By Bill
Date: 2 October 1997

A Moment In Time

                     Close your eyes and drift back in time,
           Remember the moments we shared on those cold rainy nights,
                         How we held each other close,
                          Our hearts becomming one,
               A moment in time when things for once felt so right.

                   Lost in an endless sea of joy and happiness,
                    Riding every wave with smiles and kisses,
                     Storms in the distance but we are blind,
                Caught up in ourselves leaving the world behind,
                  Love was plentiful filling our basket of wishes.

                 Skies darkened and wind crashed into our soul,
            A great bird appears clawing at our hearts and tears a hole,
                   Stealing our love further and further away,
                Hoping that we will again hold each other someday,
            But in through the tear of our hearts came rushing the cold.

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