By Kyauna Miller 
Date: 24 October 1997


I'll be your saxophone, if you'll be my drum
So my notes you'll swing to and your rythm I'd hum.
Together we'll mesh creating vibes of sound,
Our notes in tune, our souls forever bound,
To the love we share, our melody,
Plays on my brass and with your beat.
Our hearts' language like notes on lines,
Our souls' longing like sassy tunes and rhymes.
Counting to your syncopaation I sing,
I'm stummin' your desires like they were strings.
Wanting your noise and your heavy beat,
To pound against me and take me deep, 
Into the pattern of our funky groove,
Making my heart sound and my spirit move.
That's the jazz I'm wishing for,
Not just music but something more.
A love, like sweet music to listen to,
Something strong yet smooth like my love for you!

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