* Poems and Sonnets

What love isn't
Edna St Vincent Millay
A Summer Sonnet
A seasonal twist on the Bard.
by Romana Machado, an interesting net celebrity
as it happens
Time compressed
caught by a friend of mind, Kyle Parrish.
Robert Francis thinks it's not such a bad thing to be woken up to look at the sky. "Persuade me"
From the collection of poetry 'Reflections on The Gift of a Watermelon Pickle'....
A rhyming little charm.
by Donald Hall. Also from 'Watermelon Pickle', an excellent collection of poetry, aimed at children, but refreshing for anyone...
To His Coy Mistress
The Rolling Stones have it wrong: time ain't on our side.
A piece of classic literature by Andrew Marvell.
A Short poem about the heart of The City
by Elise Paschen
One Art
The Art of Losing
by Elizabeth Bishop- found taped to a door at Tuft's english department
An Exercise in Sadness
A study in the other side of romance.
Gabrielle Glancy
Love Poem (for T)
A longing tribute
Jenny Mueller
Psalm 183
A religion of eros
Joseph Zitt, found on the Net
One Can
on human feeling and foliage,
David Ignatow, from 'The Prose Poem: An International Journal Volume 3'
Memory's a Traitor
A brief poem
M.A. Mohanraj, the 'ubiquitous Web Siren'
A well know poem
by Dorothy Parker, who can say more in 4 lines than anyone.
Baby, It's You
Keeping your sense of self and your beloved.
From a performance piece by David Cale
I Won't Send Roses
An apology from the musical "Mack and Mabel"
Jerry Herman
Love Armed
A good example of the lover's complaint,
Aphra Behn, a woman author of the 17th century
At First Sight
on the plausibility of sudden feeling
Robert Graves
To Alice B. Toklas
Strange, but beautiful.
Gertrude Stein

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