By Amanda (
Date: 9 November 1997


A glance
A stare
Two pairs of eyes
One pair cool and blue
The other pair is mine.
Is it the stare of two lovers?
I do not know
Was that a plea
or was that a glare,
that glimmer I detected?
Do mine cry sad
or do they ask hope?
I look up
our eyes
like reversed magnets
are pushed apart by
negative force.
I try to look into his brain
past those orbs
into his thoughts.
I ponder his expression
notice each change in muscle tension
each blink
his mouth
the tilt of his head.
Where I once detected kindness
even love...
I get nothing, only
blank aloofness.

I want to Grab your shoulders
And Shake
What is *wrong?*
Where have you *Gone?*
I want to Cry out to you,
if you Love Me
Say it
Act it
Hold Me and let me hold You!
but if you can't stand me
let me know
be harsh if you must
just don't Torture me with
your seeming Indifference.

I look away
but my eyes are drawn back.
His head is now angled away.
I cannot study it so well
like this.
His pen in his mouth
he talks to a friend
I am merely a distant onlooker.
The connection we made with our eyes
(that link of hope) is gone.
He, pretending oblivion
will not look my way again.

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