By Wade Erickson
Date: 12 November 1998

Dear Beautiful Woman

A woman with a benevolent heart
Is a woman most desirable
She has bestowed more love to others,
then she has received.
Dear beautiful woman
So close to my heart
I give you my hand
To help you through the wearisome times
And when your hands are tired and weak
Place them in mine
I am there because I love you
Our hearts will always know
That the friendship we share is without end
Sometimes I will not be there,
when you need my strong hand.
But the love in my heart can move mountains
Here is where you will find the strength
To go on one more day
Dear beautiful woman
May tomorrow bring you flowers
Like the ones I used to give you
And in every vase of flowers there is but one rose
That is for the woman with a kind heart

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