By jaime
Date: 11 October 1997

empty room

an empty room
an empty chair
an empty heart

she sits alone
she sits, and waits
waits for her mind to stop
waits for the pain to stop
waits for her tears to stop

but they don't

she screams, and it echos
his name
sound rattling around the walls of an empty room
like the thoughts rattling around the empty recesses of her mind

she knew this would happen


but she didn't want it to


now the time has come
the time to cry
the time to hurt
the time to let go

he is pulling away

one by one her fingers will unclench
loosening their deathgrip
their lovegrip
letting go of the hand that has helped her so much
taught her so much
loved her so much

the hand doesn't go far
it's still there to help her
to teach her
to love her

still close....but so far away

the hand is hurting too
just as much
just as often

but they both know it is time
time to move on
time to let go

her scream dies away
not even an echo remains
only a tear
running down a lonely cheek
to splash on the floor
of an empty room

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