Date: 8 October 1997


At one time in my life I needed you so much
I lived for your smile, and dreamed of your touch

My heart would leap at the sound of  your voice
When I looked in your eyes my soul would rejoice

You said you loved me, I thought it was true
But look at me now, you've made me blue

You said you'd never leave me, but now we are apart
It took lots of tears and pain to mend my broken heart

Although I'll always love you and remember the fun we had
You're a sorry little bastard and you hurt me real bad

I know you think it's funny but only time will tell
PAYBACK is a BITCH and i hope you burn in hell

You were a great kisser I'd really have to admit
But when it comes to being a man, BABY YOU AINT SHIT!

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