By jaime
Date: 30 October 1997

A Word?

I call you my friend.  
It’s a word.
Six letters.
Two vowels.
Four consonants.
You can look it up in the dictionary.
But do you know what it means?
What it means to me?
You ARE my friend.
I can think of you and smile.
I can talk to you and laugh.
I can go to you and cry.
You have that power.
You can wrap your arms around me.
You can make me believe.
Believe that it will be alright.
I want you to be my friend forever.
I want to know I’ll always have you there.
Someone who loves me.
You are my friend.
I don’t use that word lightly.
A friend must be earned.
And you must be cherished.
It’s not a word.
It’s a Godsend.
So do not take
your friend for granted.
Your friend loves you.
Even when no one else will.
Love your friends.

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