By Donovan Christoffer (
Date: 24 July 1998
I've been such a jerk through this whole ordeal
And you've been there, waiting, all the while
Me with my silly jealousy
You, patient, caring, my feelings your first priority
I always said I just wanted you to be happy
And still I'm the jerk
And the distance between us increases
Because of my jealousy
I'm so guilty of this crime
And you with the whole weight of this
Crushing down on your shoulders
The innocent bystander
Caught up in my twisted evil game
It's so unfair of me to act like this
And you just stand by my side and take it
The best friend tossed aside
Pushed out of the way
By the jealous pretenses of my "dance"
You, the innocent pawn
It was so wrong of me to be your friend
You, the innocent child
It was so wrong of me to have feelings for you
You, the innocent bystander
It was so wrong of my feelings of friendship to turn to love
You, the innocent soul
It was so wrong of me to offer you my heart
You, the innocent one
It was so wrong of me to feel hurt when you start seeing my best friend
And you are still innocent
And you still claim to be my best friend
And you say that you are so hurt
Because I won't talk to your new boyfriend
My ex-best friend
I turn my shoulder to him
And because of that I turn it to you
Best friend?
Would a BEST friend ever do that to another?
Have you ever really listened to me?
I've told you how I feel
And still I'm jealous
Your way to pin this on me
And make it all my fault
But I won't claim responsibility for this one babe
This is the decision that you and he made together
Without even bothering to tell me
I had to hear if from my true best friend
The one who really has been there all the while
My fault
I don't think so
Think back and you will know
I told you what it was
Think hard
Your actions
My pain
That makes me jealous?
You have the gaul to imply that you have lost your best friend
Because of my JEALOUSY?
Something burns within me
Way down deep
Something seethes inside me
Building up
And it sure as hell ain't jealousy babe
The more you try to brush this off on me
The more the white hot fire burns
It's better known as anger
It's better known as rage
And if you knew me half as well as you claim to
You would know that, in me at least,
Those feelings don't just happen without a good reason
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