By Isolde
Date: 8 November 1998

Taking the Cup

A letter and poem to my beloved...

In the legend, Tristan & Isolde accidentally drank a draught, a magical potion
that bound their hearts together forever, though they could never be wed, for
they were not free.....if given the choice, would they have let such a 
bittersweet cup pass instead of drinking?  Knowing there would be the joy of
pure love, but the sorrow of separation?

Tonight, my beloved, you and I have made that choice.  Our bond now 
irrevocable, yet bittersweet.  So I wrote this poem for us, for we know full 
well that our love for one another, while eternal, must needs be ever cerebral,
ever pure.  Having freely made our choice.  Having taken the cup....


Drinking down Fate
Like Isolde and her true love,
Knowing the price
Yet still taking the cup.

Fully aware 
Of the vows that constrain us;
Promises made,
Honor bids us fulfill.

Hearts intertwined,
Though our bodies are parted,
Knowing full well,
Yet we drink, oh, we drink.

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