By Char-Char
Date: 11 October 1997

Yet I rather...

I want you 
Yet I do not

I know your feelings are true
Yet my feelings I stop

I want you by my side
Yet I want you far away

I know your feelings you will not hide
Yet I am pushing you away

I want the love you are willing to share
Yet I turn it down

I want the hugs that show you care
Yet I would rather have a frown

I want the long walks under the nite's eyes
Yet I rather walk alone

I want the spontaneous moments that make me cry
Yet I rather know what is going on

I want this relationship that could be it
Yet I rather not find out

I know you are the one I want to be with
Yet I don't want to know what you are about

I fight every nite about what I know I want
Yet I don't

You to leave me...I don't
Yet you to leave...I want

What is a girl to do?
I don't know

After all that I've been through
To go through it again...I won't

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