By d
Date: 30 October 1997


She woke up, sleeping next to him.  She thought of the time, she
tried to picture her hair, in its beautiful morning glory.  She 
ran her tongue over her teeth, and wished for her toothbrush. 

She ran her hand along her side, and yearned for his touch. 

He was still sleeping, curled up with the blankets over his head. 
She pulled the comforter away from his face, and kissed his 
forehead.  Some people are embarassed by expressions of affection
that don't involve passion, she thought. 

I hope he's not embarassed, she thought, because I'm falling 
in love with him.

He stirred slightly, and she layed back down, not wanting to wake
him up.  He's so beautiful when he's sleeping.  She closed her 
eyes and listened to him breathe.  Screw the time, she thought,
I don't care.  

She drifted back to sleep. 

She woke up, sleeping next to him.  She thought of the time, she
tried to picture her messy hair, and she wished for a shower. 

She ran her hand over his hair, and died inside.  She wished she 
could wake him, tell him the thoughts inside her head, and then
she looked over at his sleeping face.  

And she died inside again. 

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