By Tinkerbell
Date: 4 November 1997
Third-to-Last Row
I watched you sing from the bottom of your soul,
Your words moved me in a way I've never known,
They really did move me...
Even in the third-to-last row.
All the girls swooned, the guys even smiled,
As you tauntingly crooned, I felt excited like a young child,
Your voice melted me to the core,
And you left me wanting-no-needing more.
You captured my heart, you entranced my mind,
To every other guy, you make me blind,
So although I may lose you - though you were never mine I know,
Will I be in your heart always, in the third-to-last row?
I know I keep my feelings locked in place,
But I think you saw "I LOVE YOU" was written on my face,
And maybe I was trembling when I was by your side...
So what if I looked a wee bit starry-eyed?
I will always watch over you - this much you know,
You unwilling placed me in the third-to-last row.
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