By Janelle deCelis
Date: 14 July 1998

I can

I can write the most beautiful song ever written
but what's the point when just the sound of your voice can soothe an aching heart?

I can think of the sweetest poem and become the sweetest poet
but what's the point when all I have to do is hear to you speak to hear poetry in the making?

I can promise you eternity
but what's the point when you already know that I loved you yesterday, I love you today and for sure I'll love you tomorrow?

I can photograph the most intriguing of visions
but what's the point when the most captivating is right beside me?

I don't have to go far to hear the angels sing.
As far as I know, I'm already floating on a cloud.

I don't have to search for the riches of the world.
I already found the rarest of pearls.

I don't have to to reach for the stars
for my one wish has come true.

Eveything I have , everything I hope for, and everything I have dreamt about is in you.

I can give you the key to my heart
but what's the point when you have already unlocked it?

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