." I judge my work the same way. A poem ought never try to do too much, and this poem is consistent in tone and imagery. And the image of "steal[ing]hours of beautiful light" sealed the deal for me. Keep up the good work.

Speaking of sealing the deal...

coupling what you said on the blender board with your poem this morning, I was struck with just those words. In some ways (though you know I simply adore the way your poems caress my mind with words) your professor was right. What you do best is seal the deal. Even when you are not at your very best, you still seal the deal with a twist or an absolutely breathtaking line or two. You come up with such lines consistently. But sometimes a whole poem is elevated because of its inner consistency. This is so with "Kissing After Midnight." The idea of two lovers not being able to get enough of each other is the foundation of the poem. The tactile imagery is similar to what you have written elsewhere before (e.g., "drugging kisses"), only this time it is even tighter than usual. Though the words say much, they are understated in that they don't try to do *too* much as a whole. That is what poetry at its BEST does. It makes us see, taste, feel, smell more than the words seem to do individually (which, again, is something you do with remarkable consistency). A poem creates a whole other world in our minds, and the worlds you create are places I enjoy being taken. AND you still seal the deal. The image of "...sparklers ghost trail..." is truly magical. I envy someone who could be written of like that.


From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 17 January 2001

Ali~ Thank you for 'I Cannot Cry' sometimes it feels wrong not to cry, but if you can't then maybe it wasn't as perfect as you thought.

Gala~ I think that all woman struggle with the label "Bitch" whether they know it now...or years from now. Although, something that I've learned...I'm a good person and those who preceive to call me a bitch...are those who never really knew me.


From: me aka niki
Date: 17 January 2001

2 Brandy~ " I can not Cry"
I loved it
I felt like that once
It just didn't hit me that he was gone
But for months to come after that
I started missing him and I would just have these emotional stebacks everytime I talked about it or saw him
It's getting better now
Because Time has helped me to get thru it
But once again gr8 poem
Says so much truth...

From: Galadrial (blushing furiously)
Date: 17 January 2001

Thanks Kev....

Did you guys call each other up or something?


From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 17 January 2001

Amy Chandler~ '*Changes*' made me think of a love that I lost and how I wish that it had ended up. Very beutiful!

Gala~ 'Kissing After Midnite' so descriptive and unbelievable, you really are a true artist!

Elaina~ 'Someday' is what everyone that hopes to find love and has lost love will someday realize. I lost my fiance and you put into words what I felt and still feel. 'Unspoken Words' is exactly what I feel about someone if I fall in love with them...I could never tell them for fear of getting hurt again. These are both wonderful works!

Keep smiling,

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 17 January 2001

me aka niki~ Thank you!! Its beginning to feel like a trend these days. This was the most recent and most difficult. I let my heart go too quickly and he ran away with it. Thank you again.


From: slug
Date: 17 January 2001

guppy - as always - your submissions are wonderful. interesting imagry...to snort someone. hm. (and i'm just curious - what DID you eat?)


Gala - kissing after midnight - you just described my favorite part of the night.

From: Elaina
Date: 17 January 2001

Brandy~ Thank you so much. However, I'm not sure if it's that kind of love. If you know what I mean. Sometimes I feel I'm in love with him and other times I'm not quite sure and I've come to realize if you have to question the thought then you're really not. I love him I know that, but I'm not in love with him and I hope he understand that. Thank you, you made my day.


From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 17 January 2001

Elaina~ I do know what you're saying. I've been in the situation myself. I'm at the point now that I'm looking for a long term relationship that will hopefully turn to marriage. And if I have to ask myself if I'm really in love or not, then for me its not working. I think that he'll understand if you tell him like you just told me.


From: Maggie
Date: 17 January 2001

Great discussion board......


From: Ali
Date: 17 January 2001

Niki~ 'Time Heals'...love it. =)

Elaina~ 'Someday' was really great...very wistful.

Gala~ 'Kissing After Midnight' was amazing...I think I'm speechless, I'm in such awe.

Love and dreams, Ali

From: Elaina
Date: 17 January 2001

Ali~ Thank you.

Brandy~ Thanks I know he will. Fortunatly things like this don't really affect my future, I'm only 16 and MARRIAGE is hopefully not coming up too soon.


From: me aka niki
Date: 17 January 2001

2 Ali~ "self-Impossed"
OH my God....I truly love this poem
It says everything what I believe in and I do
The putting on a happy face and acting as though your strong and don't care
But in reality I'm dying from the inside and crying for help
"I want to believe
That I'm wrong
I want to believe
That what he said
Was true
I fancy that he had
Good reason
To do what he did..."
I prayed to God and wished upon every falling star that he would come back with reasons and apologizes that are true and make sense so that I could forgive him
And the last part I find the best
"I'm almost afraid
No, I am afraid
That you'll show up
And turn my life
Completly inside-out
For it is only partially
Upside down
That you'll tell me
That I want
So badly to hear
Regardless of the fact
That it
Might not
Be true
And I'm weak
Right now
Have been
Since you left
And I just don't know
Exactly what
I'd do
I don't know if I can
Believe anything
That you say
Or more correctly
If I should
Because the world calls you
A liar
And that is something
I'm pressed to believe...
But the world does not
Know you
As I do...
But, there's an interesting
Which is that, perhaps
I truly
Don't know you
At all..."
When that idea struck me
That I knew somebody that wasn't realy him
That his act was just fake, everything we did, talked about was just not true
It was all build on a fondation of lies
That Just killed me
And still does and always will
Great poem, love it

From: me aka niki
Date: 17 January 2001

2 Alaina~ "someday" I liked that one
My best friend once told me
WHen I called her up in tears
Because he had left me
She said something like this
" someday He'll regret what he has done, When your going to get all the best guys, he's going to be jeaulous And going to come back like a Fool, He didn't know what he had and what he threw away, your worth much more then him, he's an asshole, not even that cute, forget him, he's not worth it..."
Love the poem

Date: 18 January 2001

Excuse me while I throw up now...BARF

From: scqueen
Date: 18 January 2001

terry ~ 'covenant' was beautiful and much appreciated as Tuesday was the day that chewed me up, spit me out, and numbed my spirit... the only thing that soothed me at day's end was my better half.

From: Elaina
Date: 18 January 2001

DubalPoet~Thank you. I really enjoyed "yourself' well done.


From: Ali
Date: 18 January 2001

Niki~ I'm very glad that you liked it...you really made me smile...nice to know that someone has felt the same way...

Aaron~ Where are you? You haven't been around in a while...hope you'll be back soon.

Terry~ I loved 'Covenant'...it was beautiful...Wow.

Love and inspiration, Ali

From: ajhoward@lakmail.com
Date: 18 January 2001

i really enjoy reading everyones love poems. My boyfriend and i have been together for almost 2 years and we love reading different writing of love poems. You can send me any of your love peoms to my email address.
AmberJean Howard

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 18 January 2001

Sequeen- "Contour" loved the image it promotes... for some reason Im feeling naughty now... hee hee!


From: Riggs
Date: 19 January 2001

Just a couple of quick comments

guppy - your last few have been above even your always lofty standards

and i forget who wrote it but I enjoyed If My Life Should Fall Away. Very carpe diem.

From: Galadrial60
Date: 19 January 2001


Speechless...you are the MAN! Have an afinity for Paul Simon...check out My Little Town if you want to know how Gala grew up.

Covenant is a wonderful piece...a kiss as a promise---and the easing of woe. Got a keeper there.


What can I say? Your best work...distilled from the heart. Tight. Beautiful.

And my dear Guppy....you do make it seem easy---when I know it's not. e.e. cummings only wished to have done it that well...

Guys, If a lady picked a lover on the basis of literary merit, this old fairy broad would be after every one of you.
You leave me breathless, aching, and longing for more!


From: Galadrial
Date: 19 January 2001


Posting before coffee...I didn't really post that did I?

I did...okay. So I'm a Blender floozie. Sue me.


From: Gala
Date: 19 January 2001

Two pronged hornet...Guppy dear, I love you.

But making me tear up before work really sucks...thanks pal!


In keeping with the serious mode---Gup does a lovely pattern here---not forced, not sing-song...and oh I am so jealous!

From: Brandy ~ LdyLily21@aol.com
Date: 19 January 2001

me aka niki~ 'A Love Letter' absolutley amazing! For someone so young your words and your emotions are so powerful!

Ali~ 'Saving Grace' Sounds like a happiness hard to find and one that would be crazy to ever give up on.

Danny~ 'Why?' Sounds like the questions that I ask myself on a daily basis...Was I not good enough? What did I do wrong? Very wonderful!


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 19 January 2001

(said in disgust)

holy freakin cow

i go to this stinking Poetry free for all page



they don't give criticism or any literary commentary

they boot you off if they don't like your work!!

they totally removed my stuff from there!!!
holy cow

loveblender, your wonderful!

down with pffa!

Date: 19 January 2001

Meanies, for expecting you to abide their rules? Are you so SPECIAL that you get to ignore rules of engagement? Well maybe you deserved to be pitched. No one dragged you there. No one forced you to post. But last week you were upset about this site...and now they're all wonderful.

From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 19 January 2001


aren't we tactful.

i wasn't disgusted with this sight. I was disgusted with ideas that were being brought into this sight. I've always loved this place oh silent voice.

This is not a place for critical commentary, such is pffa.
I did abide by the rules. why am i explaining? i have no need to explain.


there needs to be nice people in this world.

From: sarah
Date: 19 January 2001


oh silent voice

I just received an email from pffa stating that it was their mistake and they do apologize.

Sorry to disapoint you that it wasn't anything I had done....

quite ready to jump on someone aren't we.

Date: 19 January 2001

Oh...it was their fault that you ignored their rules? I thought they were meanies. My mistake.

Date: 19 January 2001

and since you were so quick to call THEM names---maybe an apology as loud as the accusation? But that might be nice.

From: sarah (or shall i be invisible too)
Date: 19 January 2001

I am finding this rather enjoyable.


I was correct, they were meanies, and I know of other things they have done to other people there. I only call something when there is proof, and there has been with this place (pffa).

But since you seem to want a target for some type of venting, hey go ahead, i'll take it, i find it rather fun!

From: Elaina
Date: 19 January 2001

Mr. no name or silent voice or who ever you are, why do come here and attack people, this is a place of feelings and such and I'm glad Sarah has a wonderful attitude, because I would have just called you an asshole and threw in hte towel, maybe you need professional help for you PROBLEM and yes it's a problem, why must you be so rude?????



From: Misti
Date: 19 January 2001

In my latest submission, "Valentrine" wasn't a mistake. It's wordplay. Just so ya know. Bye!

From: Galadrial
Date: 19 January 2001

Ummm...just in case anyone wondered, I am not the "Lisa" of Vampire's latest. We have "net met" but that is all...

(Hey, after what I posted to the guys this morning, I figured I better cover my butt!)


From: The Vampire...
Date: 19 January 2001

LOLOL....Sorry Gala....its not you. She is a true person.
Guess thats what makes it hard. It would have been much
easier if she wasn't real.

From: the guppy
Date: 19 January 2001

so anyway, there i was, sitting in my discrete math course...lost as usual...and the prof. breaks into a small lecture about using the correct plural forms of latin words, and other math terminology...said he once had a geometry student ask him a question about "bisexing angels"...ha...just thought i'd share that


From: slug
Date: 19 January 2001

guppy: fabulous, as always.

scqueen - i enjoyed sliver. conciseness at it's best. we all feel incomplete and the simple image of a sliver moon captures it well.

From: Galadrial
Date: 19 January 2001

Okay kids---break it up!

It's been way too long since we had a bona fide Gala challenge. So after 9PM night, west coast time, I will post a brand spanking new blender challenge...this one is so evil...it's almost worthy of my twisted little mind.


From: Galadrial
Date: 19 January 2001

In honor of Valentine's Day, I am proposing an ICKY-SWEET- Treacle-to-make-the-teeth-ache-contest.

You write a poem...one per customer.
Finished product only...any re-do's and you're out of the running.

The object is to write a poem so sickening sweet, that a shot of insulin may be required to finish it.

HOWEVER---content cannot overide form. This is not a bad poetry contest. So think about it. Your best syrupy, icky sweet, poetry or prose.

If there isn't any objection, I will judge, and will even post an example of my own---but it is not included in the running. If you prefer, I will narrow the field, and present finalists---always allowing that anyone bothers!
The deadline is next Friday at 9:00 p.m. EST.

But remember---icky is specific, not general. I love you lots is general. I will love you until the oceans are mudpuddles, and the sun is an iceball...that's specific!


From: B.K.
Date: 20 January 2001

Well you all I am almost happy again. My Guy, though not well, is going to live. I can half way smile again and thats pretty good compared to whats been going on lately.

Anyway, I am way far behind in saying anything about anyones poems, but I love this place and read here on a daily basis, so keep up the great writing and I love all the discussions lately.


From: terry
Date: 20 January 2001

BK~ Glad to hear that darlin'. Been keeping you in my prayers too. Hang in there!


From: Paula Mills
Date: 20 January 2001

After coming across your excellent site,I was wondering if you might be able to assist me with any tips,on a love / romance question I haven’t had much luck finding (on the Net) anyone,wanting to respond to.

For a college essay I'm doing,I have to seek out from people (via the Net) the best and most creatively witty anecdotes (they don’t even have to be real,they can be made up) on people's idea/s of what they regard as their concept of an ultimate weekend indulgence (assuming money was / is no limitation) and the wittiest reason/s why they think they deserve/d to experience it (most important). Doesn't necessarily have to be honeymoon related. Whether what's mentioned has really occurred or is just an imaginative fantasy,isn't mportant. What is,is creative wit and humor. Any suggestions on other sites / message boards where this can be posted for good results / responses, would be greatly appreciated.

If you know any sites / message boards that are ther best ones to look uop for this,please let me know,as I’ve already checked out a few dozen.


Paula Mills


From: L.
Date: 20 January 2001


... I will be yours. Always.

From: Galadrial
Date: 20 January 2001


Pookie Bear? Terry---that was so low...(grumble)

And BK---glad to hear the news baby---you're in my prayers. But you forgot the gummi bears....

Waiting and watching...lovely stuff there.

And Colour girl---oh Riggs....yummy.

From: Galadrial
Date: 20 January 2001

SC---you are too cool for school! And gummy bears yet...apple polisher! Now everyone is gonna do gummy bears...good one!

From: Ali
Date: 20 January 2001

Niki~ I love all the new stuff...I really loved 'My Pain'...I know what you were saying, I've felt that pain before...oh, and that song, by Kelly Price...all to familiar...

Smiling Kat~ I loved 'Can't Let Go'...it was really great...thanks for sharing it...

Elania~ Where are you, dearie? You okay?

Everyone~ You're all writing wonderfully...as usual...And I just wanted to say that I love this sight...I'm happy to be able to be a part of it...everyone here is really great. =)

From: scqueen
Date: 20 January 2001

Auntie Gala ~ glad you liked it! i first discovered white chocolate covered gummies on a trip to Seattle and though not common, i still hunt them down religiously.

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 20 January 2001

Sarah- "eulogy of a woman" I think every woman and man has heard that poem in thier head a million times over, loved your version.


From: deevaa
Date: 20 January 2001

argh...I'm full of writers block and sappy stuff is just too hard, and after all that I fluffed my sub, and Mistress Gala will send me from the competition if I fix it.... awwwww..... its all tooooooooooo hard..... arrghh.... and my sweetheart will probably dis-own me if he reads it... nooo no no!

*dashing off*

From: kyle_p18@hotmail.com
Date: 20 January 2001

ummmm...these r really good!all'yall talented...

From: carlsons@sympatico.ca
Date: 20 January 2001

Hello my name is Brandon and i have just Strated off writting poetry like i have never done it before i seem to have a passion for it i dont know why i just right what i feel and hear i want to send you a great poem but i am scarred someone will laugh or take my idea cause i am not much of the gurlish guy if ya know what i mean i have 3 poems that i have made and have taken me quite a bit to make and i think they are good enough

From: carlsons@sympatico.ca
Date: 20 January 2001

Hello my name is Brandon and i have just Strated off writting poetry like i have never done it before i seem to have a passion for it i dont know why i just right what i feel and hear i want to send you a great poem but i am scarred someone will laugh or take my idea cause i am not much of the gurlish guy if ya know what i mean i have 3 poems that i have made and have taken me quite a bit to make and i think they are good enough Please email me back or somthing carlsons@sympatico.ca

From: Galadrial
Date: 21 January 2001


He'll never say a thing about it...but Terry's "e book" from achase.com is now appearing on the web....http://www.achase.com/book/tlspacesbetween.htm----so cut and paste, and let Terry know what you think of h is latest!WHOOOHOOO!

(tiptoeing out)

From: Megs *in her bimonthly appearance*
Date: 21 January 2001

Sadly FGM...things aren't sappy sweet enough here for me to contrive cotton candy thoughts. Request reflective and doubtful and you've got yourself a writer *grin*

My question was to BK...I've got a thread or so of your situation with your guy...your last comment said something like he's bad off but he'll live and piqued my curiousity as to what was wrong? May I inquire of your own situation?
You can email me at Megangel25@yahoo.com rather than take up Blender comment room. I would have emailed ya but alas...no address quickly available.

Lots of good stuff from the Blender world out there. Good to know love hasn't stopped elsewhere.

Till Later...

From: Elaina
Date: 21 January 2001

Ali~ Thanks for the concern I'm well, everything is fine, I've just had a busy weekend, so I'll be back writting a ton once the 'busy' week starts.


From: Elaina
Date: 21 January 2001

me aka niki~ WOW!!! I really likes ALL the new ones, very well put I feel the same way a lot of the time. Well done.


From: Michael (soapbox)
Date: 21 January 2001

A long comment in three parts: (please forgive this sin of a post)

For those "who shall not be named, but are hopefully listening":
I don't know if you care to make your works more direct, more rhythmic, more gripping, more expressive of the person that is you. But we'd love it if you did. I've been guilty. When I first got here I was very rambly, wordy, and sometimes cliched because I was overblown with emotion. I didn't care because I wasn't writing to write -- I was writing to _cope_. I think that's what the oldbie backlash is about. Some of the things I've read by others have lots of potential, but they're campy or unfocused because they're feeling a lot of emotion and writing to cope, and posting for empathy. Which is fine by me, but isn't producing lasting work that means something to people besides your circle of friends. The hearts are in the right place, and the emotion is there, but the message is not focused and short. Some of the phrases are so well known and overused that they take away from the work instead of bring something to it. I'm still guilty of this (using cliched sentiments and phrases because sometimes I think they fit). Word choice can turn a work into YOUR work, instead of somebody's work. All that aside -- I've been known to post schlock, overpost, and ramble senselessly.

For the new loud crowd:
Thanks for the comments. I share because you just might care. These I read and liked. I give you guys an (8 out of 10) on the Michael (with a comment) scale.
Elaina ~ "terrified"
niki ~ "time heals"
Brandy ~ "I cannot cry"
blue today ~ "till I can cry no more"
ali ~ "For what it's worth", "arms of grace"

Comments for the old or mabye they just seem so regulars:
I give you guys 9+ out of 10 on the Michael (with a comment) scale.
scqueen ~ "contour", "swapping spit", "shelter", "foxtrot", "white rabbits", "sliver"...all short, sweet, and tasty

terry ~ "covenant of a kiss" just seems so very right. It's got your normal arythmic rhythm. If that makes any sense. Kind of a Zen like comment, that.

guppy ~ "irresistable", "2 pronged hornet", "cylical" and more - you're a wellspring of tangy verse. I really liked the line in cylical "as if life was the prize and i was the current champion"

kevin ~ "melding", "shouting stones", "no path" - all excellent to me, striking some emotional chord. I liked the line..."nothing easy to define or follow...no vapor trails no footprints..just now"

sarah ~ "eulogy of a woman". I had to loosen my necktie. Getting hot in here.

gala ~ "kissing after midnight". hmm. very. sensual. Yes. hmm. :)

riggs ~ "thailand nightscape", "never mind roses", "not fade away" - It's all good. I really like the first ?stanza? (amazing how much I used to know and forgot) of "not fade away".

If you want to know why you get an 8 instead of a 9+, ask me.

Peace out.

From: deevaa
Date: 21 January 2001

*lifts up a rock* I've lost a painting... I've never been more bummed... (well maybe, ok, yes I have been more bummed... BUT.. well ya know.)

HOW can someone just misplace a painting?



From: Me aka Niki
Date: 21 January 2001

2 Michael~ Thank you

And well uhmm you said we could ask, So why did I get an 8 instead of a 9+?
tell me, I can only learn more and write better!
thank you =)

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 21 January 2001

2 Elaina~ Thx!
And "something', I liked it...

From: liz lizzikins29@hotmail.com
Date: 21 January 2001

Riggs - I read "the man who thought too much". You should check out the blend-o-matic, there is a great quote on there which I think answers your question perfectly:
"It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars."

Misti - girl, you are awesome! I love your work, so refreshing. love is one of the hardest things to write, I think, but you manage it.

to everyone on here - keep posting! poetry is what you make it, so keep making it.

nuff said. i'll be quiet now.

From: Devin
Date: 22 January 2001

dee-found your painting but you have to come here to get it..*G*

From: Maggie
Date: 22 January 2001

I just posted a few lines from a great movie I saw this past weekend. I hope I gave credit properly. I loved these lines because I think it relates very well how I feel about FINALLY finding my soulmate in middle age and wishing I had been with him all along.

From: Galadrial
Date: 22 January 2001

Dev doll, look out! She'll be on the next flight your way!
(Pssst! Dee! Golden opportunity!)


And BTW---Poems about fairy types and elves always rate in my book---but lovely job!

From: scqueen
Date: 22 January 2001

i think i like the Michael scale! thanks for your comments :-)

From: slug
Date: 22 January 2001

kevin...yes, icky sweet. but they've all been - and so much fun to read!

jenna - dido is amazing. my favorite is i'm no angel. both of those songs are beautiful.

EVERYONE - a request from the blender gang - i'm making a cd of the most ghastly nauseating icky sweet love songs ever. for my boyfriend who doesn't celebrate valentine's day. anyone have any ideas?????

From: TheVampire
Date: 22 January 2001

L. I Love YOU!!!! Always.

From: r ward i_envy_noone@yahoo.com
Date: 22 January 2001

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

While browsing your website, it occured to us that your community and ours would benefit from each other.

TheBetterLover.com consists of romantic advice for lovers (no pornographic images). In addition, we encourage our users to post their romantic poetry to our website. We then submit their talent to publishing companies (at no charge to them, of course).

In hopes of you considering the situation to be reciprocol, we would like to suggest a text link exchange between our two websites. Our SITES OF INTEREST is only one tier deep of our homepage, and is easily accessed.

Please email us with your thoughts. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Roy Ward,

for www.thebetterlover.com

From: terry
Date: 22 January 2001

slug~ David Cassidy..."I Think I Love You"...classic bubblegum over the top lovable pop...lol.


From: michelle
Date: 22 January 2001

My comment is this page should have better things, it's very boring

From: Galadrial
Date: 22 January 2001

Michelle Honey?

And what bliss have you contributed, exactly?


From: Me aka Niki
Date: 22 January 2001

2 Wally~ "edge",
It has something I like, Liked that 1..=)

From: Ali
Date: 22 January 2001

Elaina~ I loved 'Something'...I know what your saying...something's just different...that you cannot name...I loved it!

Michael~ Thanks! =) Um, well, I'm ever so curious as to why the 8 instead of 9+...like Niki said, I can only learn. =)

Love and wonder, Ali

From: Wally <wkosci01@utopia.poly.edu>
Date: 22 January 2001

Thank you Niki ;) I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I wrote it to my girlfriend a while back....

Soundless Symphony is a more recent one I wrote, also posted today.

Hopefully I will be posting more as time goes by.


From: deevaa
Date: 22 January 2001

(holding the (now not) missing painting aloft)

Dev... good try baby.... good try... I'm not even gonna MENTION the fact you still owe me for the last painting of mine you found in your letter box, never trust a guy who promises chocolates.
(shakes her head)

Turns out a work friend saw the painting on my desk while I was away and decided that if she pinned it to the wall by her desk I might not notice it was gone, she didn't know I had plans to frame it. LOL.

I'm going to post the new draft of my sweeter than sweet poem, I know it means I'll be kicked from the competition, but my sweetheart and I re-worked it, and he say's its so sweet now that it'll make ya eyeballs sticky (ewww....)

take care of your hearts,


From: Galadrial
Date: 22 January 2001

for the unknowing---a translation.

MILLS AND BOON---the Brit Equivalent of a Harlequin Romance....


From: Me aka Niki
Date: 22 January 2001

2 Deevaa~ Sorry not today I and II
Awwwwwww there so cute
I loved them...=)

From: slug
Date: 22 January 2001

terry - THAT'S PERFECT. not only is it sappy, but david cassidy is an ex teen heartthrob :-)

From: Smiling Kat spiritsparkler@hotmail.com
Date: 22 January 2001

Hey all you Blendrites!

I just wanted to say thanks for this awesome place to be able to express myself. I was introduced to it by my exboyfriend, very early in our relationship. We posted poems for each other, and that's how I got my name, Smiling Kat, from a poem he wrote about me. Anyway, I was really down after the break-up, but I realized today that I'm just meant to be single right now. It's time for me to pamper myself a little bit; to rediscover who I really am. It's sooo exciting to finally realize this!!! I posted my last poem today, because this is now a part of my past, and I'm moving on. Thanks for the occasional comment and feedback. Maybe I'll visit again someday. Keep up the awesome work, and keep expressing your feelings!!!!

From: Galadrial
Date: 22 January 2001


You're making the Gala lady happy! Lots of victims---er...participants in the icky-sweet event...
the tension mounts...who can out ICK the rest?


From: Galadrial
Date: 22 January 2001


It's my Party---Lesle Gore

Venus In Blue Jeans

Roses Are Red (Bobby Vinton---ANYTHING by Bobby Vinton that isn't in polish)

Oh----Unchained Melody---

And dare I? Can they stand it?

Seasons In the Sun....

As in, "We had joy,we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the stars we could reach were starfish on the beach...." GAG....Oh Slug girl---what I do for you?

Maybe Puppy Love by Donnie Osmond?


From: kevin urenda
Date: 22 January 2001


I have a couple. Well, okay, three:

"Air that I Breathe" by the Hollies... The Seventies really were the Decade of Sap (Hail! Hail!).

"Could It Be I'm Falling In Love" by The Spinners...

"You are the Woman" by Firefall...

(Actually, these are all guilty pleasures, but they really are sappy as anything...)

k (a.k.a. Mr. Sappy)

From: Elaina
Date: 22 January 2001

Ali~ Meet me there. I LOVED it!!!! It was great, good work.


From: deevaa
Date: 22 January 2001

My songs.... (being just a youngin')

"angel eyes" Jeff Healey *sigh* MY personal favourite... I said at high school a guy would have to sing this to me before I'd marry him.

"beautiful in my eyes" Joshua Kadison ... makes me cry everytime.

"when you say nothing at all" by either brit boy band guy Ronan Keating or Alison Krauss,

"angels" by Robbie Williams

"when I'm feeling weak, and my pain walks down a one way street, I look above and I know I'll always be blessed with love, and as the feeling grows, she breaths flesh to my bones.... "
*sigh sigh sigh*

"Slow Jams" Quincy Jones and BabyFace

"One more day" Diamond Rio (for personal reasons... I'm not all that into country by my guy is...)

and just 'cause.... "love me tender" OR "I got you Babe" hehehe... I've more!


From: Elaina
Date: 22 January 2001

me aka niki~ WOW!!! I really liked all the new ones, especially 'why then' WOW, WOW, WOW. I loved, loved, loved it!!!! Do me a favor write me back and tell me what you thought of my new one 'i'm giving up' I'm kind of scared to see what ... you know who has to say about it, I think he'll be pleased, and scared and surprised YES surprised will be the big one.


From: Galadrial
Date: 22 January 2001

Dee...The art is fab---we sort of expect wonderful there---but wow...she GLOWS!!!

And brief as the piece is, it works. You go girl! Can I have it for the Garden? Pretty please? After Kirk is done with it?

From: scqueen
Date: 22 January 2001

Dee ~ you glow. i love your art. it is so alive and vibrant.
if you ever print a series of notecards with your "women" i would love to have some to send and to keep.

From: terry
Date: 22 January 2001

Hey everbody...

I've been a bit under the weather so I've been pretty absent of late. But I had to bring this news to the Blender. Our own elven queen, Gala is one of the featured poets in the Poetry Webring's special St. Valentines Day issue. I've been there, and it is presented beautifully!

Here is the link, and the journal officially goes public Thursday, but is up right now:


Congrats Gala, you have done very well!

Ps. The Ridge poems are there for those of us who think they are magical...


From: terry
Date: 22 January 2001


I guess not everyone knows Gala's real world name....click the link for Lisa Shields....viola, our elven queen...lol


From: Galadrial
Date: 23 January 2001

Oh Terry...yikes...Thank you...I was thrilled when Chesil included some of the Ridge series---and even a link to the Garden. Hot dang...not bad for a fairy type....


From: Elaina
Date: 23 January 2001

GALA~ Wonderful job at the poetry webring, I went and saw it for myself it was just great...EVERYONE else should go and take look.


From: slug
Date: 23 January 2001

gala - thank you - wonderful selections!


kevin - all i need is the air that i breathe just to love you....tee hee (that was a meniacal laugh...even though i can't spell that word)


DEE - YOU SAP! Those songs are PERFECT! by the time he's finished listening to this cd he's either going to be madly in love with me or wishing he'd just said he would take me out to dinner.

you lot are so helpful :-)

From: deevaa
Date: 23 January 2001

shhhhhhh, slug, don't tell everyone!

From: deevaa
Date: 23 January 2001

ohhh ... what about "when I fall in love"... Celine Dion does a version although she's not my fav....or, or or.... "You take my breath away" (Top Gun Soundtrack) by Berlin, "Total Eclipse of the Heart" .... ohhhh how about anything by Louis Armstrong.. "I'm crazy about my baby" or anything off his duets with Ella album....."Baby can I hold you" by Tracy Chapman, "I don't know much, but I know I love you" (Linda Ronstant and Aaron Neville. "Wind beneth my wings"????

hehe ok so I am a sap.... no more dee, no more.

From: the guppy
Date: 23 January 2001

dee---so anway, there i was, having a casual conversation about female jazz singers at a loud bar with a mildly intoxicated friend of mine...i mentioned ella fitzgerald...he thought i said "elephant gerald"...ha...much confusion and laughter ensued...i have no point...just stupid humor from my life...ella has a new nickname in my little world


From: kevin urenda
Date: 23 January 2001


lady, "golden glow" is an amazing symbiosis. Not to mention I fell in love with the painting.


From: Angeli
Date: 23 January 2001

Only Love Is Real

Through lifetimes we meet
One look in each other’s eyes
One touch, even accidentally
Reunites our very being
Making alive our lost souls

Souls empty without one another
Different in every existence
Another time another place
Worlds apart culturally
Yet so similar, perfectly fitting

Though we love and lose each other
Through the generations
Regardless of time
Over & over
Our hearts search for those smiling eyes

In our spirits & minds
Our souls are one
Our true Love reigns
United in thoughts
Unified in our dreams

We are parted into our own worlds
Where circumstances are merciless and inevitable

Only love is real

Only our love is real
No matter who else shares our lives
Regardless of the Angels
Who give us love & protect us
When we’re not together

From: Angeli
Date: 23 January 2001

Oops - I was meant to post that on the New Material area - sorry, first time....

From: deevaa
Date: 23 January 2001

hehe, gup thats TOO funny!!
TK's middle name is Louis after Mr Armstrong, if TK had of been a girl, his middle name was to be Ella.
What would have been interesting is that one of the 'Yuroba' names (thats Ade's language) we'd picked was Sade, as in Sade Adu, who comes from the same tribe... Sade Ella.... two great Jazz singers, and neither Ade or I can sing worth a damn.


From: slug
Date: 23 January 2001

dee...i have an entire cd that's purely ella/louis duets. it's FABULOUS. good idea - but we're both into jazz - so it's not as nauseating as i was going for. maybe when i make him a real love cd. this one is more punishment for him not celebrating valentine's day. :-)

From: Ali
Date: 23 January 2001

Elaina~ Thanks! And, you, keep up the good work!

Niki~ I love all the new stuff you've written...=)

scqueen~ 'Chasing Glass' was awesome...I love the way you write...=)

Deevaa~ I really liked 'Smooth'..I've known guys like that...

Terry~ I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well...I hope you feel better!!!!!
Love and violets, Ali

From: kevin urenda
Date: 23 January 2001

OMG slug!

I may actually have the same cd (well, I do if it is "Best of Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong" on Verve)! When I was a teenager I adored Dad's "Ella and Louis" (we are talking lp album, before CDs were invented, and the album was recorded in 1956, mind you). Although he was more of a Peggy Lee and Julie London fan (and I inherited his adoration of sultry smoky-voiced singers and their often understated voices)... Anyway, I love those old standards...

From: deevaa
Date: 23 January 2001

I've the same CD I think.... or one like it, its called "Ella and Louis - Duets" or something.

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 23 January 2001

2 Elaina~ thank you so much
I'm pretty busy these days but I'll try to send you a mail as soon as possible! promise!

2 Ali~ Well thank you
I also loved all your poems
They are so real
Loved them

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 23 January 2001

2 Deevaa~ "smooth" yeah that was a smooth one allright
Loved it, good work:)

From: scqueen
Date: 23 January 2001

Ali ~ thank you... i admire you for having so much to write about!

From: terry
Date: 23 January 2001

Dee~ 'Smooth' is indeed just that.....nice!


From: Paul B
Date: 23 January 2001

I know, I know...long time but I've been busy.

Misti - I just got some news back on your screenplay after I doctored it up! We made the finals!!! Check out this website.


I told you that script had potential! Thanks for trusting me enough to alter it a bit.

From: deevaa
Date: 24 January 2001

way to go Misti and Paul.

From: Bob, cerins3006@yahoo.com
Date: 24 January 2001

Please publish my poem;

"Your love hits me like a blender hits my hand,
I miss you every day like a hole in my head" Lord Byron II

From: scqueen
Date: 24 January 2001

oh Sarah ~ 'bath' is wonderful...

From: kevin urenda
Date: 24 January 2001

oh, and slug!!!

forgot to mention one last sappy seventies group (and a selected song)
Who could forget BREAD? And the song "Baby I'm a Want You?"

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 24 January 2001

Deevaa- "Smooth" I thin kwe all like the sound of that one!


From: parikshit
Date: 24 January 2001

hi this is parikshit i just wanted to give ul a message that plz dont make fun of love and flurt with anyone this has happened to me too so i just wanted to request youl
plz dont make fum or flurt

mail address=lovemebaby4@lovemail.com

From: parikshit : lovemebaby4@lovemail.com
Date: 24 January 2001

hi this is a poem for my loe who flurted me

you were the one whom i would
but you denied this fact and got lost
you never had a slidgest idea of my love
because my love for u was as gentle as love
my heart often that you would know it soon
if u dont realize in the morning
you shall in the noon
i shall continu to love you
even if you dont........

love me a bit

From: parikshit : lovemebaby4@lovemail.com
Date: 24 January 2001

hi this is a poem for my loe who flurted me

my love .... my life

you were the one whom i would
but you denied this fact and got lost
you never had a slidgest idea of my love
because my love for u was as gentle as love
my heart often that you would know it soon
if u dont realize in the morning
you shall in the noon
i shall continu to love you
even if you dont........

love me a bit

From: slug
Date: 24 January 2001

KEV and DEE - actually - it's a cd that i made from my stepfather's cds and songs i downloaded. but i love it and will probably seek out the cds you have.

oh - and fair warning to everyone - i'm about to start studying the origins of chivalry and courtship. just be forewarned of unbelievable mushiness. my icky-sweet poems might come well after gala's cut off date of friday :-)

From: B.K
Date: 24 January 2001

Slug; Never give up the icky sweet, mushy stuff, I love it..lol lol. I think the ickys are great. Sigh..lol
Oh yes and not icky in any way 'Electricute' was just great. Loved it, makes me smile every time I think of it.

Kev; Your 'icky valentine' made me laugh so hard. I love all your writing, but it's great to see you let loose..lol

Sarah; 'morning erotica' and 'bath' are both wonderful writing. Good going woman.

scqueen: 'aromatherapy' and 'green meanies'..skin is a wonderful smell, and jealousy, don't you just hate that feeling? I sure do. nice work.

Deevaa; 'Smooth' is wonderful.

Ali; 'My Heartbeat,' I loved your icky sweet too...lol

Guppy: 'chocolate cheese,' your icky sweet made me laugh as
well.. fun stuff.

Stands; good to see your work again, it's wonderful, keep it coming

TJ; saw one by you and then off again, If you are reading us come back and give us some more.

Angel: 'scarlet lips,' loved the line, probabilities have always bored her. Good one.

Riggs: 'Color Girl' was well done.

Gala; Congratulations on the pages I saw, wonderful work. Just don't forget us. Have been missing your writings here

Terry; Same to you Darlin, have been missing your work here as well. Love everything I have seen of yours as usual.

Sorry it's been so long, the winter blahs is what I will blame it on. I still read so don't stop, not even with the icky sweets please...LOL LOL This is my favorite place to read.



From: Ali
Date: 24 January 2001

B.K.~ Glad you liked it!

From: slug
Date: 24 January 2001

bk - thanks - electricute was...funny to write (I was in economics)

and - Jack is in Taiwan with his wife and daughter - visiting the in-laws. he will come back ,but i don't think he has email for a while. i'm sure he'll have piles and piles of poems to post. and i'm waiting with baited breath...

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 24 January 2001

I was behind, But read all the new ones
And There are so many good things here, Here I go:

2 Leela~"No longer a child" That happend to me
And I also tagged along and Stayed with him
But that was one of the biggest mistakes I made...
I really liked the poem.. Good work

2 Intentionally Withheld~ "My existence" WOW
Great poem

2 Angeli~ "my butterfly"
I once met somebody and I thought he was my other half
But it seemed Like I was the only one that felt It was meant to be Because We just couldn't be together in this world and time
Loved it..

2 Elaina~ "Show me" Liked it a lot

2 Amy~ "you are my everything"
It explains totally what your love means to you,everything!:)
Love it

2 Deevaa~ "White canvas"
This one I realy like, nice!!

2 Kevin~ All of your short poems say so much
They are nice

2 Sarah~ "Bath" STEAMY hehe:)
Wow, wow...

2 Kathleen~"once I loved a sailor"
A very sad poem, I'm sorry
The end was good!

2 Scqueen~"aromatherapy"
My god I loved it
I've been there
I Love to kiss in necks and smell the smells
They linger around in my head forever
Great poem!
and "chasing glass"
Hehehe, Nice one!

Kim~ "unhealed Heart of Mine"
LOVED IT, Forgetting is soo difficult
I had a few poems about forgetting and would read them every night...Maybe I'll post them
and "Pocket full of stars" Great one

2 B.~ "I like the scenry" Nice, nice!

There a lot more, but I didn't have the time to Comment on all of them! Sorry!
Good work

From: scqueen
Date: 25 January 2001

terry ~ 'with every step' is lovely and heart wrenching simultaneously... your poems have been pretty intense lately - hope all is well with you?

From: Maggie
Date: 25 January 2001

"Some of us drink because we're NOT poets...."

My favorite line from the movie "Authur"

From: terry
Date: 25 January 2001

Thanks BK~

And thank you scqueen. I have been under the weather a bit, but am starting to feel normal again. Most of what I have posted here lately is the result of a neat writer's tool I found called an improv generator. It gives you a random topic and a word. From that you create an improvisational poem on the spot, no editing allowed afterward! It forces you to stretch a bit to connect, but its great for writer's block! I have really liked all your latest, especially the icky sweet entry....lol. Good job.


From: b.
Date: 25 January 2001

2 Me aka Niki
thank you so much! i haven't written anything in so very long. i'm glad someone liked it!

From: Ali
Date: 25 January 2001

Elaina~ Wow...I absolutely LOVE all the latest stuff you've written...they are really, really good! Wow...

B~ I really liked your poem, 'I like the scenery'....it was great! =)

Love and smiles, Ali

From: scqueen
Date: 25 January 2001

terry ~ where might i find this improv generator that would give me ideas? sounds fun!

From: Katiana Q.
Date: 25 January 2001

I submitted a few of my poems a couple of days back.
And I was hoping for feedback. So if you'll be kind enough to please look at my poetry, and leave your comments here.

Guppy; I don't know you but I've sen your work and i think they are great, just wanted you to know.
And to the rest of you, i love your work too.

From: Elaina
Date: 25 January 2001

Ali~ Thank you so much...I've had a lot on my mind so the words just flow. I love it when that happens I could do without the mess upstairs though, anyway, I absolutly love your new poems...I keep telling Aaron to go read them, that he'll love them but he's lazy, however I'm sure he'll get around to it, in the mean while keep up the wonderful work.


From: Kathleen
Date: 25 January 2001

Thank you Me aka Niki.
Was feeling alittle melancholy and its been a VERY long time since I have written any poetry.
Im glad that someone liked it.

From: deevaa
Date: 26 January 2001

A little girl I care a lot about is in hospital in Ohio at the moment.... any spare good vibes sent her way would be appreciated.

From: butterfly
Date: 26 January 2001

my comments are about loss. i have lost many people in my life. the people you love can support you through a crisis or make it worse. when you are grieving, there is anger, pain (the depth of which is unimaginable for those who are not experiencing it) and sometimes guilt. if you truly love the person who is grieving, the best way to help them through it is to show them your unconditional love no matter how horrible they are being. the anger is not about you even if it is directed at you.
i have never had someone stay with me when i was being horrible, if only the person i loved would have, they would have had my committed and unconditional love forever after. it takes a long time to recover from the death of someone close to you, and there is a change in the grieving person. eventually you will see sparks of that other person, the person they were before. and eventually the pain does lessen. dont be afraid of the grief or take it personally, it is not about you.

From: Kathleen
Date: 26 January 2001

just read neither here nor there
I like it alot!
good job

From: kevin urenda
Date: 26 January 2001

B.K., Me aka Niki, and Kathleen-

Thank you...

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 26 January 2001

2 Scqueen~"shpaing my Sould"
Turly Amazing...

2 Kathleen~"melancholy " WOW!

2 Kathi~ I just loved your last poem..
And to everyone else
Good work

From: scqueen
Date: 26 January 2001

Me aka Niki ~ thank you for your recent comments on my posts. i appreciate your reading them :-)

From: terry
Date: 26 January 2001

scqueen~ Drop me an email if you would. I don't have your email addy...


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 26 January 2001

hey kevin!

i forgot your aim name thingy majig

email me!


From: Elaina
Date: 26 January 2001

B~ Wonderful work I loved 'to a friend' it was great.


From: Kathleen
Date: 26 January 2001

2 Randolph ~ really like this, its filled with emotion
2 sarah dragonfleyes ~ Meet Me? beautiful, do you by any chance follow the path of wicca?

From: Elaina
Date: 26 January 2001

Ali~ I enjoyed your new one as I do all your work. Wonderful


From: iLLbLeEd
Date: 27 January 2001

hi...i've been reading you guys for almost a year now..never quite got around to submitting stuff of my own..but after moving and finding love more or less unreturned..im thinking..hell why not...so i guess im gonna post alot of my work here..feel free to hate it..lol
Most of it is just an intrustion into my head...how i feel after giving up so much after 3 years and getting so little in return...

From: pilopersrettresser
Date: 27 January 2001

avery won who this read is a fad loser

From: Echolocation
Date: 27 January 2001

Hank Reardon/gray steel -- has someone read Atlas Shrugged recently or is it just a coincidence?

From: Ali
Date: 27 January 2001

Elaina~ All your new stuff is great...I mean, wow...I know that 'Bad Dream' feeling...awesome, girl! Um, if you ever wanna talk, email me, windy357@aol.com. Anywho, great stuff!
Love and light, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 27 January 2001

Niki~ 'I want to believe' and 'He doesn't know' were so great...'I want to believe' reminded me of a sheryl crow song, 'I shall believe'...anyway, my point was that I related to both of your poems...and they were really great. =)
Love and daises, Ali

From: Elaina
Date: 27 January 2001

Ali~ Really enjoyed the new ones, Like always beautiful.

Me aka Niki~ Good work loved the new ones.


From: Nino maniaci nino32@hotmail.com
Date: 27 January 2001

I once had love but now its gone.my heart wispers a sad love song .I hope to find my long lost love could it be in heaven with the stars above .My heart is dieing for you now why dont you anser my sweet love call please dont forget me when i go i just want your love thats all.

From: Lionel (not Richie)
Date: 27 January 2001

"Gertrude" let me tell you something. First of all, this site is no place for your personal shit. Get a grip on reality. Nobody cares about your lack of discretion. Second of all, you owe Britney Spears an apology. Maybe she didn't write the song but she sang it. You must be jealous. I'm sorry for you.

From: Gertrude Prescott
Date: 28 January 2001

To "Lionel":

First of all, let me tell you one thing... Good poetry is by definition personal. I take no responsibility for what my muse invokes in me. And let me tell you something else... I wrote the poem in question many years ago - and the emotions are still raw, so even posting it wasn't easy for me - so Ms. Spears had to have lifted it from me. Chew on that, Mr. "Lionel (not Richie)"...

From: Ghost of Ronnie Van Zandt
Date: 28 January 2001

I'm a-gonna come to where you live and WHUP your sorry Yankee ass, Miss Prescott. I know you ain't no Southern Belle, 'cause you ain't got no more sense than a jackass. And you SHOULD be scared, 'cause it takes a lot to bring me back from the dead like you done...

From: Riggs
Date: 28 January 2001

Gertrude Prescott.

Are you for real woman????

this is either the work of someone with no brains or an abysmal sense of humor.

From: the guppy
Date: 28 January 2001

*dialing a babysitter*

From: the guppy
Date: 28 January 2001

*wonders about tony clifton*

From: B.K.
Date: 28 January 2001

Gertrude; Honey you are flaming.....lol

From: carlsons@sympatico.ca
Date: 28 January 2001

Can you please post my Poems up and my storys i sent you


The love for Nicky Carswell Very complicated and serious. I have loved her for a long time now I just did not know it. Why I did not tell her before I don’t know. I probably missed out on the best years of my life. As the months go on so dose the time nearing till she moves. I just wish upon a star some how Nicky could stay with out hurting any one. I don’t feel hole without her. I don’t want her too moves it make me o to sad too think about her. I dream and toss and turn when I think about the time we could have spent with eachother. But I have lost it was destiny for me to lose I guess a very sad and disturbing destiny. Well I just hope in the new future she has in esponla is going to be happy for her. I will be following up on her. Sorta like a stocker but in a good way I will read about her successes in the newspaper.
I will read about her happiness in the newspaper. And hope that life passes faster and faster. I will see her family grow. There I will sit in my rocking chair when I am 35 lonely empty but happy at the same time for nicky.
I write poems till I am 86 in my little home in the forest and fish all day.
And think about the times me and nicky had togather I know it was short but it was fun and worth it and when I hit the 87. I will die in my little quite deselent cottage home that I had built by hand and become a star in the sky Shinning on beautiful nicky.

My Best Friend Lori

My best friend Lori, We met a while back we hung out many times and have had out fights. But all have been resolved a long time ago. We cried togather a few times. She helped me with my problems a lot. And I solved hers. She is beautiful with each passing day. Always changing in a good way. We went to the mall a few times as friends. We sit at the table with one of her friends from school. She tells me she is going to get something from the food court. Me and her friend talk she asks if I like Lori. I answer yes I like Lori. I like her lots. She say’s well why don’t you ask her out? I said I can’t she is my best friend. Then she says she will ask her out for me. I agree. Lori comes back and sits down at the table. Her friend tells Lori and me we would make a good couple. I say yes in my head. Her friend asks her out for me. She wasn’t she if she wanted to go out with me cause her heart had been broken had been broken by a guy. I get the impression that we are going out. We take the bus home. We joke and and laugh about the transit system. I don’t recall what happened but one of my ex friends was around my house. I was already angry with him. I walk down the hill and then tell him to leave. He Reply’s no. I push him and he pushes back we get in a fight. I do something drastic too end the fight. But it just made it worse it made Lori leave. I creed and I cried all night it was my entire fault it was stupid and foolish. I never ment to hurt her I love her. Day’s past I cried some more I rarely even saw her or talked to her. I cried a lot. Months past and I have been dreaming and thinking about her. I know for sure I love her, and why I want to be with her I asked her out last night I still haven’t got an answer yet. I am worried she will say no she makes me feel so good and energetic. Makes life worth living for. I would have never known where I would have ended up without Lori. She stooped me from suicide. Something I never want to think about doing again I love her.

From: carlsons@sympatico.ca
Date: 28 January 2001

Can you please post my Poems up and my storys i sent you


The love for Nicky Carswell Very complicated and serious. I have loved her for a long time now I just did not know it. Why I did not tell her before I don’t know. I probably missed out on the best years of my life. As the months go on so dose the time nearing till she moves. I just wish upon a star some how Nicky could stay with out hurting any one. I don’t feel hole without her. I don’t want her too moves it make me o to sad too think about her. I dream and toss and turn when I think about the time we could have spent with eachother. But I have lost it was destiny for me to lose I guess a very sad and disturbing destiny. Well I just hope in the new future she has in esponla is going to be happy for her. I will be following up on her. Sorta like a stocker but in a good way I will read about her successes in the newspaper.
I will read about her happiness in the newspaper. And hope that life passes faster and faster. I will see her family grow. There I will sit in my rocking chair when I am 35 lonely empty but happy at the same time for nicky.
I write poems till I am 86 in my little home in the forest and fish all day.
And think about the times me and nicky had togather I know it was short but it was fun and worth it and when I hit the 87. I will die in my little quite deselent cottage home that I had built by hand and become a star in the sky Shinning on beautiful nicky.

My Best Friend Lori

My best friend Lori, We met a while back we hung out many times and have had out fights. But all have been resolved a long time ago. We cried togather a few times. She helped me with my problems a lot. And I solved hers. She is beautiful with each passing day. Always changing in a good way. We went to the mall a few times as friends. We sit at the table with one of her friends from school. She tells me she is going to get something from the food court. Me and her friend talk she asks if I like Lori. I answer yes I like Lori. I like her lots. She say’s well why don’t you ask her out? I said I can’t she is my best friend. Then she says she will ask her out for me. I agree. Lori comes back and sits down at the table. Her friend tells Lori and me we would make a good couple. I say yes in my head. Her friend asks her out for me. She wasn’t she if she wanted to go out with me cause her heart had been broken had been broken by a guy. I get the impression that we are going out. We take the bus home. We joke and and laugh about the transit system. I don’t recall what happened but one of my ex friends was around my house. I was already angry with him. I walk down the hill and then tell him to leave. He Reply’s no. I push him and he pushes back we get in a fight. I do something drastic too end the fight. But it just made it worse it made Lori leave. I creed and I cried all night it was my entire fault it was stupid and foolish. I never ment to hurt her I love her. Day’s past I cried some more I rarely even saw her or talked to her. I cried a lot. Months past and I have been dreaming and thinking about her. I know for sure I love her, and why I want to be with her I asked her out last night I still haven’t got an answer yet. I am worried she will say no she makes me feel so good and energetic. Makes life worth living for. I would have never known where I would have ended up without Lori. She stooped me from suicide. Something I never want to think about doing again I love her.

From: Misti
Date: 28 January 2001

One thing about this site that has always bugged me is how when someone tries to inject irreverent humor into submissions and postings, people snipe and bitch and hurl insults. But when people consistently submit trite, horribly misspelled, half-ass poems and post poems on the Board, no one objects. So it's okay for people to fill the Blender with serious, "mature" poems that reek of cliche and self-importance...but God forbid someone comes in and pokes fun at the whole thing. There's a song written by Paul McCartney that goes,"I don't care what they say I won't live in a world without love." I refuse to live in a world without humor. Blah blah blah.
Oh...and it also boggles my mind how tons of people think a piece of crap like "Scary Movie" is absolutely hilarious. And Tom Green gets paid much money to be "immature." Just goes to show that a sense of humor, like art, is subjective.
I've had my fun with alter egos before and that didn't go over too well here. I doubt that this Gertrude chick is real but regardless, I'd rather read her shamelessly unoriginal submissions than strident ones.

From: Chris
Date: 28 January 2001

Just a short comment to say that I agree with Misti. Self-importance and hyper-seriousness is one of the major reasons why poetry is so unpopular in this country. I'm not defending "Gertrude" or any of the pranksters out there, but I just think everyone should lighten up a bit and realize that maybe--just maybe--the Blender would be a poorer place without their antics. I know I haven't really been a part of this community for some time now, but I'm sure I speak for many when I say that this site has always been most compelling when it served as more than simply a mutual-admiration society.

From: imani Thomas
Date: 28 January 2001

lately i,ve been bored and so i started to get on partylines so for a month i've been talkin to this
guy "shawn" we leave around the corner from eachother
and i never seen him tell me what i should do?

From: scqueen
Date: 28 January 2001

Misti ~ 'Long Overdue Blossoming' struck a chord. I think it's my favorite thing I've read of yours...ever

From: Ali
Date: 28 January 2001

Elaina~ 'Forgotten'...I know that exact feeling you're talking about...I never thought about putting it into words...I love it...Awesome job!

Angela~ 'Obsession' was very good...very powerfull writing..=)

Love and butterflies, Ali

From: B.K.
Date: 28 January 2001

The freedom to post is wonderful. As is the freedom to read or not to read. But then, so is the freedom to comment.


From: Me aka Niki
Date: 28 January 2001

2 Elaina~ Forgotten is very good
I always have that feeling
And I wrote the poem"when I'm with you"

2 Ali~Thank you
All of your new ones
arealso so gr8!
good job!!

From: dkonecny@look.ca
Date: 28 January 2001

your page came up when i typed in phoenix and ashes in a search. could you point me in the right direction? i cannot find the reference in your list.


From: Elaina
Date: 28 January 2001

me aka niki~ I really liked your new poems especially 'when I'm with you' Great job!

Ali~ are you suffering from a case of the missing muse you haven't posted in a couple of days and just thought I'd let you know you're missed.


From: deevaa
Date: 28 January 2001

Misti and Chris -- several weeks ago, I did comment about the quality issue, asking how hard it was to run a spell check over work before it is posted, I can live with a mis-spelled word here or there, but a whole poem full of them, well...

The comment caused hot debate, its all there on the board -- its in entertaining read in parts.

I've gotten to the 'why try and make the community a better place?' stage... why would I put any effort into commenting or critiquing the poetry if I am just going to get flamed? Its sad, and its a shame -- but I'll leave the back patters to pat the backs within their inner circle, and I'll post what I'm happy with.


From: Ali
Date: 28 January 2001

Elaina~ Yeah, the muse was MIA for a while...but i just posted one, hopefully it isn't too much of me rambling!

From: Misti
Date: 28 January 2001

scqueen~ thanks for the compliment. I was telling Chris last night that I really enjoy reading your poems. I can't think of any of the titles right now and I'm in a hurry to get on the road, but I was impressed by several of your new submissions.
dee~ it's really not a big deal, I know. I don't even participate that much anymore on the Board, mostly because my mom has my computer. Kirk has done a great thing with this site and I've always appreciated it. But I feel more comfortable submitting poems and leaving it at that. Posting on the Board always gets me into trouble and that makes me a nervous wreck.

From: scqueen
Date: 28 January 2001

Congrats! ~ to Gala & Akash for January picks at achase.com

From: Eric;surenoshark@hotmail.com
Date: 28 January 2001

It is a calamity that I have stumbled on this site. And ironic that I find that I am not the only hopless romantic in the universe.

From: B.K.
Date: 28 January 2001

Deevaa; 'Waterfall Woman,' She's absolutely beautiful, I love this one.


From: Angel Bella
Date: 28 January 2001

Stands with a Smile, I still come back and read your thoughts and I so happy for you that you have found the kind of love you wanted. You are a Special Man and deserve much happiness. You remain in my thoughts and in my heart.

From: Elaina
Date: 28 January 2001

Ali~ WOW WOW WOW!! Your muse returned with a big boom. Wonderful work. WOW!!!

me aka niki~ I loved 'walking in the rain'


From: lydia wilson
Date: 28 January 2001

hey bk, i come here every once in a while and see what everyone is submitting, i dont have much time to write anymore, so im glad to see such talent boiling here. but your work is great, you should consider publishing a book

From: Kathleen
Date: 28 January 2001

Yes I know my last post is not romantic love, but I beleive that sometimes there is something even greater. I hope that everyone can look beyond my poor skills as a writer and feel the emotion I felt that day.

From: hank
Date: 28 January 2001

to echolocation, the story is mine, i'm work obsessed, i just generally associate with that rand character the most, when i started reading about reardon it only took a second to say, hey that's me.

From: deevaa
Date: 28 January 2001

Hey!!! Did I miss the judging of the soppy competition or is that NEXT Friday?????

Gala! ohhhhhhh Gala!

From: the guppy
Date: 29 January 2001

oh good god...misti and chris, you guys just broke my brain...are you guys not making a serious issue of people supposedly taking things too seriously?...why do you care???...just be funny, and things will work out fine...ha


From: sarah dragonfleyes@excite.com
Date: 29 January 2001


I feel there might be some confusion about what my point was when we were all slightly heated a couple weeks ago about mispellings and all that jazz.

I just wanted to clarify.

I am not condoning mispellings. I like to spell things correctly, well i try too at least. And the occasional mispelling is all good, but yes, some of the spelling here are atrocious. I give y'all that.

I was commenting more on other posters and comments, about capitalizing and elipses, and other grammatical technicalities. Which sometimes in certain poetry can make it what it is.

It wasn't that i don't want to make this place more critical, I think it could work more on critiquing. That is partly why I do not comment that much, because instead of critiquing, we only hear about the poems someone likes.

But what could make someones poem, that someone didn't comment about better??? what could make it tighter, or whatnot?

But I think we can't be as technical as other places, such as pffa, where they do literally rip you to shreds sometimes if they don't like you.

They can be downright cruel.

But if we can somehow make this an atmosphere in which to do it in a friendly manner, instead of cutting down criticizing and being condescending, then that would be terrific.

I am not directing these comments at ANYONE, just so no one gets all heated up.

I apologize if I offended anyone before with my comments about this topic. I did not mean to do so.

If anyone does have any comments, please feel free to email me about it.



From: Angeli
Date: 29 January 2001

Me aka Niki - Thanks for your comments on 'My Butterfly'

I have been having so many ups and downs lately and wrote 'Only Love is Real' last week....it's reflects on my mood that even though I have someone who loves me, my true love is towards someone else, he being 'the butterfly'. We had a chance to be together, but circumstances have kept us apart! :(


From: Eric Doral Ericginger@hotmail.com
Date: 29 January 2001

Love is

Love is a treasure love is a dream,

Love is a feeling nothing comes between.

Love is kind love is true,

With any hard time love will see us through.

Love is a sunset it's only the truth,

Love is a wishing well a fountain of youth.

Love is a fairy tale a dream come true,

Because I found love when I found you.

Eric TO: I

Keola Maria Love

Doral Canon You

From: Eric Doral Ericginger@hotmail.com
Date: 29 January 2001

Love is

Love is a treasure love is a dream,
Love is a feeling nothing comes between.
Love is kind love is true.
With any hard time love will see us through.
Love is a sunset it's only the truth,
Love is a wishing well a fountain of youth.
Love is a fairy tale a dream come true,
Because I found love when I found you.

By: Eric

Date: 29 January 2001

Sarah, I agree with you -- however having offered a critique I'll never do so again.

I didn't comment on her grammar -- I know mine isn't the best. I did suggest she try using a spellcheck.

It all comes down to intended audience, and in my honest opinion, if you post your work here you are implying that you are asking for comment, good or bad.

From: sarah
Date: 29 January 2001

i guess the only thing i could possibly suggest, is that maybe critique people here (i'm sure many of us regulars like b.k, terry, guppy, gala, me...etc etc etc) who you know wouldn't jump on you. I would gladly take a critique, i want to know how to tighten my writing, become more disciplined or what not.

so here:

I suggest a challenge. Maybe with in the next week, we can do that for each other. Things that might make our work more concise, or more poetically sound, maybe we can do that for each other. That we somehow should comment on at least a couple works or whatnot. (pffa does that, three critiques for every one work submitted, i think that is a good thing about them though).

Maybe if people see that we do it in a meaningfull manner as friends, they will see that we mean them no harm, just a better way for their poeticism to come across.

how about that?


From: deevaa
Date: 29 January 2001

sarah, several of the regulars have gone to fields greener, one commented that the blender has become more like a teen chat board than somewhere they wanted to share their poetry, go to new subs I'm not the only one who has been posting less and less this month.

From: deevaa
Date: 29 January 2001

by the way -- thats a great idea.

From: the guppy
Date: 29 January 2001

dee,sarah,misti,chris,anyone else who doesn't like to critique here because of being jumped on---just go for it if you want to...yes, some people are hyper-sensitive, but you guys should consider a decent critique as a desensitizing agent of sorts...go ahead and tell somebody that they should use a spell check...and maybe after the fiftieth or so time they'll get the point that you're not attacking them, just commenting on their writing...either that or they will ignore you, or see you as a big meanie, or whatever...but you might, just might, actually make a difference...be a meanie, damnit!!!...my chemistry teacher in high school was the biggest prick if you didn't know the answer to one of his questions...he would make you answer every question for about a week...i thought he was the devil at the time, but i look back at him as someone who actually gave a rat's ass about what his students learned...and he was one of the very best teachers i had...

part of being a critic is being seen as a jerk by some people...don't let it bother you...it goes with the territory

and damnit, sign your name to your comments...speak your mind, and don't pretend it's not yours

enough of my long-winded crap for now,


From: sarah
Date: 29 January 2001

but if we dont' post our stuff deevaa, then it is going to become a teen chatboard. We know what is substance and what isn't. Things go in cycles, and maybe those things are cycles. Maybe the posting of sappy teenager love stuff is just a phase the blender is going through.

Then maybe instead of giving up on it, we should do something about it, and preserve what brought us all here and kept many of us here for quite some time.

From: deevaa
Date: 29 January 2001

ummm oppps, nameless was me. I always own my comments, I wrote it in another application (with spell check) first... that was an honest mistake.

From: deevaa
Date: 29 January 2001

I'm not giving up on it, I'm just posting less of what I write.

The stuff best stuff, except yesterdays sub that went with "the lady of autumn" which was crap.

From: Brian (swag39729@aol.com)
Date: 29 January 2001

Y judge people on there spelling and grammar of a poem, it's not the details of writing the poem that matters. It's all about expressing a thought or feeling you have in your mind and putting it on a piece of paper, so other people can read it and experience the same thought or feeling that you have had. That is the true beauty about poems that there doesn't have to be any rules or regulations, and that you can just be free and let your thoughts flow on a piece of paper, so other people can experience how you feel and relate to you in an unbiased and welcomed atmosphere.

From: the guppy
Date: 29 January 2001

spelling has much to do with the meaning of writing...their, there, they're all mean different things

if you don't care about spelling, then you have to be comfortable with the fact that a decent amount of people are going to relate to your work in the same way they relate to chewing on tin foil...


From: sarah
Date: 29 January 2001


i love you man, i love you!

Date: 29 January 2001

Gup, if you care about spelling so much, you should really work on your grammar for a perfect piece of literature. : )

Date: 29 January 2001

...and I haven't seen you commenting on much poetry, Mr guppy.

From: sarah
Date: 29 January 2001

you have a great lack of knowledge and/or heart if you are saying that to gup

who happens to be one of the most wonderful people on the face of this earth, with a heart to match

unfortunate others do not have one

From: Brian (Swag39729@aol.com)
Date: 29 January 2001

Hi all, I submitted a few poems today called "Angel on Earth" and "You, Who?" and was just wondering what you guys thought about it. If you guys have any opinions about the poems I wrote, I would love to hear them whether they are positive or negative.
THX Brian

From: scqueen
Date: 29 January 2001

since things are a little hot around here, i want to make sure no one confuses me with Whitney_23@yahoo.com who just posted a poem, since many of you know that's my first name.
just so you know...

From: deevaa
Date: 29 January 2001

RE: THOSE nameless comments ... as shaggy would say: "wasn't me."

From: the guppy
Date: 29 January 2001

I'm not grammatically challenged. I just pretend that I am. Yes, I do recognize the previous thought as a symptom of denial, and I am actively seeking a support group. The Literary Society for Elliptical and Capitalizational Awareness has sent me their newsletter. They don't like me much. I don't blame them.


From: scqueen
Date: 29 January 2001

gup ~ i love your attitude :-)

Date: 29 January 2001


BY:SHARON J GOODE...1/29/2001

From: the guppy
Date: 29 January 2001

I don't comment on specific pieces of poetry very often.

sarah...thanks, but no need to be protective...if this conversation progresses towards ridiculousness (i'm not sure that's a word), i'll be the first to laugh about it


From: sar
Date: 29 January 2001

ah well gup

i've known you for how many years now

of course i'm gonna be defensive on your behalf

you are wunderbar!

hey i'm having kittens, want some?

(i'm not specifically having kittens, my cat is having kittens)

From: Ali
Date: 29 January 2001

Elaina~ Aw, thank you! Thank you very much, glad you liked them...I really thought all your new stuff was great...I especially loved, 'I've got you figured out'...that was really awesome!
Love and dream, Ali

From: Elaina
Date: 29 January 2001

CORRECTION: sorry after I pressed send I decided I wanted to retitle "a place i once knew" to "a place they once knew"
thanks. it makes more sense that way.


From: Elaina
Date: 29 January 2001

Ali~ I really liked then I will.
PS contradiction makes for the best poetry...I believe.


From: Angela C Ubaldo angieubaldo@hotmail.com
Date: 29 January 2001

~Ali: I really liked your poem, saving grace. It was beautiful.

From: Brian (Swag39729@aol.com
Date: 29 January 2001

Hi, -ALI- I just wanted to let you know that most things bore me and it's hard for anything to grab my attention, but I read your most recent poem and found it so beautiful that I ended up reading all of your poems in the new submitions section, because each new poem of yours I read pulled me to the next.

From: slug
Date: 29 January 2001

dee - please don't stop posting. i know that i don't so much - but this site has become a cornerstone in my life - and your poetry is as much a part of that. you and gala (who never did judge those sappy poems...) and guppy and jack, and scqueen, and oh - everyone who's been here and been so supportive. i missed a few days - crazy weekend and came back to see all is discord. i don't care that guppy's grammar is off - let it be. that's my favorite thing about cummings and the beats. i don't care that there's an occasional misspelled word. i care that i can open this site for the ten minutes i get free a day and see that there are other people in the world who are very similiar to me. which, in the outside the computer world, are very rare. i guess this wasn't just to you - but i know that people read almost everything (we're a community of print-junkies we are) and if it weren't for kirk and his marvelous blender i would never EVER share my poetry. so don't stop sharing yours, which was the point of this.

and who cares if guppy never comments? it just makes the rare comments he makes that much more impacting. so there.

From: Galadrial
Date: 29 January 2001

Okay folks...

I've been stressing and straining here, and I have come up with five entries that I think match the criteria for "icky with style". All of them were fun---and I truly enjoyed reading them.

But since I am a tease---(very evil grin) I am not annoucing my picks until after the Big Kahuna does the Feb Blender! Go ahead...beg...plead...ply me with costly trinkets...it will do you no good. But since I had a private challenge going as well, I must admit that one of the entrants has "OUT ICKED" me, but good...

So Kahuna---drumroll please?

Love Gala,

Grand Mistress of the Icky Supreme Poetry Challenge 2001

From: Elaina
Date: 30 January 2001

SORRY EVERYONE: I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all the typos' in my recent poems, I write late at night and sometimes when I'm in a hury, so I hope you still understand them.


From: Angela C Ubaldo angieubaldo@hotmail.com
Date: 30 January 2001

I recently submitted a few poems. I would appreciate any feedback anybody has.

From: Michael (comments)
Date: 30 January 2001

Sorry I've been unresponsive. Been sick lately. This contains hopefully constructive criticism -- those uninterested can skip on..

Ali ~ I like your stuff. I think you have a knack for finding good universal abstractions. "For we are engineered
To handle the lies And shy From the truth Always Underestimating The impact of illusion." I like that one.
I just see two tendencies. Sometimes you use too many abstractions that seem overused, and dilute their impact by using so many. And sometimes, your stuff. Just seems. To end. In Midsentence. All the. Time. I like it when the pauses are used to emphasize a break, word, or phrase. And yours do. They just emphasize so many breaks, and there are so many pauses that I lose the flow. I'd like to see more variance between long and short phrases personally. If you listen to the radio, perhaps you can think of it in terms of music. If you keep breaking the flow of the music, you lose track of the music. But you can use lots of breaks, if you use them according to some sort of rhythm. An example of what I mean is Madonna's new song "Don't tell me". I'd like you to add that tool of varying phrase length to your works. But at the same time, I don't want you to lose what makes your works yours. Remember, your style is your style.

Niki ~ First of all, I liked "Love you still". I felt close to that once. I've noticed that most of your work is directly to him. Now I had this problem where I posted directly to a woman once, a long time ago. Most people didn't want to read that. Thank goodness, because at the time I was on the frayed edge of sanity. My recommendation is that you write more of your works to us. Tell me about him and you. But also, tell me something that is special. What about him and you makes him and you special? For example, you guys kissed. What makes that special? You kissed after 3 seconds after being apart for a little while? What was the kiss like? Where? What's a personal detail that would make this interesting or exciting? Give us something that is Niki, something that is no one else -- but also give us something that we can relate to, that we'd have felt, that is universal. For example, in Deeva's "Isn't the sense of smell a strange and wonderful thing?" she mentions sniffing a cologne in an elevator. She names the cologne. she mentions the man, and gives me a picutre of him. I understand the sensation. I've smelled this perfume a lady wore and remembered her with fondness.

My point of view is that I want something with a hook, a personal touch, that is short and sweet or starts out strong and keeps on coming, or just catches me by surprise with some really sweet line. Because I don't have a lot of time to spend reading anymore, and I think that's the point of view of some of the uncommenting regulars. I don't know. Most of the regulars don't comment on me anymore. :-(

That's just some of my advice guys. Feel free to take my advice or not. As for me, I'm sure I could use some. I rhyme too often, ramble too much, and proofread too little. I'm egotistical at times, and my stuff is usually either depressed over some woman or giddy in admiration or bitter and upset. Sometimes it's incredibly singsong, and sometimes it has no hook. And I've been known to write long, boring unreadable things. Keep writing, because a) that's how you get better and b) you never know what someone's going to like. I'm reading.

From: Michael (short and sweet)
Date: 30 January 2001

Dee, and others...don't go. Please. Like life, this board is what we make it.

From: labsiejheng@yahoo.com
Date: 30 January 2001

i like all love stories, how could i send my love stories in your channel. coz i want you guys to know my love stories and for you to help me about it.

pls.....email me back


From: deevaa
Date: 30 January 2001

I never said I was going to leave. Sorry folks its harder than that to get rid of me.

From: Galadrial
Date: 30 January 2001

There's been awful lot in the blender lately that has simply discouraged me, or disenheartened me. The place doesn't have the same feel. It's like watching your favorite restaurant come under new management. The first they do is change the menu---then the staff---maybe the decor---and all of a sudden, you don't have a reason to be there anymore.

I am not going to waste my oxygen by lecturing. I am certainly no sole arbitor of poetic truth. But frankly kids, this sucks. I have actually read people saying that poetry does not count---just content. I've heard whines and squeals about punctuation, form and style---and actually read more than one person gripe about "picky". What's so important about punctuation, or spelling anyway? Well why bother using words, if that's your thought? After all, words limit your pure creativity. Let's just grunt---or make funny little sounds that please us!

Someone is missing the point that poetry is a form of communication. If you fail to communicate your feeling, then the whole thing is sort of pointless. They adopted "whole Language" in my daughter's school, and told the children that "now anyone can be a writer".

Oh Balls. Writing is a skill. Poetry is a genre, and once upon a time, it was respected. I reject the notion that anyone who slaps words to paper is a writer, much less a poet. I don't even call myself a poet---and last time I checked, half a dozen sites are carrying my stuff. Big deal.
I would rather have a poem of mine hammered, then hear a dozen people tell me how wonderful it is---because once I get beyond the "OW" of ego, there is usually useful info in the hammering.

This morning, I picked two poems from the subs at random. Forget critique. I counted. One used the word "I" 15 times,
"dreams" 16 times, "of" 15 times, and "a" 17 times... The piece has maybe 250 words total. And 63 of them were either nothing words, or generalities?

I was taught to make each word count. Note---I did not even bother to count the "the's", easily the most often used word in the english language. Do the math. Nearly 100 words of 250 had no content ro speak of. Now tell me again that form means nothing over content?

And for the new people---I have tried very hard to keep the blender experience going. I introduced "bumping" when everyone seemed to run out of juice at one time---made challenges when no one seemed to know what to write anymore.
I have enjoyed writing with, and reading the works of a diverse group---but when new people came on board, they seemed happy to learn---not intent on changing everything to suit themselves.

Grunting is not art.
Emoting is not expression.
And flinging verbal vomit on paper or screen is not poetry, not even prose.
The Blender will go on. It will not make civilization collapse if it changes. But it's the feel of the place that's different.

So Says Gala

From: Gala
Date: 30 January 2001

Guppy happens to have a remarkable gift---and style besides.
Like Picasso, he knows the rules---and learned them before he decided to invent or improvise.

Guppy and Riggs? You guys rule in my book!

From: slug
Date: 30 January 2001

guppy - enjoyed the avenue. especially the line "i've already taken credit for everthing i wished i'd said." (which i probably misquoted) as one who quotes people more often than using her own original phrasing - it struck a chord. as did the rest of it. i'd venture to put it on your top ten list.

From: the guppy
Date: 30 January 2001

slug...thanks, i really liked that line too...just one of those that felt perfect when i wrote it down...you actually got a slightly different meaning from it than i originally intended, but it carries the same, if not more, impact...i was hinting at something along the lines of how we sometimes don't bother to say things that we think...and the taking credit for them part was about how when we're angry, we sometimes just get fed up and assume that everything that should be said is already known...why bother to explain common knowledge?...anyway, your interpretation is easier to nail down, and i like it just the same


From: Ali
Date: 30 January 2001

Du'Doll~ I loved 'All That I Am'...really heartbreaking, powerfull writing...great one!

Guppy~ 'The Avenue' was really awesome...I really, really liked it!

Michael~ 'Whiskers' was cute...the feet comparison was a little strange, but I liked the rest very much...the end was great!

Anonymous~ Whoever you are, I don't know if you'll read this...but I wanted to say that I realy loved 'Unrequitable' It was amazing...I really loved it, I can't tell you how much...Good job!

Love and smiles, Ali

From: Ali(again)
Date: 30 January 2001

Angela~ Thanks!

Brian~ Wow...I don't know what to say except thanks....thank you very much.

Michael~ Thanks for the adivce/critque...I appreciate it very much...Thanks!

Everyone~ Ok, I haven't been posting very long...and maybe I shouldn't butt my nose in, but I just have to say something...I love this place...and everyone it...I love it because of how people are sharing, and how everyone writes differently...I don't want anyone to go away, and not post anymore, b/c everybody here contributes something special...and I certainly can't stop anybody from not posting...but I wish I could...because everyone here is amazing...Gala said that there was a different feel here...if there's anything I can do to make things feel better, let me know, k?
Love and hopes, Ali

From: Elaina
Date: 30 January 2001

Ali~ You need to write...I need to read your wonderful, wisdom filled words. Call a rent-a-muse or something.

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 30 January 2001

2 Michael~thank you so much for your comment
and advice!!

2 Deevaa~ "isnt' the sense of smell a strange and wonderfull thing"
I wrote a poem now like that
Because Those smells on guys
They always have a big impact on me
Good Job!

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 30 January 2001

Man, I'm worried the "Valentine's Issue" isn't gonna be much special, I don't even know what I'm going to do for the ramble or review...

From: deevaa
Date: 30 January 2001

Kirk -- Is it an issue of quality?

From: Tanqueray Cowboy <TanquerayCowboy@hotmail.com>
Date: 30 January 2001


Well spoken! Thank you for ALL of your submissions and contributions to the Blender Board.

Thanks to everyone else for all the open, honest and talented works found in the Blender.

There are "rules" in writing. Spelling, punctuation and capitalization DO count... and EVERY day is a pop quiz.

Every language has rules. Some of those rules exist merely because of the weight of time and tradition. Others exist and endure because they are neccesary in order to communicate MEANING to the reader or listener.

"Art" IS often about breaking rules. However, an artist must learn what the Rules ARE before she or he can successfully break them. Art is, after all, about communicating -- and sometimes an overly rigid structure hinders that communication -- more often though, it helps.

I've run no spelling or grammar checks on this post. Likely, I've accidentally broken a rule or two. Anyone know a good editpor?

From: Tanqueray Cowboy <TanquerayCowboy@hotmail.com>
Date: 30 January 2001


I pray -- to anything and anyone -- that the person you describe in "my son", regardless of who it might be, will find peace, patience and strength.


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 30 January 2001

Dee-- I dunno, i just seems like the Valentine's issue should be special or different or something, but I don't
have the energy/resources to really come up with a good idea for it.

From: Kathleen
Date: 30 January 2001

TC- Thank you. It may not seem that those two words mean very much anymore in this day and age, but your words were written to comfort and though I am now crying once again I found them to be so. Again thank you.

I would like to say something else while I am posting this, about the conversation that has been taking place lately.
e.e. cummings was a brilliant poet, so was Emily Dickinson. As were many others. Each knew the proper machinations of a poem. Their education was obivous even as they were breaking rules. But when you have to read a line three of four times because someone is such an atrocious speller it takes away from the emotion of their work. They do not do themselves or others credit.
I am not saying that I am Ms. Perfect, far from it. But I know that people sometimes can see things that I cannot because I am too close to see clearly.
Anyway, that is enough of my rambling I am sure. If I have misspelled any words I am sure someone will jump on it.

From: sarah
Date: 31 January 2001


tell more stories, i want to hear more!!!

From: slug
Date: 31 January 2001

oh guppy - that's fabulous. i love to hear how my interpretation differs from the poets. wonderful.


KIRK - re:problems with the valentine's blender...why not a tribute to first loves? we all get valentine's day. we all fall in love. but what about that first time - the first kiss, the first look - the first smell...that only happens once. only a very memorable once. just an idea. perhaps it will spawn something remarkable from you :-)

From: Ali
Date: 31 January 2001

Kathleen~ You're poetry is wonderfull...'First Kiss' was very sweet.

Love and smiles, Ali

From: deevaa
Date: 31 January 2001

sarah thankyou -- I posted another story/ramble this morning, it was inpsired by a painting I finished last night called 'Just another heart'. I've found writing daily in this online journal really helps me focus on my art, and what I write.

Some days I just write how I feel, things I see, memories, other days I really try to get deep into myself. Whats really interesting is that you can either make the journal entries public or private, and I've found that I've almost nothing I want to hide, I've very little on private.

From: sarah
Date: 31 January 2001

dee thats really cool, where do you do this???? That would be something I would like to do, I've been greatly lacking in anything worth writing, so i think maybe just keeping a journal or something like that would be interesting.

I liked this story today too dee, i love stories, especially real ones. There is just something to them, that grips me more than fantasy or whatnot.

So keep em' coming baby!

From: deevaa
Date: 31 January 2001

Mine is http://www.xanga.com/deevaa both Terry and Gala have pages as well, if I can remember rightly you can click a link off my page to register, if not try http://www.xanga.com

From: Kathleen
Date: 31 January 2001

deevaa ~ just another heart, very sweet, very romantic, and I am very jealous *big grin*

Stands with a smile ~ I like how you used the idea of falling of the bed

From: Kathleen
Date: 31 January 2001

Ali~ A very big thank you! I usually write late at night after the children have finally gone to sleep, sometimes I wonder if being half dead on my feet hurts my writing. You know, wondering if what I think I am writing is actually what I am writing. Thanks again.

From: Kathleen
Date: 31 January 2001

Its me again... I just wanted to say that I just realized that I have first kiss posted twice, sorry about that dont know what happened. maybe because I am a blonde, (that makes a good excuse at times)
~ Gala ~ I just was wandering through the poems agains and read Bitch for the first time. I just want to say Excellent! Love your writing. ok I wont keep hogging up the board.

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 31 January 2001

Ali- Loved all the poems, especially "Maybe"


From: deevaa
Date: 31 January 2001

Kathleen don't be too jealous we are almost divorced now.

From: deevaa
Date: 31 January 2001

I am very sorry to hear that. Went through it myself and I know how painful it can be. If you feel like you could use an ear my email addy is mycelticmagick@hotmail.com good luck to you in the future, sweety.

From: Kathleen
Date: 31 January 2001

deevaa~ I am very sorry to hear that sweety, I went through a divorce almost three years ago, and I know how much it can hurt. If you feel like you need an ear, my addy is mycelticmagick@hotmail.com
good luck sweety

From: Kathleen
Date: 31 January 2001

*big dumb embarassed grin* I need to stay off this thing. DUH.

From: deevaa
Date: 31 January 2001

thanks -- but its all good... I'm not an unhappy sort.

From: laurie <lauriej7@hotmail.com>
Date: 31 January 2001

Hey guys I just wrote a poem and it's my first try at any poem. So i was just wanting some people to read it and see what you all thought. Let me know if I suck and should never write another again, or if it's okay for the first one ever.

From: laurie <lauriej7@hotmail.com>
Date: 31 January 2001

It's me again, sorry I forgot to tell you the title of the poem. It's called In My Eyes.

From: Du'Doll
Date: 31 January 2001


I thought your poem was really good, it shouldn't matter to you what we think. Never quit writing just because someone tells you to. Writing is from your soul, it is who you are. I thought your peom was really true. I understand exactly what you were saying

In Him

From: Gary
Date: 31 January 2001

I think it was you who was runner up in the achase competition. What an honor to be grouped in the same class as you. I really admire your work and as the winning poem was my first I shall now work at matching your high standards and work rate. Thanks for the insipration