By Mark Ilg
Date: 6 October 1997


Once departed from the lips
Never a word can be un-said.
So many things: emotions, thoughts,
Were tumbling in my head.

I said so many un-meant things
That could never be retract.
Things I doubt you can forgive.
I wish I had them back.


Tonight I wondered many things,
As I sat here all alone.
I thought of things that could have been,
Inside our happy home.

I pondered things that we would do,
And times that we would share,
We’d fall asleep in each others arms,
Dreaming sweet dreams without a care.

What could I possibly wish for,
If a wish were meant to be?
To spend my life in love with you
And you in love with me.

I thought of times we’d had alone
And together with some friends,
Of happiness and joy we shared,
Wished it would never end.

I went up to my favorite place.
I sat a while in thought.
Don't know what I thought I’d see,
What peace I could have sought.

The Aurora's lights danced overhead,
Their beauty filled the Northern skies,
I thought "not half as beautiful as you"
As the tears flowed from my eyes.

I behold the moon beyond the lights,
The stars beyond the moon,
And unlike the universe I see,
Our love, it ended all too soon.


I'm doing my best to let all go,
Not to hold to foolish dreams.
But dreams are where I can hold you,
Or that's the way it seems.

I remembered the poem I wrote
When our love was ever true.
The Last  few lines and what they meant,
So I'll send them, again, to you.

So now, Sweetheart, here it is
In this poem to you I'm sending
My love for you, like the universe
Is vast, and never ending...

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