By Char-Char
Date: 8 October 1997

I Don't Know

I don't know how to deal with this 
What I want to do is at an amiss
I know in my heart that I want to be with you
Yet I can't decide what I want to do
We have so much fun together and hate being apart
We had that connection from the start
We are always vibin' the right way
And you always find the right words to say
It's all-good, but it has to end
I know from day one this shouldn't have began
No, don't think it is because of your disability
Oh baby I see pass that completely
I don't know if I could deal with what people might say
I don't think I could deal with their unkindly way
I don't think I could deal with what my family would do
I don't think I could deal with them not accepting you
What do your mother have to say about this?
Do your mother know of who you kiss?
Do she know I even exist?
Would us being together make her pist?
What would she say if she found out what we do?
Would she be like my family and turn her back on you?
I just don't know if I could deal with all that comes with this relationship!
I do know you are the one man I want to be with.
All I can do is pray and ask GOD to make it right.
But how can GOD change me being Black and you being White?


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